The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 203: Haunted Land (4)

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Prior to coming to this barren village, Master Liu was ready to fight a protracted battle, so no matter whether it was dry food or water, we had half a month's share. Obviously, I wanted to end this adventure earlier. It was impossible.

Yesterday's rush to the road and the night of following the ghosts to play the "play" with the ghosts, I was really tired and choked, so after eating a meal, Master Liu and I fell asleep until the evening, if it was not the wind at this time Some 凉, I feel I can continue to sleep.

This is my first time sleeping in the wild in the winter, so after waking up, I felt sore all over. Fortunately, I was born as a kung fu practitioner since I was a child, otherwise I had to fall asleep.

When we woke up at night, we ate something, and Master Liu said, "Okay, those two ghosts should get up. Let's replace them now."

So Master Liu and I posted another stealth again and sneaked back into the deserted village again. Master Liu first went to Xing Tiankui's house, helped me get Xing Baojia's ghost on his body, and then he sneaked back to Xing Baoyi.

After Xing Baojia got on me, at first I felt very relaxed, but suddenly I felt a lot of unknown information flooded into me. There were many things that "I" did not experience yesterday, such as Liu Yangyi Xing Mancai beat him because he lost a sheep, and he deducted his wages for half a year.

At the same time, Liu Yang'i's money was stolen by the brothers Xing Kai and Xing Jun, and the brothers laughed at him.

Then there is Liu Yangui sitting on the street and crying, but Liu Yangui ’s crying did not exchange sympathy, but instead was a sneer from other villagers in the village.

"Look, Liu Yang'e was beaten by Brother Mancai again ..."

"That's right, deserved, who made him lose the big man's sheep."

"It might be because he secretly rushed to the town and sold it."

When I heard this, my brain showed how Liu Yangyi explained while crying: "I didn't, I didn't. The sheep was a hideout when I was hiding from the bandits. If it wasn't early for me, the bandits took the sheep. Robbed."

Liu Yangtu explained there, but no one believed him, because everyone felt that if he met a bandit and he drove a group of sheep, then the big movements could not run away.

Liu Yang'i said that if the sheep listened, he kept the sheep silent, so the sheep wouldn't make any sound, so they found some hidden mountain roads and avoided them, and the bandits came here from outside. Unfamiliar with the terrain, so he could not be found.

Of course, no one believed his explanation.

In addition, there are countless new memories, but the strange thing is that most of these memories are related to that Liu Yangyi.

There is also the matter of the bandits coming to the village. The bandits took a lot of food and things from their villages. Of course, there were some sheep that Liu Yangyi helped Xingman's wealthy family. Xingman's wealthy family kept half of the sheep.

Of course, because of this, Xing Mancai hit Liu Yangyi again, saying that Liu Yangyi did not like his sheep.

On this day in the ghost world, after meeting with Master Liu, Master Liu told me that the situation on his side was similar to mine. I was curious to ask why, and Master Liu said: "I paid careful attention to those things. The time when the child happened, it was found that it was exactly a whole year, so this ghostland was not a day, but a year, and they unknowingly passed a year after they fell asleep! "

Now there are still 14 days in which the murderous opportunity appears, and every day is one year, that is, 14 years, plus yesterday's year, exactly fifteen years, and I suddenly feel that I have caught some clues.

Master Liu also knew what I was going to say: “Let ’s go and see the goat, we need to know what happened to him so that he will hate the people in this village so much.”

So Master Liu and I went to Liu Yang's residence. At this time, I found that Liu Yang'i's door was locked, and there were no sheep in the sheepfold. It seemed that Liu Yang'i had let the sheep go.

So Master Liu and I went to the village entrance and waited for Liu Yang'i to come back. We waited for a while at the village entrance, and we heard the sound of the sheep bell, but this time the voice was obviously much more rushed than the last time. It ran back.

At the same time, we also heard Liu Yangyi shouting: "The bandits are coming, everyone runs, the bandits are coming ..."

As soon as the bandits arrived, the entire village quickly rushed back to their homes, and then locked the door.

When I asked Master Liu what to do, Master Liu said, "We follow Liu Yangzhuo!"

So we ran together with Liu Yangyi, and ran to Xing Mancai's door. Liu Yangyi shouted, "Dongjia, Dongjia, and bandits, come and rush the sheep into the yard. Hurry, let me go in and hide."

The door of Xing Mancai ’s family was tightly closed, and several nursing homes said to Liu Yangyi: “The Dong family said, let you be optimistic about the sheep, and one less will deduct your salary for one year.”

Liu Yangzhu was very busy, but he had no place to avoid, so he hurried all the sheep into the adobe house where he lived. Master Liu and I did n’t go in naturally. Master Liu found me in a corner and beat me with the ghost of his body. Come out, and let them run away, and then we posted another invisible character lurking near Liu Yangyi's residence.

Because this Liu Yangtu's encounter is definitely the key to the formation of the barren village.

Then I saw more than a dozen people riding a horse into the village without a spear, and then they came straight to Xing Mancai's family. This Xing Mancai's family was the richest. The bandit must have robbed them first.

Sure enough, the bandits arrived outside the door of Xing Mancai. They first shot a few shots into the sky, and then shouted into the courtyard: "Xing Mancai, you'd better come out honestly, or wait for us to get in, and it's not just your thing that you grab. , Your life will be collected together with you. "

After talking about the bandits, he shot a few more shots into the sky, and suddenly a few people dismounted to kick the door, and a few others whistled at the courtyard.

And all Liu Yangyu looked at in his eyes. While appeasing the sheep, he watched the movement at the door of Xing Mancai, and the sheep seemed to be very spiritual, curling up next to Liu Yangyu silently.

I was thinking that if Liu Yang did not say anything, those bandits would never come to rob such a broken house.

After a while, the bandits began to disperse to the village to catch people, leaving only a few people to continue to call Xing Mancai's door. After a while, Xing Mancai's door was finally opened. Xing Mancai prepared some money for the bandit's head, hoping to let it go He, the head of the bandit received the money and kicked Xing Mancai, and then let the two men continue to enter the yard to search.

At this time, other bandits gathered more and more villagers to the door of Xing Mancai's house. These villagers either held a few pieces of broken money, or carried some food, or carried chickens and ducks ...

Obviously these are to be contributed to those bandits.

When I saw this scene, I couldn't help sighing: "Hundreds of people in this village have been robbed by a dozen bandits. I really can't see it. One person cut the kitchen knife and chopped those bandits out."

Master Liu said, "You can just look at it with peace of mind. This is just an image in the ghost world."

I suddenly added a sentence: "It's just that these images have happened, right."

If Master Liu didn't speak, we will continue to look down. Of course, our main focus is still on Liu Yangyu.

When the bandits saw that they were almost there, the boss began to speak, saying that the villagers here did not cooperate and wanted to teach them a lesson.

So the bandit took the most prestigious Xing Mancai here. They first beat Xing Mancai, and then beat Manchu's wife and son.

Then the bandits did n’t feel too addicted, they started beating the villagers here, and then a few bandits even shot out to touch the girls in the village, some of them were twelve or thirteen years old, and even two bandits. Already prepared to drag these girls into the house to ...

Even so, no one in the village dared to come out to resist.

Just when I was about to look down, the door of Liu Yangtu suddenly opened. He carried a leather whip in one hand and rushed over with a few stones in the other hand. While rushing at him, he shouted: "Let go My host, do n’t move my folks, you **** bandits. "

As he said, he slammed the ground with a whip.


This whip rang through the clouds.

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