The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 260: Fatal habits (2)

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Facing the question from several of us at the same time, Yang Xiaohui suddenly took a glass of beer from the table and drank it. Well, that glass of beer seemed to be mine, but now is not the time to care about these.

After drinking the wine, Yang Xiaohui said, "The people in the grave bag are people."

When we heard that Yang Xiaohui said he was the one who lived, we were even more curious. Why would a good person live in a tomb bag, and he was very grateful for his son and daughter-in-law's appearance. What about the secret?

Soon Yang Xiaohui told me what happened next.

Yang Zuji was naturally shocked and scared after hearing the voice in the grave bag, but the content of those words spoken by Chen Wen's parents made him even more curious and scared.

What must have happened in this village, and it is probably an undisclosed secret, Yang Zuji thought so, and also made up his mind to make this matter clear, so he boldly called Chen Wen's wife.

Chen Wen's wife looked back and looked at Yang Zuji, and she was very surprised, but she quickly said in a very calm voice: "It seems that you don't believe what I said, come over and prove it yourself."

Yang Zuji said with some embarrassment: "Mrs. Dong, are the two in the grave bag a human or a ghost?"

Chen Wen's daughter-in-law said: "Naturally is a person. If it's a ghost, how dare I come alone to deliver food every day."

Hearing Chen Wen's wife say so, Yang Zuji felt relieved, and then walked slowly.

After he walked by, he discovered that there was a window on the tomb bag. The size of the window was only for one person to enter and exit, and it was deep inside, and the light could only barely see the two faces shaking underneath. For the two old people, I am afraid that at such a depth, it is not so easy for them to climb out.

Seeing this scene Yang Zuji said in his heart shock.

Seeing Yang Zuji ’s expression, Chen Wen ’s wife said: “Do n’t be so surprised. This is our custom here. Anyone who is sixty years old must live in a tomb built in advance, and then have a daughter-in-law to provide meals every day. "

Yang Zuji couldn't understand such a custom, so he asked, "Why?"

Chen Wen ’s daughter-in-law said, “There are not so many reasons why, this is a custom. If you live in our village, you must follow this custom. No one can destroy it, otherwise it will bring misfortune to the entire village.”

Yang Zuji asked back: "If there is no daughter-in-law?"

Chen Wen's wife said, "Then only have to wait for death."

Yang Zuji thought that he would live in such a tomb to wait for death after one year, he could not help shaking his head and said: "No, I can't live, I will go tomorrow, no, I will go now and leave your village."

After talking, Yang Zuji turned around and ran away. He was very scared. He always felt that staying in this village for an extra day was dangerous.

Yang Zuji hurried back to the village, and then went straight to Chen Wen ’s house. He ran all the way and met the people in the village, and these people asked him how, but Yang Zuji still dared to chat with these villagers, so he said in a hurry Go back to work.

When Yang Zuji ran back to Chen Wen ’s house, he went to find his grandson Yang Ji’an. At this time, Yang Ji’an was playing with Chen Wen ’s son. Yang Zuji ’s eagerness to escape from here was scolded back by Yang Ji’an. He left, and it was at this time that Chen Wen was not at home, so when he was about to leave, Yang Zuji went to the kitchen to get some dry food.

Yang Ji'an didn't understand why Yang Zuji wanted to take him away, so he asked why, and Yang Zuji said: "The people in this village are demons and have no human nature. The customs here are too brutal, and we are not suitable for living here. "

Yang Ji'an wanted to ask more, but Yang Zuji, who was full of fear in his heart, scolded him.

Yang Zuji and his grandson Yang Ji'an left Chen's house and chose a small path in the village. Soon he escaped from the village. When Yang Zuji felt he was about to escape from the tiger's mouth, he suddenly found out that there were more than a dozen behind him. The villagers of a Huamu village, they hold things like a pole, a shovel and so on, and they look like a menacing look.

The most important of these people chased and yelled the name "Yang Zuji" in the mouth. Where did Yang Zuji dare to turn his back and ran away, pulling his grandson Yang Ji'an, but they were young and old, naturally they couldn't run in the village In his prime, he and his grandchildren were surrounded by people in Huamu Village.

When the villagers asked Yang Zuji why he wanted to escape, Yang Zuji said with tears, "I beg you to let me go, I don't want to live in that grave bag, I, please, let me go!"

Yang Zuji's cry did not impress these villagers, but instead a cold voice suddenly said: "Leave you alone? Who will let us go?"

It was Chen Wen who spoke.

Chen Wen has always been a very kind person in Yang Zuji ’s heart, so Yang Zuji dropped to his knees and begged Chen Wen: “Do n’t beg, please beg me, I ’m a foreigner, not a person from your village, I ’m I do n’t want to follow your customs here. "

Chen Wen continued to say coldly: "It's too late. When you entered the village, I asked you if you would like to follow our customs. At that time, you answered yes, and from that time on, you are our village. A member of, you want to repent now, it is too late. "

Yang Zuji continued to beg for mercy: "Dongjia, look at us for such a pitiful person, just let me go, I, I have my grandchildren to take care of, I can't live in a grave bag, I have no daughter-in-law, no one Send me meals, and I do n’t have my own grave bag ... "

When he heard Yang Zuji say this, Chen Wen suddenly sneered and said something that made Yang Zuji almost desperate: "Our custom here, there is no daughter-in-law, you will have to cut it off at the age of 60, or someone will kill him alive. , If there is a corpse, throw it in the grave, if not, wrap it in a bad mat and throw it on the mountain to feed the wolf. "

When Yang Xiaohui talked about this, I couldn't help but was surprised: "Ah, so, Yang Zuji is not dead. His grandson is only a few years old, and his son is estimated to be ... he certainly has no grave bags for this foreign household."

Li Jiahao also took a deep breath and said: "This custom is too fierce. It can't be said that it's a custom, it's just ..."

Li Jiahao couldn't think of a good word to describe it. Qu Xiaoyou said two words beside him: "Foolish!"

Li Jiahao also echoed: "Yes, it is ignorance!"

Yang Xiaohui took a deep breath and said, "This is not even ignorance, it is simply inhuman."

The atmosphere was a bit stiff, but Yang Xiaohui told the story.

Yang Zuji and Yang Ji'an's grandchildren were taken back to Chen Wen's house and continued to work long. Chen Wen did not mean to treat Yang Zuji, but told him: "You still have a happy year, I hope you can cherish, I am not Barbarians, I do n’t know how to treat you, but I do n’t want you to escape our village, because if you escape, the whole village will suffer because of your departure, so as long as we find you mean to escape, then we Will chase you back. If you do n’t change it repeatedly, then we can only kill you in advance. "

This is not a barbarian! ?

In the following days, Yang Zuji tried to escape twice, and each time he was chased back, and was beaten up. Chen Wen warned Yang Zuji: "If there is another time, we will directly kill you."

Yang Zuji can't run at this time because his two legs have been discounted.

At this time, Yang Zuji had already fallen into extreme despair. Since he was about to die in this village, Yang Zuji thought to find out the ins and outs of the "customs" in this village, so he asked Chen Wen, hoping that Chen Wen would make him understand .

Seeing Yang Zuji's appearance at that time, Chen Wen no longer concealed Yang Zuji, but told Yang Zuji completely.

It turned out that there was a "mountain god" living in the deep mountain of Huamu Village. This custom was set by the mountain **** to Huamu Village. Anyone who voluntarily enters Huamu Village can only leave Huamu Village in his lifetime as long as he agrees to this custom. Forcibly fleeing, it will bring great disaster to those who stay.

And even those who left this village could not survive for five years.

Rather than saying that this is the custom of Huamu Village, it is better to say that this is simply a curse on Huamu Village.

After listening to Chen Wen ’s introduction, Yang Zuji asked Chen Wen: “Since you have such a custom here, can a man in your village marry a daughter-in-law, and will women from other villages marry in?”

Chen Wen said: "We Chen family guard this village from generation to generation. We will pay for all men who reach the age of their wives, and give them food for their marriage. Some poor families will marry their daughters for money and food. If you ca n’t find it, you can find a suitable woman in your village to marry. The women in our village ca n’t get married because they only have to leave the village for five years, and the married daughter-in-law must be killed without exception. , So the women in the village are willing to stay in the village, at least this way they can live for decades. "

Yang Zuji heard something desperate.

However, he still refused to give up and asked Chen Wen: "Don't anyone in your village escape this curse from generation to generation?"

After a moment of silence, Chen Wen said, "It's not without, but after he escaped, the price our village paid was too great."

Yang Zuji quickly asked who had escaped, and what price he had paid.

Instead of answering Yang Zuji directly, Chen Wen asked him instead: "Is the courtyard of our Chen family empty?"

Yang Zuji nodded, and Chen Wen continued: "But five years ago, this was not the case. Our guardian family at Huamu Village, the seat of the Chen family, had 21 people under the age of sixty."

Yang Zuji quickly asked Chen Wen: "What about those people?"

Chen Wen said: "The two people who escaped from the village, the rest, except the one who is alive now, are dead ..."

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