The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 433: Two "I" (5)

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Tang Lulu's words made Mr. Tang feel desperate for a while. He knew that he could not save his daughter by a temporary remedy. Watching Tang Lulu pacing back and forth in the room, Mr. Tang regrets more than despair and sadness.

Along with this mood, Mr. Tang suddenly subconsciously thought about what Tang Lulu had just said. She asked Mr. Tang to see her paintings in her house. Mr. Tang couldn't help being clever in his heart, and thought, could it be that there are any mysteries in those paintings?

Mr. Tang couldn't sit still in the living room, so he got up and walked to Tang Lulu's house, and Tang Lulu stopped his pace at this time, and looked at Mr. Tang curiously.

Mr. Tang said to his daughter: "I will go see it now, and you will tell me now, those paintings, those are you, those are her."

Then Mr. Tang encountered a situation similar to mine. Tang Lulu pointed those one by one to Mr. Tang, repeating the two sentences "You are me ...", "You are not me ...", Tang Mr. still can't see the reason from those paintings, but Mr. Tang has begun to think that the paintings are strange.

It's just that Tang Lulu once threatened with his life, so Mr. Tang didn't dare to rashly do anything about those paintings.

When I heard this, I interjected and asked Mr. Tang: "Don't Tang Lulu playing hide-and-seek at that time, did she finally find that person?"

After thinking for a while, Mr. Tang said, "It seems not. She took me to finish the painting and found another person in the house for a long time. I also asked her if she found it. She was disappointed and shook her head. No, only ... "

"Just what?" I asked urgently.

Mr. Tang took a sigh of relief and continued: "It's just that during the evening meal, Lulu said a lot, and we didn't know what we meant at all."

Mr. Tang said that I haven't asked any questions yet. Xu Xuanhang suddenly interjected and asked, "What did she say, did she mention any local names?"

Xu Xuanhang asked me this way. I was a little puzzled. Mr. Tang was a little stunned and suddenly said, "I mentioned that I seem to say what the ghosts are, the ghost's death, and the like, I simply don't understand."

Xu Xuanhang did not speak, as if he was lost in thought.

I didn't understand these, so I asked Xu Xuanhang: "What does that mean?"

Xu Xuanhang said with a smile: "Don't worry about these first, you should go to rescue the girl now and see if I can ask some more information from her mouth."

Speaking of this, Xu Xuanhang looked at Mr. Tang again and said, "Mr. Tang, I suggest you don't walk too close to that Huang Cheng, otherwise it's not just your daughter, but your family will be in trouble."

Mr. Tang looked at Xu Xuanhang with some surprise, and then asked: "Master Xu, Huang Cheng is my partner. Although he later withdrew his shares, but without him, my career cannot have today's achievements. I understand him. , He will not do things that violate the law ... "

Xu Xuanhang interrupted Mr. Tang and said: "Some people will become, no one, you can't look at him with a fixed eye, you stay in the mall too short, plus your luck, have not suffered any losses If you continue to look at things with your current personality and experience, one day your career will be ruined in your own hands. This is also my advice to you. "

Although Xu Xuanhang said these words to Mr. Tang, I also remembered them firmly. As for the deep meanings in it, I should slowly understand them.

After listening to Xu Xuanhang, Mr. Tang did not speak and fell into a short contemplation.

For a moment, Mr. Tang asked Xu Xuanhang: "Master Xu, you tell me, the reason why my family's Lulu became like this is also related to Huang Cheng. I suddenly remembered that before Lu Lu became obsessed with painting himself, he followed the Huang Cheng family. I have been to a sketch in northern Shaanxi. At that time, my wife and I were relatively busy and could not follow, so we let Lulu follow Huang Cheng ’s family. Huang Cheng ’s daughter is one year older than Lulu. It ’s a good girlfriend, so I was more at ease ... "

Xu Xuanhang continued to ask Mr. Tang: "Which two places did they go to in northern Shaanxi for sketching?"

Mr. Tang said: "I heard that there are two places in Yan'an and Qingjian. I didn't ask in detail."

I felt through Xu Xuanhang's question that he was not enthusiastic about Tang Lulu's situation. What he cared about was the thing about Huang Cheng behind Tang Lulu. Was Tang Lulu really the only one who caused Huang Cheng?

So what kind of person is that Huang Cheng?

Thinking of this, I asked Mr. Tang. Since Huang Cheng could not be reached, he could contact Huang Cheng ’s family. Mr. Tang shook his head and said: "Soon after returning from sketching in northern Shaanxi, Huang Cheng ’s family emigrated to the United States and his wife And her daughter moved to the United States to live, and only Huang Cheng stayed in the country to continue doing business. "

Run to America to find them? It was a little too far, so I asked Mr. Tang if he had a phone call from Huang Cheng ’s family in the United States. Mr. Tang shook his head and said, “Originally Lulu and Huang Cheng ’s daughter are connected. The contact was cut off, and Huang Cheng and I only knew his phone number, so I didn't have any contact information for his family in the United States. "

I was speechless and asked if Xu Xuanhang was going to the United States to find Huang Cheng's family.

Xu Xuanhang shook his head and said: "Your task is to heal the Tang's girl. Don't worry about other things, I have a sense of self."

This Xu Xuanhang is totally a dictator / dictator. What he said, I only have the responsibility for execution. If he does n’t want me to know anything, if I ask the last sentence, he will scold me, which makes me hate this Master in my heart. Too.

In the past, no matter whether it was Master Liu, Master Ge, or even the ghost king and Liu Xian, I had been trained to teach me this, but I have never been so overbearing and never so frequent.

Thinking of this, I thought I was wrong in apprenticeship, especially Xu Xuanhang threw me a broken book and sent me half a year. Did he really teach me?

Or is he just dealing with something?

I was thinking in my heart, so I left Shen'er, and forgot to return to Xu Xuanhang, he shouted my name aloud: "Shi Yong, what is stupid, go and rescue Tang Lulu, don't throw him as a teacher."

I "oh" got upstairs with a anger.

Hearing Xu Xuanhang saying that I would rescue Tang Lulu, Mr. Tang did not care to entertain Xu Xuanhang, so he hurriedly greeted me upstairs and went to Tang Lulu's room.

When I arrived in the room, I asked the Tang family to open the window first, and Tang Lulu's mother couldn't help but said: "But it's very cold outside. When you open the window, the heating in the room will run out ..."

I looked at her and said, "Although this room is warm, it can be very irritating. If you don't open the window, I can't get the yang in, and I won't be able to rescue your daughter."

Listening to me, Mr. Tang no matter what happened, he quickly hurried to open the window, and at the same time he said to his wife: "It won't hurt to open for a while, it's important to save our daughter."

Tang Lulu's mother whispered in Mr. Tang's ear and asked, "Will that boy do?"

Mr. Tang didn't know anything, he could only say: "I don't know yet, try it out."

After the windows were opened, I first took out Tang Lulu's life-sealed Fu Lu, pinched it on his left hand, and at the same time, he squeezed the fingertips to start guiding the yang outside the window into the room slowly.

As the yang instilled a little, the proportion of yin in the room began to decrease. When I felt about the same degree, I took out a few pieces of Ju Lingfu and put them on the four corners of Tang Lulu's bed to let the yang go You can enter Tang Lulu's body along Ju Ling Fu.

Then open the Fulu seal with Tang Lulu's life soul, and then lead her life soul back to her body.

Tang Lulu's life soul did not repel his body because of being away from the body for a long time, which saved me a lot of energy.

As Tang Lulu's life soul lay back in her body, I was relieved.

Seeing that I had taken up the ritual, Mr. Tang asked me, "Master Shi, why is my daughter still awake?"

I took a deep breath and said, "It's not so fast, she can wake up in about an hour or two, don't close the window, rest assured, this room is so hot, there is a small gap in the window, the cold air that comes in can't freeze her of."

After Tang Lulu's life soul returned to the body, it was easy for the soul of heaven and earth to combine. According to this situation, she could wake up in less than an hour.

Hearing what I said, Mr. Tang asked me in disbelief: "Really? Master Shi, will my daughter really wake up?"

I moved a chair to Tang Lulu's bed and said, "You can rest assured that I will stay here, and will not let her go out of the way, and the hour will not be too slow. I have something to ask. I ask you, I hope you can answer me truthfully. "

At this time Xu Xuanhang was still downstairs and did not keep up. The thing I want to ask is naturally that Xu Xuanhang and Mr. Tang talked about something while I went to Tang Lulu's house.

When I heard this question, Mr. Tang froze for a while and said, "Master Xu didn't ask anything, just ask me about Huang Cheng. I have followed you, and the rest will be nothing. Both of us have been there. Come chatting and drinking tea ... "

Gossiping? Drinking tea?

I am a bit confused about the situation.

At this point I also understood that the reason why Xu Xuanhang gave Tang Lulu the matter was because he thought it was not important at all. He only cared about Huang Cheng in his heart, but from Mr. Tang ’s words That Huang Cheng should also be an ordinary person. Why does an ordinary person make Xu Xuanhang so concerned?

What is hiding inside?

Seeing that I did n’t speak, Mr. Tang asked me what else to ask. I shook my head and said, "No, we will wait patiently for your daughter to wake up now. I would love to know her that time Have you encountered anything in your sketch? "

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