The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 368: Inheritance of Evil Village (2)

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When I heard the wizard, I could n’t calm down. The logic in my heart felt like this-this person in front of us was not this person-a very strange logic.

The wizard continued: "Every one of us has red, white, and black spots on our faces. These are not just for decoration, but also to cover up this face and prevent us from being recognized by the body's acquaintances. We are paralyzed by our own self. This is not our body. It is awkward to look at ourselves, so the spots on the picture will be more comfortable for us to look at. "

I continued to ask the wizard: "Is the bone raising ghosts all children's ghosts?"

The wizard continued to nod: "Yes, the children are very spiritual, so we will choose suitable children from the Zhaizi and Zhaizi every few years, and then grab them back to teach. If we can teach what we need, we will dig bones. Keeping ghosts, if you can't, you have to dig bones and loose souls. "

To dig bones and dispel souls, to put it plainly is to dig out the bones, and then break up their souls to prevent them from escaping to reveal the secret of the stockade. Of course, there will be any mistakes in things, such as Li Yueling, his soul has not been Break up, but float back home after seven or eight years.

The great wizard continued to say: "People who can raise ghosts are generally adults, because adults have a sound mind, and they can usually start learning witchcraft directly after being replaced."

I looked at the great wizard and said, "What is your actual age?"

The big wizard smiled and said, "My body is almost seventy years old, but my own words are only thirty-five years old. I have lived in this body for thirty years, and I have used this body for twenty years. wizard."

I asked again: "How about the Aye downstairs, how old is he this year?"

The great wizard still said undisguisedly: "Aye looks like he is in his thirties, but his actual age is only fourteen. He only took up that body for seven years, but he is very qualified, witchcraft. The progress is also very fast, and I plan to pass on the position of the next wizard. "

The shock in my heart is beyond words at this time. The great wizard in front of me turned out to be a survivor who grabbed someone else's body, and it seemed to be loyal to this identity.

I continued to ask the wizard: "Don't you want to find your loved ones?"

The great wizard laughed and said: "Before we learn witchcraft formally, our memories will be erased. Our consciousness is only a passion for the inheritance of this Zhaizi, although we all know that this consciousness was instilled into us by others, but we still Do it, because that is the mission of our Bone God Island inheritance. If we abandon this inheritance, all of our souls will be immediately repulsed by the witchcraft we learned, and then die, we are the substitutes, we compare Ordinary people know more about the value of life, and we do n’t want to die. "

It seems that Kang Hua is now also one of the wizards in this village, and her face is also painted with three-color spots of red, white, and black ...

Hearing this, Master Ge said: "This was originally an inheritance that should not exist. I think the inheritance can be broken here. If you pass it on, it will only hurt more people."

The great wizard looked at Master Ge and said, "I express my regret!"

When I heard this from the wizard, I thought I was going to do it, so I reached out unconsciously and touched my backpack.

The big wizard looked at my movements and smiled and said, "Young man, don't you think it's too early to do it now? I haven't finished my words yet."

I looked at Master Ge, and he also signaled that he didn't need to do it for the time being.

At this time, Song Jinhu next to him had been completely dumbfounded, which was completely beyond his imagination. The secret of this village, he would never think of it in his lifetime.

The great wizard went on to say: "In addition to the inheritance of bone raising ghosts, there is another inheritance on our island, that is, the" God Gu "left by the bone god. The **** Gu lays eggs every 50 years, and each spawns one Eggs, and then the old grub will die, and the new grub will change from white to black only when the right person approaches. "

Song Jinhu said for a moment, "So, what did you give me was not a pill at all, but an egg?"

The great wizard nodded and said, "Yes, you should be honored to be a reproduction body of our **** Gudao God Gu. As long as the **** Gu comes out and signs a contract with me, then this life-changing body can be Gu Gu can enjoy its 50-year lifespan, and I can live another 50 years! "

Speaking of the big wizard here, we also understand that the reason why he had to get the grub is because it is the continued support of the big wizard, and it also shows that the big wizard in front of us may be approaching.

Song Jinhu also wanted to understand at this time, he said to the wizard: "So, if I don't die, you can't take the guts in me, you will die old? Only I die, you get you Gu Gu, can you prolong your life for fifty years? "

The wizard said with a smile: "You are the reproduction body of God Gu, even if I don't take the initiative to find you, the Gu insect will kill you, and then fall into dormancy. Only me can share the five with God Gu through a special contract. Ten years of life, so sooner or later you will all die. It would be better for me to complete it now. I can continue to help your Song family and let your Song family's wealth continue to increase. "

Song Jinhu shook his head and said: "No, we don't need such wealth."

When the great wizard said here, he looked at me and said to Master Ge: "Okay, this is the inheritance of our Bone God Island. It should be said that I have said that all of us wizards are survivors, and we do the same. I have no choice but to hope that your China Trail will not interfere with our Bone God Island. "

Master Ge suddenly stood up and said a sentence at this time: "Since ancient times, righteousness and evil are not mutually exclusive. I will end this evil inheritance today."

I think Master Ge is about to start, so I stood up and pulled Song Jinhu back behind me. Song Jinhu had the guts that the great wizard needed. I naturally would not let the great wizard approach him.

The wizard was still sitting cross-legged and did n’t move. He looked at me and then at Master Ge and said: "You people really can't understand the inheritance of our life-giving ghosts. You must destroy us, don't forget, this Bone raising ghosts, but you so-called real people invented, and we just use your invention to create a greater population, we can use witchcraft to make people who believe in us more convincing, why we Is not understood? "

The wizard is a little angry.

Master Ge still said that: "You didn't belong to this world, and it is not something that people in this world should exist. Naturally, it will not be understood by this world. I will give you an understanding today."

Master Ge is still calm.

At this time I also finally understand why these people are not afraid of the condemnation of numerology causation, because they are life-savers, they have jumped out of numerology to some extent, so general censure will not find them.

The atmosphere in the room became tense instantly, and I knew that a war was inevitable!

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