The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 356: Expel the teacher! ?

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What the Nanyang village is brewing, I can't guess it by guessing.

Li Yueling, the little devil, agreed to be taken away by me temporarily, and also gave me face, so I took out a poly charm, folded it into a triangle, and then said to the little devil: "Come in."

It also turned into a black mist, and flew into my rune lightly.

After storing it, I put it in my backpack and put it together with Life Beast Chapter.

Everything on my side has been resolved, and Wang Junhui has already removed the splint on the bedside. I asked him what he put in, and he handed me a photo saying: "It should be from the gap in the splint. It fell into it, and later someone directly re-nailed the splint, and the photo will stay inside. "

I took the picture and looked at it. It was a family portrait of a family of three. The child in the middle of the school wearing a uniform and a red scarf is the little ghost Li Yueling that I just put away.

After seeing the picture, Wang Ziyang was shocked and said, "This, is that dirty thing?"

I nodded and said to him: "Okay, I'll solve it for you here. You and your family can move in. You will never encounter strange things again, but I suggest you change A bed, the little devil stayed in that bed for too long, and the yin was too heavy. You sleep in that bed and get sick easily. "

Wang Ziyang said with a sad face: "Master, I don't need you to say, I will replace it. In this case, how dare I sleep in this bed. I will never use things that others have used in the future. Now! "

Well, it seems that this matter has caused psychological shadows for Wang Ziyang.

Leaving from Wang Ziyang, I let Wang Junhui send me back directly. As for finding Li Yueling ’s parents, we do n’t need to do it by myself. I told Ma Suyan of the house information, and she will help us find it as soon as possible. Just look in the past.

Back at the residence, I was the only one today. You Xiaoqing went back to school and lived in the school.

After entering the house and praying to Sanqing, I called Ma Suyan and told Li Yueling and that room. When I said that she was looking for someone, she said, "It's more convenient to find someone." I can find it as soon as possible tomorrow morning, even if it is slow, it will be almost before tomorrow evening. "

I said thanks and hung up the phone.

After that, I called Master Liu again. Naturally, I wanted to ask more about Nanyang, because Li Yueling's thing made me think that the village in Nanyang must be an evil village. Since it is a evil village, the local authority Why would it be allowed to exist?

Dialing the phone, Master Liu asked me: "It seems that the second case is almost resolved. Do you want to ask me about Nanyang again?"

"Well" I said right away: "Yes, the second case is superficially simple and not difficult to solve. It is simpler than Kang Kang's case, but the things behind it are as complicated as Kang Kang's. You say this The thing is related to Nanyang's Zhaizi, so the person who digs his leg bones must be the one from Nanyang's Xizhai. Why should they do this, and they traveled far and wide to our country to catch people? "

Master Liu was silent for a while and said, "That village is indeed very evil. We are also investigating their purpose. You asked me this time, and I don't know how to tell you."

I fell into silence at this time. Is there no more information from Master Liu?

After a while, Master Liu continued to say: "This evil village is not only in our country, many countries have captured people, and most of them are children, and there are also a handful of adults. These people have different identities and are poor. Rich, they can't see their purpose at all. "

At this moment, I was thinking, wouldn't Kang Hua also be taken away by those people and dig bones?

Before I thought about it, Master Liu reminded me, "Xiaoyong, I don't tell you too much now, but also for your own good, because my information here is also investigated by others. Is it true? I can't confirm it myself. , If I tell you the information, you probably think that the information is correct, and then lead you into a misunderstanding, now all you have to do is sort out a clue, and then follow this clue Looking for the truth behind the whole thing, if you rely too much on others to give you less mature information, then you will definitely suffer a big loss later when you encounter a larger case. "

On my side, I also said, "Uh," I said, "I understand, Father."

Then Master Liu and I talked for a while, and he said again: "Xiaoyong, after some time, I will be busy with the work in the organization, and I will probably go to retreat with your Master. I have reached a limit. Break through the retreat. If I can't grasp this opportunity, there may not be such an opportunity in the future. "

I asked in surprise: "Ah, righteous father, are you and your uncle going to go through robbery into immortals?"

Master Liu was angry at me over there: "Fart, I still have a long way to go from the robbery, just to go one more level in the stage of Heaven Master."

I asked again: "Is it the fourth step of the advanced Heaven Master-the crossover?"

Master Liu froze for a while and said, "Well, you actually know the fourth order of Heavenly Master? It seems that there is no way for you to hone outside."

I asked Master Liu if he was right, and he returned to me with certainty, "Yes, it is not only me who advanced this time, your teacher will also go to the fourth order of Heaven Master. If I and your teacher At the same time advanced, then our Jingming School is really Guangzong Yaozu. "

For our little school, if two Masters are robbed, the weight will naturally be self-evident!

When I asked Master Liu how long it would take, he said: "It can be as short as two years, and as long as five or six years. It is also possible that during this time in the organization, Lao Cao and Lao Ge will take care of you. Dao Shu If you go to the university, there are a lot of supernatural monsters on your body. You can ask them to learn some Taoism. You are my righteous son, not my disciple, so if you go to the teacher again, it will not damage our rules of the Jingming School. There is no Dao Yuan, but there is a talent for monasticism. I cannot delay you. "

Listening to Master Liu saying this, I suddenly felt a little sad, and I could n’t help saying, “Most of the magical powers I ’m learning now are from our Jingming School, am I a disciple of the Jingming School?”

Master Liu told me very seriously: "No!"

I was sour in my heart when I heard these two words. I almost cried when I was sour. I guess Wang Junhui was in the same mood when they were expelled from the Kunlun Tang Dynasty.

Listen to me, Master Liu said, "Xiaoyong, I know, you must be crying again, no matter how grown-up, I have said, you are my righteous son, I also I will teach you Taoism. I just hope you can get more true stories. The ghost king in your body is above me. If you worship him as a teacher, the future is absolutely inestimable. Xiaoyong, I think the ghost king in your body is good to you, and he definitely means to accept you as a disciple. "

In my heart, I still feel that I have been abandoned, no matter what Master Liu said, I still can't hold back that strength.

Master Liu just smiled and said, "Okay, that's all for this matter. If you think about my words carefully, I won't say much, and I will be closed soon!"

Speaking of this, Master Liu paused and said, "You still put your mind on Nanyang. This should not be easy. Even if I go by myself, I will feel a headache. You and Lao Ge this time It must be difficult for my colleagues, remember to be more careful. I do n’t want to commit suicide to Nanyang to avenge you when I retired. "

I can only helplessly say to Master Liu: "I understand!"

The ghost king is closed, Master Liu is closed, and Liu Xian is seriously injured again. I can rely less and less. I have to find a way to improve myself. My dependence seems to be too strong.

And I will never let Master Liu and the Ghost King disappointed. When they go out of the customs, I must make them look at each other.

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