The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 437: Two ghost presses

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After Awu left, Xu Xuanhang did not go downstairs. When the dinner was over, the staff of the nursing home came to deliver a meal, and there was even a person in charge of the nursing home. They all paid respect to Xu Xuanhang.

It ’s just that Xu Xuanhang did n’t have a cold for those people. Waiting for those people to deliver the meal, Xu Xuanhang said, “Okay, you can go. These guys who eat, I ’ll let someone send you back in a moment. You do n’t have to. Come again, when I did n’t come. "

Xu Xuanhang said this, the person in charge of the nursing home still smiled respectfully, and then left with a few staff without any complaints or dissatisfaction.

I think most of them know Xu Xuanhang's supernatural powers. After all, this sanitarium has been patronized by him.

Xu Xuanhang still ate with us when I was eating. I also tentatively asked some more about the Mirror of Falsehood, but unfortunately he still didn't tell me anything, which gave me a small heart Resentment, I always feel that Xu Xuanhang did not really teach me, otherwise why would he not tell me anything?

Seeing that there were complaints in my eyes, Xu Xuanhang smiled and said to me: "You don't have to complain about these, I accept you as an apprentice, it is for you to pass on Xuan Jing, what should I teach you, what should I not teach you, what should I When I teach you, I have a record in my heart. "

At the end of our dinner, Awu came back from the outside. He was carrying a large backpack, which looked bulging inside. At this time, Xu Xuanhang was also downstairs. When he came back, Xu Xuanhang asked him if he had bought everything. , Awu said: "Yes, Master Xu, the place you asked me to go to is really hard to find. I asked for a while to find the place, and the people there are all very strange, one by one, I ’m not reporting you. I do n’t want my name to enter. I ’m buying things, and it ’s not that I do n’t give them money, and they ’re not afraid to make money doing business like that. ”

Awu talked there on his own, and I looked him up and down, and I found that he had a heavy yin as if he was caught in something dirty.

At this time, Xu Xuanhang asked Awu to put things down, and then handed Awu a rune trap, just an ordinary yellow-level exorcism rune. The purpose was naturally to help Awu get rid of his qi.

Awu took Fu Mi, and Xu Xuanhang asked him to return the bowls and dishes we ate.

Waiting for Awu to leave, Xu Xuanhang opened the backpack. There is nothing strange in it. They are incense candles and tributes that are needed for practice. There is also a stack of white paper and some half-foot lengths and cut. Neat sorghum stalks.

Seeing these things, I remembered one thing, that is, the "Golden Armor Soldiers" I used when Wei Wei helped me protect the law in high school. Does Xu Xuanhang say that he will make "Golden Armor Soldiers"? Does the law to be done matter?

I looked at these things with surprise. Xu Xuanhang said: "These are all for you to open the altar tomorrow. I will briefly tell you about the matters of the altar tomorrow. You remember it clearly."

I nodded. At this point, I didn't think too much. I was already used to doing things as Xu Xuanhang had ordered, because I never thought what he would do next. I was too far away from him.

Xu Xuanhang asked me to take out the backpack and take it one by one on the coffee table in the hall. I found that this tribute is special, not fruits, buns, etc., but **** bones wrapped in plastic bags. When I put those bones on the table, a smell came out, and I couldn't help covering my nose.

Tang Lulu, who was next to him, also found it unpleasant and turned his head back to his room to rest.

When Tang Lulu left, I asked Xu Xuanhang what the bones were for. He picked up a bag and placed it in front of his nose and smelled it to me, saying, "Tribute, you should have guessed it. I know you are curious, yes. What kind of deeds are needed, I will tell you slowly now. "

Speaking of Xu Xuanhang, put down a bag of meat and bones, then picked up another bag and smelled it in front of the nose to continue, "I let you make the altar called the" heart-by-heart altar "to help people get rid of the devil Yes, in other words, the other woman in the mouth of the sugar price girl said that she was not something else, but her heart demon magnified infinitely by the realm of falsehood. "

"Fantasy !?"

When I heard this, I couldn't help thinking of the fact that the unstable monk easily walked into the devil's path. Was it impossible for the monk at that time to be controlled by the devil?

Master Liu once said that every person ’s body has a “consciousness”, a “consciousness” that is completely different from his own. If one day that consciousness wakes up, it will become disturbed by the mind, even To replace people's original consciousness, make one's temperament change or simply become another person.

Even the so-called ghost presses that some people experience are not really ghosts that suppress themselves, but their own devilish spirits. When people sleep, their original consciousness will relax, and another consciousness hidden in the **** body will wake up. It will seize the opportunity to occupy the body and replace the original consciousness, and the original consciousness will fight against it, thus creating a situation where the consciousness is clear, but the body is uncontrollable, and even people can feel another self in the consciousness. Existence, this is also a common situation of "ghost presses", and this situation generally only makes the body feel tired, there will not be much harm, as long as you pay more attention to rest, so that your original consciousness is relieved , Then the demons will no longer have the opportunity.

It's just that if you don't pay attention to rest in this situation and relax your mindset, it will lead to weakened consciousness, and then there will be a bad situation, such as Tang Lulu, similar to the symptoms of mental illness.

Of course, there is another kind of "ghost press", that is, there are ghosts. In this case, people will get seriously ill. Sometimes the ghost will leave on his own, and the person will be okay if he gets sick, and sometimes the ghost will be obsessed. , Then it is necessary to expel the ghost in time, and then it will be unbearable to imagine.

Suddenly I started to think of many other things.

Xu Xuanhang didn't care about my distraction, but continued to say: "The Tang girl's situation is exactly a symptom of the demon. I teach you the essentials and precautions of the altar. You will be familiar with it tonight, and then open the altar tomorrow for The Tang family girl got rid of the demon. This kind of ritual requires you to approach her inner world, which is also a great test for you. At the same time, this ritual consumes too much spiritual power. You are my Xu Xuanhang ’s disciple, after all, I ca n’t watch you doing anything, so I ’ll put a gold armor to protect you, do n’t lose our Xuan Jing ’s face. ”

I just said "hmm".

Then Xu Xuanhang gave me a detailed explanation of the spells, gang steps, and matters needing attention.

After listening to Xu Xuanhang, I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although the spell of this altar is not as long as the soul-relieving altar, the dangers it faces are much more than that of the soul-relieving altar. , My consciousness will be connected with Tang Lulu's consciousness, and her consciousness is "main", and my consciousness is "guest". When I faced the devil in her heart, I occupied a passive position. To oust her demon from her status, this is definitely a huge test for me.

According to Xu Xuanhang, if I accidentally be suppressed by Tang Lulu's demon, I will not only save Tang Lulu, but even leave my consciousness in Tang Lulu's body, which will lead my demon to seize myself The body, it also made me fall into the magic path.

Xu Xuanhang returned to the room to rest after giving me these explanations, and I didn't sleep. I was familiar with the law of "chasing hearts" for almost an entire night.

It was almost early in the morning before I fell asleep.

But it didn't take long for me to fall asleep, and it was dawn, and I could only get up and wash and prepare for the ritual of getting up early.

The sanitarium also brought breakfast early.

During dinner, Xu Xuanhang asked me how I rested last night. I smiled bitterly and said, "Okay."

Xu Xuanhang said, "Um," you don't have to be too nervous. You are a cultivator, and her mood and consciousness are stronger than that of the Tang family girl. Her consciousness can confront her own demon and let the devil occupy it. If you do n’t have a divine body, then yours will be fine. As long as I teach you, there will be no major problems. "

This is the first time Xu Xuanhang said that he cared about me. I couldn't help but touched it, but this touch lasted for less than three or four seconds, and he said another words that made my heart cool: "Even if it's you No, your heart demons occupy your body, and you are in the magic path, you do n’t have to worry about any regrets, because I will kill you without hesitation, and then find another Xuanjing A successor. "

When I heard this, I hit a spirit and said, "Master, you can rest assured that I will not give you a chance to kill me, because my life is not my own!"

You Xiaoqing and I are the same life, I will definitely work hard to continue to live for her.

I waited for Awu to send away the guys who ate everything, and I began to lay altars on the coffee table.

At this time, Xu Xuanhang also brought me a paper man from upstairs. This paper man was not very artistic, and it was not as good-looking as Wei Wei once had.

The paper man was not colored or painted, and even made me a little unclear where is the predecessor and where is the back body. At the most important time, I do not feel the slightest spiritual power in the paper man.

Does my Master really help me?

Xu Xuanhang saw my thoughts and said, "Don't look at this guy's insignificance, and become a golden armor soldier in a while, but it's extremely remarkable."

Speaking of Xu Xuanhang, he dipped some cinnabar in the ink table of the coffee table, and then wrote a few large characters behind the paper man, "Edict-Jiuhu Linti", and then wrote a few rows of small characters beside it At the end there is a name-make a wish.

In any case, Xu Xuanhang will make the white fox into a golden armor! ?

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