The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 184: Ghosts in previous years (2)

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The most terrifying thing?

I took a breath and was ready. Li Jiahao, Yang Xiaohui and Deng Lina were also nervous one by one.

Fang Guosheng paused again for a few seconds and said: "I saw the body of our deputy captain standing up from the coffin. At first, all of us were dumbfounded, and we all reacted within a few seconds. We wanted It ’s too late to press the vice captain back. "

"Our deputy captain suddenly stood up in the coffin, and he broke off a few of us who pressed him. His strength was amazing. Five or six people were thrown out of him by five or six meters. It was also crooked and slanted. "

"At that time, we thought that the deputy captain was dead, so no one used weapons, so I dared to say, Captain, what are you doing? But my voice just fell, and its face without a nose suddenly suddenly haha 'Laughing loudly, this time we people are completely scared.'

I casually asked Fang Guosheng: "Is your captain standing straight?"

Fang Guosheng shook his head: "It's not straight, and his body is crooked, as if his bones have softened. He stood up at that time and estimated that he would usually be below his chest."

This sign is an obvious "ghost supporting the corpse". As the name suggests, the ghost lifted the corpse. In other words, the ghost possessed a corpse and then controlled the corpse, but because the body is dead, Without Yang's support, this body would not stand upright.

The more masculine the person is, the stronger the standing will be, such as soldiers, and the weaker the person will be, the weaker the standing will be, such as the rickety old man.

Thinking about these things in my heart, I heard Fang Guosheng continue to say: "After standing up and smiling at us, he suddenly reached out to us, and then began to say, flesh and body are all for you, don't you want it, Give it to you, come and get ... "

When I heard this, I suddenly felt a little hairy. There is no doubt that Fang Guosheng ’s ghost of Fang Meilin they met decades ago was the one I met in Xinghualing two days ago, which has been in the past few years. The "red ghost" in this town.

At this time, Fang Guosheng's expression was already somewhat distorted. He continued to say: "Our captain said those words. All of us in the shed at that time were all stupid. Of course, we were all frightened."

"We didn't even think about running at that time, because we all knew that when we encountered a ghost like this, if we ran out of the shed, most of the night, one person was more afraid, so we got together, first See what our captain wants to do. "

"As a result, some of the enumeration actions taken by our captain completely scared us. He stood in the coffin, twisted his body, tilted his head, and began to tear the meat on his left arm with his right hand, one piece, two pieces. , Three pieces ... He just tore it off with his bare hands and threw it in front of us. We could n’t persuade what we said below. At that time, we did n’t know that our captain was controlled by Merlin. If we knew, we would never let the captain. Do it! "

I continued to ask, "What next?"

Fang Guosheng said: "The next thing is even more terrifying. Our captain finished tearing the flesh of the left arm, and began to use the bone of Sensen's left hand to die the flesh of the right arm, and agreed to throw the torn meat in front of us."

"At this time, our mental capacity has reached the limit, and we want to escape from this **** shed, but we can't find an exit, even the cloth tents of those sheds, we can't cut them with a knife, we All are trapped in the shed. "

I know that they are covered by ghosts, and a red ghost is trapping them easily in the middle of the night. It is a very easy thing.

Fang Guosheng continued: "When we can't bear these, we also realize that there is a strangeness in it. If it is our captain, he will definitely not do these terrible things to scare us."

"So we guessed that Merlin got on our captain's body, so we started to scold Merlin aloud. Sure enough, we didn't scold a few words, our captain's body laughed and turned into anger, while it digs its own eyes, While angry at us, 'How can you treat me like this?' "

After talking about Fang Guosheng, I started to pause again. At this time, I was a little impatient, so I asked him: "Does that sentence have any special meaning? Do you pause here."

Fang Guosheng said: "This sentence may not be impressed by others, but my impression is particularly deep. That is when I scraped Merlin's nose with a sickle, it said a sentence, the voice of the nose, I remember very clearly, So I'm sure that person is not our captain, but Merlin. "

"So I told everyone what I knew. From that moment on, we felt even more terrifying. A person who was killed by me suddenly stood in front of us with other people's bodies to make all kinds of horrors. Things scare us ... "

This thing is really terrifying. At this time, Zheng Lina could not hear it anymore. She stood far away to bask in the sun. Li Jiahao and Yang Xiaohui were also a little scared, so they leaned on me, presumably because of me Once revealed magical power, think I am more reliable.

Fang Guosheng continued: "After knowing that the person is Merlin, we are welcome. We picked up the guy in our hands and started desperately with him. He has already killed our captain, so he will definitely not let us go, so We did n’t worry about fear at the time ... "

"But our next attack made us fall into extreme despair and fear. We cut it with a knife and chopped it off, but it can still move, and if our people are accidentally When he catches it, it will use its sensuous white bone fingers to directly find the person's heart that was caught, and then pull the heart together with the blood vessels ... "

Speaking of Fang Guosheng here, I can't bear it anymore. I turned around and vomited directly. Li Jiahao and Yang Xiaohui were okay, but my face also seemed a bit disastrous.

Seeing that I was vomiting badly, Li Jiahao asked me: "Xiaoyong, your psychological quality is too bad."

I said: "You know a fart, I have seen similar scenes with my own eyes, he will make up my brain as soon as he talks, and I can't take it anymore to make up my stomach."

After talking, I bent down and vomited for a while.

When I was almost vomiting, I straightened up and said: "You can focus on the point and say, don't be too detailed, my stomach can't stand it."

These things have been hidden in Fang Guosheng's heart for so many years, and now there is finally an opportunity to reveal it. Naturally, I want to tell every detail, so although I say this, Fang Guosheng still tells things in detail. The next thing is probably Is such that--

A group of them beat the ghost support corpse for more than 20 minutes, and finally the ghost support corpse was hit by them, but their people were also a dozen dead, leaving only 13 people alive, the entire shed has been It became a sea of ​​blood and a quagmire of internal organs.

All of them stepped on the internal organs of their companions ...

They didn't know when Merlin left that night. Everyone who died was dead, and the people who survived were also fainted by several extreme vanities and fears, until the next day someone discovered what happened here.

This incident shocked the town, but it also became an unspeakable taboo in the whole town. It is said that several curious people told their relatives, but his relatives went crazy.

Later, a few people also told others about this, but they didn't get any good endings. Later, this thing became a taboo, waiting for a time, except for the older generation and the younger generation. Almost don't know.

Speaking back to that time, more than a dozen people died in the shed. At the beginning of this incident, it was naturally posted in the town, but at that time the country was still fighting, and no one would care too much about these things. The town A few seniors in the past found a senior monk to do it, hoping to put this matter to rest.

However, the Buddhist method emphasizes "goodness" and is too "good", so the monk temporarily sealed Merlin on Xinghualing, hoping that over time, he will be able to resolve his hatred and get reborn.

It is a pity that Merlin, the kindhearted monk, has no soul, because in recent years, Meilin has come out to "harm" people.

Of course, the story Fang Guosheng told us is not over yet ...

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