The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 227: Keeping fish alive (6)

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After we lived in Wang Jinzuo's house, we observed the status of the goldfish every day. One, two, three days passed, and those fish still lived happily. I even felt that the fish were still fat. A little bit.

In the past three days, the three of us did not find anything strange, and Wang Jin did not have nightmares. Everything seemed to be back to normal.

On this evening, the three of us had just eaten at home and heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.


Every knock on the door has a long interval of sound, which makes us startled, because ordinary people knock on the door will continue to knock, will not knock so far.

At the same time, I also felt a yin of anger and drilled in along the door slit. This sound was heard by You Xiaoqing and Wang Jin. Wang Jin froze for a moment and wanted to open the door. I held Wang Jin and made a Silenced up, and then handed her and You Xiaoqing a stealth amulet, and then told them: "Put this rung on your chest or forehead, without saying a word, hide in the bedroom, I will not let you out, no one will Come out, no matter what you hear in a moment. "

Wang Jin and You Xiaoqing also nodded, and then lost to me.

As for me, I also put a stealth on my body, and then pinched a meditation curse to sit on the sofa and said nothing.

After a few knocks on the door, there was no response from us. After about ten more seconds, one black, one red and two shadows passed through the door. After they entered, the figure gradually changed from fuzzy to clear, so I saw It ’s clear what these two people look like.

The taller one is undoubtedly Wang Chen. His appearance remains the same as the year he drowned, but his white face is scary, his eyes are hollow, and his entire eyes are not as if they were not white.

The lower child looked similar to Wang Chen, except that his eyes were more terrible than Wang Chen. Instead of having white eyes, he had no eyes. The entire eyes were empty. I even doubted that, closer, I You can see the things in its brain through the black hole.

With such a thought, I couldn't help but shudder, and read the meditation mantra several times to stabilize my mind.

The two little ghosts did not move immediately after entering the door, but stood in a daze at the door together, as if they were two scary statues, they did not move, and I was not good at acting. The two ghosts are now too close to the door. If I hurriedly shoot them, they would escape too easily.

In addition, at this time, I didn't grasp them and subdued them. In case I was going to beat them and they were cleaned up by them, I would be disgraceful.

So I was waiting for an opportunity, a chance to control the two imps with one shot.

The two little ghosts stood at the door for about two servings. Wang Chen finally moved. He took the little boy and walked to the fish tank in the center of the living room. I know the answer will be revealed.

The two ghosts stood in front of the fish tank, and then the two of them stretched out their right hand and one left hand, and then reached into the fish tank at the same time through the glass.

The goldfish in the fish tank seemed to feel like these two ghosts, wandering desperately, and even these fish would hit the glass of the fish tank because they swim too fast, and then make a "banging" sound.

Look at the two little ghosts. After reaching into them, they did n’t catch the fish, but just stayed still in the water. After a few minutes, the fish hit the glass and suddenly listened, and then slowly swim to the two. Near the small hand, then the goldfish began to bite the little hands of the two ghosts. Although the two small hands were only illusions, the goldfish seemed to be able to eat something.

At this time, I also stood up quietly, and then reached the position of two meters behind the two little ghosts. Then I saw the projection of the two little ghosts on the glass in front of the fish tank. They seemed to be crying.

I frowned slightly.

And at this moment, the Red Calendar Imp suddenly began to speak again: "I have said, don't eat me, don't eat me, you have to eat, why not obedient, why eat me, woo ..."

He spoke in a low voice and sounded wronged.

Then he said again: "Eat, eat, eat you, you also have to die, you all have to die ..."

This sentence is a bit higher in tone than the previous one, and it begins to show a little anger.

Then he shook his head and said, "My dad seems to be drinking again, and my mother is angry to go back to her mother's house. I want someone to collect the net to collect all of your **** fish. What are you struggling for and why? Struggling, why did you pull me into the water ... "

I suddenly understood that this little ghost seemed to be narrating the process of his death. Hearing from the two paragraphs he said, his family seemed to cast nets and fish in this reservoir, and for some reason, he had to support himself. The boat went to collect the net, but after all, he was a child. Without much effort, he was pulled into the reservoir when the fish stuck on the net struggled.

I heard this red devil "woo" crying twice: "Those **** fishing nets are entangled with me, I can't move, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, father, mother, I'm afraid ..."

The more the little ghost talked, the more I was bottomed out, because the more sober the more difficult it was to deal with.

The kid continued: "Who are you ..."

I was suddenly taken aback, subconsciously thought that these two little ghosts found me, and now I was going to copy the guy to start playing, but the next second I felt something wrong, this little ghost does not seem to be talking about me.

I looked at the fish tank sideways, and found that a blue head suddenly appeared in the bathtub. The head of the head was fluffy. With the water in the fish tank floating, the eyes were closed, and the nose was particularly pointed. Two fangs spit out from the corners of the mouth, and there were several deep folds on the blue skin.

I was shocked when I saw this scene. I quickly picked up my hand and said the meditation curse, because I was already covered by ghosts. It is impossible for this fish tank to have an extra head out of thin air.

Then the little devil did not continue to say anything else, so he looked at the fish tank blankly, and after reading the meditation mantra several times, the head in the fish tank disappeared from my sight, and I knew that I had been covered by the ghost His eyes came out.

I also sighed secretly in my heart, this red Li Li's heavy anger, even made me blindfolded unconsciously.

And at this time, the hands of the two little ghosts were pulled out of the fish tank, and then turned quickly and walked to the door. I knew that I would have no chance if I did n’t do it, and quickly took out a beam of Soul Rune, Then, using the Soul Curse, he attracted a fire snake and entangled the two ghosts.

My move was a sneak attack, I thought it would be the hand, but when the fire snake was about to entangle the two imps, the red calendar imp, suddenly turned back and shouted at me: "Ah ..."

The fire snake of my Soul Curse was instantly dissipated, and my ears were also buzzed. I was not surprised, and quickly took out the peach mirror, and at the same time pinched a Tiangang Soul Soul Just hit the red devil.


My second stroke hit the red devil firmly, it screamed in pain, and then pulled Wang Chen back to fly more than two meters, but soon they floated again, I thought they were two This one would rush up to fight me, but I didn't expect them to turn to the door and walk through the door-escaped.

I froze for a second before reacting. When I chased out, the two ghosts had disappeared without a trace.

After making sure they were all far away, I went back to the room, managed the door, and affixed a town house sign to the door.

When I went back to the fish tank, I found that the goldfish in the fish tank were all dead, and their death was not abnormal.

I took a deep breath and shouted out both Wang Jin and You Xiaoqing. When they came out, they saw that the goldfish were all dead, and they became stunned for a while, because when they entered the house, the fish were still alive and well.

Wang Jin also asked me, "My brother has been here?"

I nodded: "Well, there is that kid, they have all been here, but I'm sure they didn't mean anything to you, maybe they just came to you for shoes."

Wang Jin asked me why I said this, and I said, "These ghosts knock on the door when they enter the door, and they come in again when no one opens the door, just to make sure that they come in again without you. If they hurt you, Why?

Wang Jin also froze for a moment, then suddenly said: "I said that when I was in Beijing, I often heard knocks on the door inexplicably. Then when I went to open the door, I found that there was no one outside the door. They saw it. Am I leaving at home? "

I nodded and said, "Yes!"

Wang Jin asked me again, why did they kill these fish, I said: "Because they all hate fish, their bodies were eaten by fish after death, probably for this reason."

As for the cause of the little boy ’s death, I did n’t tell Wang Jin, because I am not quite sure that my guess is correct.

After being silent for a while, I asked Wang Jin: "By the way, are there any special legends in your hometown about the kind of demon."

I asked this naturally because I saw the weird human head in the fish tank, and the two little ghosts covered my eyes to show me that it was impossible for them to fabricate it out of thin air.

Wang Jin thought for a while and said, "There is one legendary word, but what we know is not very clear. It is probably that we have a solid tower of seven or eight meters there, saying that there is something under the tower, but who is it? I do n’t know. When we were young, we often went to play near that tower, and did n’t find anything, just not far from the reservoir. "

Solid tower! ? In ancient times, people would not build towers without any reason. Unlike now, build a tourist area to build a random tower. The tower in ancient times was either a Tibetan Buddha, or a town for evil, or it was changed to Feng Shui. .

So I asked Wang Jin when the pagoda was built, and Wang Jin said, "I heard that it would be built in the Ming Dynasty, and it took hundreds of years."

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