The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 238: Three fights and one corpse

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Fu tactics! ?

How do I feel a little familiar with this name? When I was in a deserted village, the purple robe ghost king I recruited seemed to have used some secret technique against the corpse, it seemed to be a corpse curse! These two techniques are specifically for "corpse", will there be any connection?

On my side of non-stop thinking, Master Ge was slowly covered with golden light. Of course, this golden light can only be seen by those of us who have spiritual goals.

At this time, Wang Jin and You Xiao evaded far away early in the morning. In order to hurt them, I also told them to leave early. The rest of us who know how to practice the law will be more convenient to deal with.

With the golden light on Master Ge, he was fighting with the corpse. I do n’t know if it was my illusion. I always feel that Master Ge is not losing to that corpse no matter in strength or speed. Could it be that he invited God?

No, Master Ge is definitely not in the state of asking God now.

Just when I felt surprised, Chen Kunxi said to me unhurriedly: "This is the corpse tactic, which stimulates the potential that Life Soul does not normally burst through the spell, thus greatly improving its own strength and strength. Speed, if you use it skillfully, then the power and speed of the corpse tactics can be comparable to that of the first level of corpses, or even surpass it. "

"And the most important thing to surrender to the corpse is to suppress its speed and strength. If you defeat it in these two aspects, you will basically win half."

Zhou Tong also slowly smiled and said, "This is Kunlun's secret technique. If Master Ge didn't help Kunlun's old man to draw three gold symbols, the old man wouldn't agree to pass on the master corpse to Master Ge. It ’s a pity that Master Ge ca n’t pass the spell out, otherwise Master Ge ’s future apprentices will be wiped out. ”

Gold Rune! Did Master Ge become Master Fu Mi?

At the same time, I was also curious and asked Zhou Tongyi: "Does Master Ge still have no apprentices?"

Zhou Tong said: "The life of Master Ge is very thin, and several of his apprentices have died early, so Master Ge has confiscated his apprentices all these years."

While we were chatting here, the battle of Master Ge ’s zombies was already in full swing. While Master Ge was competing with the corpses for strength and speed, he squeezed his fingertips to control the two blue-level polar signs against the corpses Perform siege / offensive.

The corpse's physique is also very powerful. While not stopping the claws to resist Master Ge's attacks, he also uses melon seeds to attack this Master Ge from time to time. Master Ge will naturally not be hardened, so he will also evade occasionally.

After all, there are corpse poisons on the claws of cadavers, and they are poisoned. If they are not dealt with in time, it will be fatal.

Seeing the inseparable relationship between Master Ge and the corpse, I said to Chen Kunxi next to him, "Chen Tianshi, should you help Master Ge?"

Chen Kunxi also shook the bronze sword in his hand a little: "Help, naturally I want to help, but this is not the time."

I asked why it wasn't this time, Chen Kunxi said: "Because I shot, there is only one chance. If this opportunity can't surrender the corpse, it will definitely not fight us again, but will flee back to this reservoir. , In that case, it would be more difficult for us to catch it again. "

I looked at Chen Kunxi and said, "You mean, as soon as you get a shot, you will scare that corpse away?"

Chen Kunxi also nodded and said, "This corpse is something in the water, it is not very powerful on the shore, and it is also very smart. If we find that our group of people has a powerful person, then it will definitely Run back to your advantage. "

I still don't believe Chen Kunxi's words.

Looking at Master Ge's side again, he was forced to retreat by the corpse. At the same time, Master Ge's two blue-order polar sun signs also flew at the pair of flesh wings behind the corpse, and they were still around the polar sun sign. A light blue flame shone.

After repelling Master Ge, the corpse turned around and grabbed two blue-level runes, and their movements were fast, and the speed of the two runes was naturally less than it, so soon the two blue-level runes were caught by him. In hand.


With two loud noises, the two claws of the corpse smoked black smoke, and at the same time, they exuded a pungent odor. I thought it was the extremely positive sign that blasted the claws of the corpse, but no Thinking that the black smoke had dispersed, the corpse claws still shook us unharmed, as if mocking us.

I couldn't help whispering, "This claw's claws are truly indestructible."

Zhou Tong was close to me, and when I heard my words, I also received a sentence: "This 魃 has not used its fins and meat wings behind it to resist damage. That means that the two places are its soft ribs, and the claws are afraid of it. The hardest part. "

Listening to Zhou Tong saying this, I suddenly had a lifeless thought in my heart, that is, he walked behind the corpse and attacked his fins and meat wings. With this idea, I squeezed the peach mirror Ready to start.

Zhou Tong seemed to see my thoughts and said, "Don't disturb. Didn't you see that Master Ge used the corpse trick to fight the corpse? If we two passed, that would be minutes The life of the spike, you look at it honestly, do n’t mess up Master Ge. "

Zhou Tong said this, and I was a little bit dissatisfied. Until now, I have not seen that the corpse is fighting against Master Ge with its powerful strength and speed. , So I also had such an idea in my mind-so is the corpse ...

Of course, I knew very well that my idea was very wrong, but I could n’t suppress it. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to give it a try, so when I was infatuated with Zhou Tong, I Quietly pushed away to the side, and then pulled out two polar sun signs, my polar sun signs are also blue.

At the same time, I also picked up the dragon seal in the Quartet's handprint. This dragon seal is the "deceased corpse" seal. Although my path is not enough, it should cause some damage to this corpse.

As soon as I cast a spell on this side, Zhou Tong naturally discovered it, and scolded me harshly: "Xiaoyong!"

And I also said beside him: "Uncle Zhou, rest assured, I have a sense of justice."

Zhou Tong saw that he could n’t stop it, so he shook the compass in his hand and said, “Since you ’re going to shoot, then I ca n’t just sit back and watch. Will make us feel better. "

When Zhou Tong said this, I suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but I had already sacrificed Fu Luo, and there was no reason to take it back immediately, so I had to try strength and weakness.

So I took advantage of the struggle between Master Ge and the corpse, and slowly controlled the polar sign to go behind the corpse, but from the eyes of the corpse, it also found me.

At this time, Master Ge was tired and gasping. Obviously, this overloaded battle also consumed him a lot, so I joined Zhou and joined the battle. He did not object, but instead said: "This corpse is really Oil and salt do not invade, and the set against ghosts is useless to him, they are all leisurely. "

I nodded at the same time with Zhou Tong.

This rogue looked at the three of us, and suddenly turned around and yelled at me with a roar. I was naturally a little afraid of this roar. After all, I dealt with a rogue rogue, so I hit After trembling, he scolded: "He meows, why is he always targeting me, is it because I am too handsome?"

I thought of looking at the people around me, except for a few old ones, that is, the small Xingxi Han, if he was handsome ...

Okay, I've made a fuss again, regardless of occasion.

And at this time, the corpse turned back at me and threw it over. This time I also heard the voice of it: "Your blood is best for me ..."

When I saw it, I didn't care where the two extreme sun signs hit. I just hit my head and faced the corpse and hit it.


There were two loud noises accompanied by a burst of black smoke, and the corpse was temporarily blocked by me, and I quickly ran away for a distance, and then sacrificed two new polar sun signs, in order not to let the corpse The elf chased me down, and Master Ge directly threw out two blue-level polar signs, and at the same time wielding the bronze sword, he entangled the corpse.

Zhou Tong didn't seem to be good at fighting cautiously, he just pinched a finger, and then stepped on the gang step, hitting the wooden wedge, and at the same time quickly pulled the ink fountain line to connect several wooden wedges.

When I asked Zhou Tong what he was doing, he hurriedly said: "My faction is good at organs and formations. If the organs are too late to arrange, they will naturally arrange the formations."

Due to the hurried arrangement of Zhou Tong, the formation looks a bit rough, and at the same time he ca n’t help explaining the name and function of this formation to me.

Seeing that the corpse was entangled by Master Ge again, I finally held the polar sign and had another chance to enter the corpse, and I was still spared to sneak attack behind it.

This time as soon as I reached behind the corpse, I didn't care about three, seventy-one and twenty-one, and directly controlled the two polar sun signs against the fins behind the corpse and hit it.

I thought I was going to succeed, but I didn't expect that the fin of the corpse swayed inexplicably, and then two pools of black water spewed out from the two small holes in the fins, which directly gave me the pole Yang Fu hit together.


With the two strange sounds, the polar sun symbol that I want to stick on the back of the corpse suddenly fell to the ground by the black waters of the two beaches, and the symbol erosion quickly corroded.

Zhou Tong quickly reminded me: "Don't touch those things, it's corpse poison."

When I heard Zhou Tong said it was corpse poison, I subconsciously stepped back a few steps, but there was no antibody to corpse poison in my body.

Just as I backed away, Master Ge was forced back by the corpse, and at the same time it pounced on me with open teeth and claws. I wanted to avoid it, but this time it was so fast that I did not sacrifice For a while, the new polar sign did not know how to parry.

I had no choice but to wave the peach mirror with my scalp, and at the same time grabbed the dragon mark from my left hand.

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