The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 217: Purple robe ghost king

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When I heard the ghost king say let me invite his real body to come, I didn't react for a while, so I asked in my consciousness: "What?"

The ghost king hummed and said: "What a fart, find a place that is not easy to be attacked, I will teach you to use my real power, and then drag down what you think you are your righteous father, and your uncle How long?

At this time, Master Liu and Uncle Sima are already exhausted. Most of the two people will be injured, even ...

So as soon as I clenched my teeth, I ran more than a hundred steps back, and at this time, Master Liu and Uncle Sima had followed Liu Yangtu to the streets of the deserted village. But in a few minutes, he was shocked by the aftermath of the three great supernaturalists.

At this point, I had retreated to the entrance of the barren village, and I could see Master Liu's battle from afar.

Seeing the situation is critical, I asked the ghost king what to do, and the ghost king said: "Before that, I have two points to explain to you, you can listen."

Now Master Liu and Uncle Sima are already in danger. I am naturally in a hurry, so I quickly urge the ghost king: "Hurry up and say."

The ghost king told me in a low tone in my consciousness: "The first point is that using this supernatural power will accelerate the deterioration of your spiritual purpose to a certain extent. In other words, it will reduce your life span in disguise."

It ’s plain to say that life is lost. In the current situation, the four of us together are not opponents of Liu Yangyi, who is controlled by that thing under the coal mine. If I ca n’t fight, I will be eaten. It ’s safe for everyone, so I said, “No problem!”

Seeing my answer so decisive, the ghost king smiled: "Good boy, I like your spirit, and the next point is the second point. After you use the magical power I taught you, your body will be completely controlled by me. , Because my real body came through the contract between us, I still can't get rid of your body, this side effect is that the contract between us temporarily fails, you may never again in one to two years Ca n’t use magic. "

When I heard this, I said, "This is all right. At first, you left me for three years. I didn't get through that time, let alone this one or two years."

Listening to me saying this, the ghost king suddenly smiled and said: "Your kid really has no conscience, okay, after helping you this time, I should go to the local government and ask for a block, so that the next time you invite me out, I can scare a group of people just by signing up, haha ​​... "

The situation is very urgent now, and I really have no mood to hear the ghost king say this: "Do you teach or not?"

The ghost king said: "Well, listen to me, my method is my secret method that I don't teach. I will teach it to you now, unless you switch to my door and the disciples revive my school. The second person, otherwise you will suffer the disaster of the Five Thunders and you will make a vow now. "

At this time, I only cared about Master Liu ’s situation, and I did n’t think much about it. I immediately took the oath according to what the ghost king said. This time, the ghost king passed on this magical formula to me, and I was sure After completely writing down, the ghost king said: "Okay, before you ask my deity to come over, you need to disperse the magic skill first. This may take a quarter of an hour, I hope you don't die."

When I took a deep breath, I dismissed the skill of asking.

After the dissipation, I became a little uncomfortable as soon as I was light, but soon I read a few meditation curses to stabilize my state of mind.

At exactly this time, I saw Master Liu being hit by Liu Yang's punch in the chest, and then the whole body flew out, and I shouted in a hurry: "Fair Father!"

My voice was very loud. Master Liu was injured and fell into a pile of loose stones, so there was no response for a moment, but I reminded Liu Yangyu in my life. He looked at me and found me After the magical art of disappearing, I suddenly rushed towards me, and suddenly I didn't know how to deal with it.

At this time, Sima Shibo violently whisked, and tied Liu Yangtuo's ankle. This whisker of Sima Shibo was an immortal magic instrument, and it was naturally extraordinary to hit Liu Yangtuo, so Liu Yangtuo The ankles started to crackling and smoky, and at the same time there was a burst of black smoke.

I also took the opportunity to rush to surgery.

Liu Yangzhuo "hooked" a few times, then turned back and smashed Sima Shibo with his fist, and Sima Shibo pinched a finger to stop it.


When Sima Shibo and Liu Yangyi's fists touched each other, Sima Shibo suddenly spit blood on Liu Yangyi, but Sima Shibo was not struck and flew, but endured the pain and used himself quickly The spurting blood drew a scribbled character print on the ghost king's chest.

Look at Sima Shibo's lips suddenly and said: "Sanqing Zhenzun, under immeasurable, evil spirits, emptiness and emptiness, anxious like a law-seal!"

After Sima Shibo finished his sentence, the red "敕" word turned into a golden rune shackle, and then quickly locked all of Liu Yang's hands and feet.

At this time, Master Liu also slowly stood up from the rock, and Uncle Sima said: "Brother Liu, just now you risked your life to stick the seal of the seal to the ghost king. We will temporarily Seal it ... "

But after Sima Shibo finished his speech, Liu Yangyi waved his big hand, and the rune shackle of his left hand was broken by him. Then he suddenly reached out to hold Sima Shibo's neck, and Sima Shibo squeezed the dust in one hand. The other hand hurried to break Liu Yang's left hand.

Master Liu also called out "Be careful" and rushed up, and then stretched out his hand to pull away Liu Yangtu and Sima Shibo, but did not expect that at this time Liu Yangtu's right hand had also been freed, and reached out and grabbed Master Liu's right arm.

Master Liu was surprised, and while pulling his right hand hard, he also used his left hand to break Liu Yangtuo's right finger.

It was at this time that Cao Jian finally finally treated Cao Yunuo and Zuo Qingmu, and rushed over with the Taomu sword, but he still could n’t get close to Liu Yangyi ’s body, because Liu Yangyi ’s whip flew out to fight with Cao Tian. Indivisible.

At this time, I have halfway through the spell that the ghost king gave me. At this time, the spiritual power of my body is rapidly decreasing. At the same time, because I am not attentive, the progress of my spell is also very slow. I want to concentrate. However, the situation of Master Liu and Uncle Sima's going there made me really unable to concentrate.

At this moment, Master Liu seemed to see that I was performing some kind of magical power, and shouted out loudly: "Xiaoyong, don't be distracted, concentrate on the operation!"

At this time, there were some wild ghosts rushing at me, but I ignored them, but recruited my wicker magic weapon, and turned it into a green python to temporarily resist for a while.

The Ghost King taught me supernatural powers like magic, but spells and tricks are much more complicated than magic, and it consumes more than ten times more spiritual power, and so far I ’m not sure I can Succeeded.

Although the process of the operation was painful, I soon read the mantra to the last sentence: "Dao Xing Ci Hai, Infinite Xing Zun, nine days away, give me the Spirit Gate, anxious like a law-open!"

As the last mantra was finished, I felt that my body's spiritual power seemed to be emptied at once, and my body dried up instantly. When I thought I was going to die, a purple door suddenly opened in the sky. Then, countless spiritual powers poured into my whole body, and my body that had just shrivelled suddenly became full again.

I was slightly relieved and falsely startled.

And this overwhelming spiritual force only took three seconds to penetrate into my body at once. I can feel that my current state is stronger than when I invited the ghost king before. I do n’t know how many times.

Then I heard the ghost king speak with my body: "Boy, I did not misunderstand you. Just teach you once, you can open the spiritual door, and my real body has come."

I asked where it was, and the ghost king said, "Take out the peach mirror and take a picture."

I lifted the mirror subconsciously, and found that a strange face appeared in the mirror. He was holding hairpins on his head, combing the Taoist head, and combing his long hair. The guy was looking in the mirror, and so on ...

Could it be that after my body shrivelled, the ghost king took the opportunity to get into my body and changed my body into his look?

"Ah!" I shouted at the ghost king with a roar: "What did you do to me? Dominate my body?"

The ghost king said: "Your body? Well, I still don't look down on it. I said, you invited me to be my real body, just to show it with your body. When the spiritual door closes, This body is still yours and will also become your original appearance. "

I was slightly relieved in my heart.

After the ghost king finished speaking, it seemed that he was also dissatisfied with the suit on my body, so he took out a stack of symbols from my backpack and used the remaining yellow paper, and then folded it a few times, and then torn it a few times The shape of a paper robe.

I couldn't help but wonder in my consciousness: "Can't you wear this paper dress?"

The ghost king said, "Don't forget that I am a ghost, as long as I burn it, I can wear it."

After talking about the ghost king, he squeezed a fire charm, and the clothes made of yellow paper also burned at once, and then the burnt part of the clothes began to appear on my body, but it was not the paper , But very gorgeous purple damask.

Waiting for the yellow paper to burn out, there was an extravagant purple robe with long clothes and wide bands.

As soon as the ghost king appeared, he reorganized his appearance, showing that he was a person who attached great importance to his appearance.

Then the ghost king smiled and said, "The feeling of a long absence!"

I was busy reminding the ghost king: "Your beauty is also beautiful, should I save my righteous father and uncle?"

At this time, although my uncle and Sima Shiba have not escaped, they are not in danger of life. However, if they drag on and lose their lives, it may be a matter of time.

And my actions here also attracted the attention of Master Liu, their expressions all showed incredible, Master Liu asked me, "Xiaoyong, you, how did you become that way?"

Before I answered the ghost king, he smiled and said: "Liu Chunan, I said I will meet again, this time I will face you with my real body, and it will save your life. Should you be grateful? What about me? "

Listening to the meaning of this king of ghosts, you must ask Master Liu to be convinced.

Looking at Master Liu again, he suddenly laughed, and it was awful. It seems that my uncle is like me, who eats soft but not hard, and angers the ghost king. Wo n’t he give me Liao Qizi at this time?

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