The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 378: Weird photos

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"big trouble!?"

I was a little puzzled to ask Zhang Juqiang. At this time, I was n’t with You Xiaoqing. She had an event in school today that she needed to participate in. Let me go, but I was bored, so I did n’t go lazy.

Zhang Juqiang said: "Your recent luck is very low. According to the usual practice, you have recently experienced a particularly unlucky thing."

I asked Zhang Juqiang if he could figure out what was going on. He smiled and said, "No, but it must have happened recently."

I was a little sullen and said: "Why didn't you say it earlier, I promised Ma Suyan, you said earlier, I wouldn't go and find something."

Zhang Juqiang also said: "If you have to go, you can also, you must bring the girl to Xiaoqing. Her luck has been booming recently, and she is just neutralizing with you. Maybe she can help you escape. "

I quickly shook my head and said, "No, if my operation is in danger, then I will never take her."

After a short pause, Zhang Ju said, "Relax, that Xiao Nizi's chance is very deep, deeper than your Dao Yuan, so even if you die, she won't die. It's right to take her."

She will not die even if I die, although this sentence is a bit unpleasant, but I'm so lazy to let me know that You Xiaoqing is safe.

Zhang Juqiong continued: "I'm here to give you a piece of advice. If you are going to the next case, don't go by yourself. You must take the tour to Xiaoqing. If you don't go, it's best."

I have learned the skill of fortune-telling in chapters and sentences, so I have to consider his words.

About ten minutes later, when I hadn't got my attention, the door of my house rang. I asked and heard Ma Suyan said at the door: "I!"

When she opened the door and asked her to come in, he handed me a leather bag and said, "The information is all inside. I won't be staying here with you anymore. I have something to do. Let's go first. Please read these first. What's the matter? Ask me again if you do n’t understand. "

Since Ma Suyan is in trouble, I have not kept her too much.

After sending her away, closing the door, I sat back next to the coffee table in the living room and took apart the cowhide bag. There was a very long bridge in the photo, and it was also marked in gold below: the ancient bridge behind the platform.

Ancient bridge? But in terms of style and scale, it looks like it was built in modern times.

After looking at the photos, I took out a piece of paper from the kraft bag, which described some strange things that happened to the bridge recently.

The first thing was that there was an old man in his forties. When driving a tractor across the bridge, he suddenly saw a cloud of black drift from the bridge surface to the bridge hole. The curious old man followed and looked at it. Nothing was found, and then I was seriously ill for a month after returning home.

The second thing is that recently, when many people cross the bridge at night, they will hear the cry of children under the bridge, and the cry will disappear as soon as the person comes under the bridge.

The third thing is that during the summer vacation this year, a few children from a nearby village went to take pictures under the bridge. When the photos were taken out, there was a blurry shadow on a group photo.

When I saw the third thing, I subconsciously went to the cowhide bag and touched it. There was still a photo. I took the photo and looked at it. It was the one described in the third thing. , A photo of three boys, four girls and seven children, but there is a shadow of a little boy on the left side of the photo, which is very blurry and unclear. He is standing very straight, his head is a little crooked, and he looks very formal .

I continued to read the description of the third thing, saying that the eight children who went out to play, except for the one who took the picture, all the other people who appeared in this strange film died in an accident.

The information shows that these children are going to school in a van. It happened that when they walked on the bridge, the van caught fire, and then all the children, including the driver, were burned in the car, and the child who took the photo, because he went to school one day earlier, So it's fine.

Seeing here, my brows could not help but wrinkle, so many people died Ma Suyan also told me that it is a small matter?

I read the remarks of the third thing, saying that the organization has asked people to investigate, and it was determined that it was only a simple accident, not related to the supernatural event.

Irrelevant? Since it is irrelevant, why should I mention it in the materials? I suddenly remembered Master Liu's words. Don't rely too much on the information provided by others. No matter what things you see, it is more true.

So I picked up the photo again and took a closer look. The other few children were all smiling, and the two girls held hands, and they did n’t see anything strange, which means they did n’t find this next to them. Blurred black shadow.

I looked at the dark shadow again. Since it was frozen, I could n’t see anything. I looked at the surrounding environment. It was under the bridge cave. There was not much water below. The drought is related. An advertisement for renting a forklift is also written on the bridge pillar with a black pen, and the phone number left can be clearly seen.

Well, these messages are almost useless.

I went on to the fourth thing. Just last week, a car saw a flat tire on the bridge, suddenly burst, and then lost its balance. The whole car jumped under the bridge, and all three people on the car died on the spot.

There were several witnesses in this incident. They all said that the car hit a cloud of black clouds, and then the black cloud was scattered. The car punctured, and then it jumped under the bridge.

The following is the specific address of the ancient bridge of the rear platform, except for these there is no other.

After reading this information, I couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Many people have died on this bridge, why is it defined as a trivial matter?"

Of course no one answered this question.

After thinking about it, I still called Ma Suyan. She was still driving when she answered the phone. I asked the question in my heart, and she said: "I accept every case here, I will give a grade evaluation above, although There are many people dead there, but according to the above evaluation level is not high, I do not know the specific reason, I am in accordance with the regulations, if you are still not clear, you can call the above to ask. "

I said a sentence, "I got it" and hung up.

I can't ask anything from Ma Suyan. I can't call Master Liu now, I can only think for myself. Why? Could it be that the above is intentionally aimed at someone below, or is it simply an assessment error?

Of course, maybe I think too much. This case may be really a small case. Although many people have died, these troublesome things are not powerful.

I read the information several times, but I still can't find any new news. I can only take a long sigh of relief and put the information together.

The spiritual incident of the ancient bridge on the back platform must be true, but what is the level of it? I am afraid that I can only know it if I go there in person. But should I go with You Xiaoqing this time?

At that evening, You Xiaoqing called me and said that she was going to invite me to a big meal tomorrow. I asked her why she was so generous, and she smiled and said, "Today I went out to participate in the school's club activities. I went to the lottery station on the roadside and bought a 3D lottery ticket. I checked it just now.

Zhang Juqiang said that You Xiaoqing has had a good fortune recently. It seems that it was not to deceive me. He smiled and said to You Xiaoqing: "You should buy a two-color ball or a seven-color."

You Xiaoqing said: "I don't know, I bought it blindly!"

I chatted with You Xiaoqing, and I told her to take her out of the case in the past two days. She agreed happily without thinking: "Okay, okay, I can work with you on the case, I I am happiest, which makes me feel like you and you, otherwise I will feel that you are alienating me. "

Finally, I decided to take You Xiaoqing together. Zhang Juqiong said that this may be an opportunity for You Xiaoqing. If she can learn the Tao because of this opportunity, then I am also willing. She learned the Tao and really was with me With a class of people, there are more topics we can talk about, and I do n’t have to worry about things after being with her.

Only this time, what will be waiting for us at the ancient bridge on the back platform?

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