The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 430: Two "I" (2)

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Early the next morning, after having breakfast, Awu called the little girl's father. At this time, I heard Awu call the little girl's father: "Mr. Tang, the master Xu who told you last time came, You see when it ’s free, we ’re going now. "

"What, Mr. Tang, have you forgotten who I am? I am Awu. Haven't we met each other last time? That's Huang Cheng who couldn't be reached, the one Mr. Huang introduced."

"Okay, you finally remembered that Master Xu came over. You are convenient now, and we will go directly to your residence."


Ah Wu made a phone call and negotiated the matter, and then he drove us directly.

The place where we live is not far from the residence of "Mr. Tang". It is a high-end community in Xi'an, not the villa I imagined.

That Mr. Tang's family should be a very low-key family, and such a low-key family, even paid a large price to rescue people in the Tao to save their daughters, which shows that Mr. Tang's daughter is the treasure of the Tang family.

When he arrived here, Awu called Mr. Tang, and the latter asked his nanny to take the card and pick us up at the entrance of the community.

A Wu, the white fox and the car stayed outside. Xu Xuanhang and I followed the Tang's nanny to the community.

As I walked, I couldn't wait to ask the nanny of the Tang family a few questions. The nanny answered very carefully, basically I heard from Awu, and I didn't get any further information from her.

After walking a few buildings, I went downstairs to the building where the Tang family was.

This building is located in the center of the community. Behind the building is a garden in the community, as well as an artificial lake and rockery. However, now the water in the artificial lake is frozen, and the garden does not seem to have any sound.

Xu Xuanhang had a few more glances at the garden and the building, and I immediately began to doubt whether the feng shui here is a problem, so I subconsciously asked Xu Xuanhang: "Master, what is the feng shui in this building?"

Xu Xuanhang pointed at the artificial lake and the rockery: "There are mountains and water, and the orientation is very good. It is a good fengshui bureau. Unfortunately, the water is fake, the mountains are fake, and there is no spirituality. This building is located just south of the artificial lake and the rockery, blocking the infusion of the yang of the fake feng shui, so that the already weak fake feng shui has become more fake. The yang can not be gathered here, then naturally People who gather yin and bad luck will probably encounter ghosts by the lake and rockery of this garden. "

Hearing my conversation with Xu Xuanhang, the nanny of the Tang family was stunned. I asked her if she had seen a ghost here, and she shook her head and said, "No, but when I'm fine, I often walk here."

Listening to her saying this, I said to her with a smile: "Relax, this is a yangzhai house, there are many people living in it, even if it is sullen, ordinary ghosts will not choose to be here, because it is too easy to be Yang's anger hit him. "

I say this, Xu Xuanhang did not mean to blame me.

Soon we followed the nanny upstairs. The Tang family lived on the sixth floor. After the nanny's introduction, we learned that the Tang family lived on a cross-level, and the seventh floor was also his home.

As soon as I entered the Tang family, I immediately smelled a strong smell of Chinese medicine, so I squeezed my nose subconsciously.

The nanny of the Tang family said: "This is the taste of giving Lulu medicine, and it is a recipe that Uncle Tang asked people to find."

Just as we were talking, we had changed our shoes and entered the living room from the entrance. There was a slightly fat man with a beer belly on the sofa. He also carried a string of beads on his wrist.

His appearance is not very good, sad, it seems that he is thinking about something, the few of us stood in the living room for two or three seconds, until the nanny said "Uncle Tang, the guest brought", he was stunned for a moment. Sit up on the sofa to welcome me and Xu Xuanhang, and at the same time instructed the nanny to pour tea for us.

Xu Xuanhang waved his hand and said, "Don't be so troublesome. Go and see your daughter first. It's not too late to drink this tea."

Mr. Tang yelled, led us upstairs, and at the same time did not forget to look back at us. My dress was normal, but Xu Xuanhang was dressed as an old Taoist priest, plus his hair was very long, and his hair was tied. Hairpin, people couldn't help but think he was an actor in the crew, and then ran out without removing makeup.

But then again, Xu Xuanhang came here as a master. This costume might enhance his image in the minds of "customers".

When I was cranky, we went to the second floor, and then we saw our actor, Tang Lulu, a very cute girl in a sunny room near that side. Unfortunately, she stayed in bed for many days and her face appeared Some were bloated, but her hair was neat, and it seemed that every day someone specially combed her.

Next to this girl, there is a middle-aged woman, wearing a fashionable dress, but she doesn't wear makeup, maybe she is not in a mood, she should be Tang Lulu's mother.

After we briefly introduced Tang Lulu's mother again, she said to us: "Master, please, save my daughter. I heard Huang Cheng said that you have great skills and once saved his life, Please help my daughter. "

Xu Xuanhang didn't ask about Tang Lulu's situation, but instead asked: "Do you know Huang Cheng's whereabouts?"

Tang Lulu's mother didn't speak, and Mr. Tang said: "It seems that he has gone abroad. Change the phone. We can't keep up with him for the time being. How can the master find him something wrong?"

Xu Xuanhang frowned and said, "It's okay."

On my side, I have started to observe Tang Lulu's situation. The qi in her body is very heavy, which makes the whole room look spooky. Although this is a sun-facing room, it seems that yang can't come in at all.

I walked over to the window and looked at it. The windows were all normal and there was nothing to block the yang.

At the same time, I looked at the room, and I didn't see a painting by Tang Lulu. I couldn't even see a mirror.

So I asked, "Is this the room your daughter used to live in? What did she paint?"

Mr. Tang froze for a moment and said, "This is not the room where Lulu used to live. She used to live downstairs, but this is also the position of the sun. But after Lulu had an accident, I locked the room. , I always feel evil in that room. "

I continued to ask: "Have you painted all those paintings?"

Mr. Tang shook his head: "No, although those paintings are not normal, but Lulu likes them very much. I am afraid that if she wakes up that day and finds that I have painted those paintings out of her, she will be upset and even make something. If he loses his senses, as long as he can wake up, do n’t say that the room, that is, the whole of our house is painted with her portrait, I am willing. "

Mr. Tang's expression was a bit dull.

I looked at it again in this room. Except for the heavy yin and yang that could not be infused, I didn't find any dirty things, but Tang Lulu's life and soul was gone.

However, Tang Lulu did not die completely, which means that her life soul is still nearby, and sometimes even returns to the **** body to stay for a while, so I took out a soul charm, and then posted it on Tang Lulu ’s forehead to help her gather Some auras keep her body from becoming rigid.

If the vegetative does n’t often help him move his hands and feet, even if she wakes up again, her hands and feet are still very stiff, and it is difficult to move freely, and the symbol I posted is not able to completely replace the movement of the patient. It is helpful to alleviate rigidity.

Seeing that I suddenly posted a Fulu, Mr. Tang froze and asked me: "Master, what do you mean by posting this Fulu, my daughter is not a zombie, she is still alive."

When I heard Mr. Tang's words, I couldn't help but froze for a while, but it soon came back. He probably read more zombie movies and would definitely only put a sticker on the zombie's forehead.

So I explained the effect of Ju Ling Fu to Mr. Tang, and also told him: "The person's forehead is closest to the person's Lingtai, and it is also the easiest place to gather Reiki. The back of the head, the back, the hands and feet, the effect of other places is even smaller. "

Hearing my explanation, Mr. Tang first said sorry to me, and then said: "Before those gentlemen had asked my daughter to drink Fushui directly, it was said that just sticking notes was not working anymore. Water, except for diarrhea, has no other effect. "

When Mr. Tang said, there was a certain atmosphere.

I slowly said, "Don't compare me with those crooks."

After I posted the Fulu, I pinched a "soul search technique", which is what I saw in the book Xu Xuanhang gave me, and it is also one of the new Taoisms I have just been familiar with in the past few days. It is a Taoism that can quickly lock the position of the "ghost" through the changes of the yin and yang qi around.

I applied this law of Tao to find Tang Lulu's life soul is not nearby.

Xu Xuanhang didn't say anything about me. After all, he said that the case was solved by me. As long as I didn't do too ridiculous, I wouldn't interfere with him.

My soul-searching technique worked. I found a faint yin activity in the room directly below, and "it" had the same breath as Tang Lulu. Needless to say, it was Tang Lulu's life soul, still in Downstairs she turned out to be her own room.

Thinking of this, I squeezed my hand and said: "Mr. Tang, can you take us to your daughter's room downstairs to take a look?"

Mr. Tang also nodded and said, "Yes!"

Mr. Tang took us downstairs, and his wife continued to stay upstairs to take care of his daughter.

My heart was full of curiosity at this time. What was Tang Lulu's life left in the original room? Did Tang Lulu see himself hiding in that room without being searched by my soul search?

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