The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 471: Phantom Poison (4)

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Awu was taken into Feng Ling's painting realm, and I can also rest assured for the time being. There are Yihao's Demon and two giant wolf guards, even if Awuzhong's illusion is deep, it will not be able to set off any waves.

But what about the villagers in Xiazhuang and Liuzhuang?

Thinking of this, I ’m going out, and the white fox followed, and Zixue stopped me and asked, "The longer we stay outside, the deeper the poisoning, especially you, your body is weak At the time, it was a very troublesome thing in case of falling into an illusion. "

At this moment, I just couldn't concentrate, and didn't feel like I was falling into it, but I didn't dare to take it lightly, because I just walked in the illusion without knowing it, and it was still so real.

But in my heart, people outside must not be allowed to suffer such a catastrophe.

So I said to Zixue, "You guys are watching me next to me. If I have any symptoms of illusion, you will receive me in Feng Ling painting. Before that, I want to try my best to stop this disaster. . "

Zi Xue shook his head with a smile and said, "Well, I'll go with you, but it's okay, the life and death of those people outside, I don't care, I just leave you alone."

Zi Xue's words made me feel a little touched, but I knew clearly that it didn't matter what special emotions, she just showed her attitude.

When we walked out of Jin Xiaoying's house, we went to the nearest neighbor's house, and I walked all the way. I felt very familiar. This is exactly the same as the place I passed through in the previous illusion, but now I am missing Awu.

When I walked to the first house, I couldn't help but be surprised. The gate of the guardian's house was open, and the lamp was still on in the yard. He tentatively asked "Anyone?" And walked into the yard. After I entered, I found that the doors of three rooms were open and all lights were on. We searched one after another and found no one.

Could it be that these people are also copying the guy out?

Are they the same illusion that Awu fell into? They all copied the guy out, what are they going to do?

Thinking of this, I didn't stay in this yard too much and called out to make a wish and Zixue went out.

Next, we searched almost all the nearby ones. It was similar to the first house we found. The people in the family did n’t know where to go. These families lived in a depression in the innermost part of the village. People, then I want to see the center of the village.

We quickly walked out of the mountain valley and came to the center of the village, and we saw that the main road of the village was full of people, almost a few hundred people. These people were either carrying **** or shovel, and it was also a shoulder pole no matter what.

They seem to be going to a place when they are gathered together. As for where to go, I still have some guesses in my heart. Could it be that the people of the village gathered to fight the ghosts?

After all, after midnight, the new ghosts in the mountains and the wild will have to enter / enter this village to **** the yang of these people.

This idea lasted for a while, and I rejected it myself.

It is absolutely impossible for the people here to know that there are ghosts to invade themselves; then there is the fact that these people are poisoned by illusion. What they are doing now should be carried out according to a certain illusion, and from the current situation, they have experienced The illusion is likely to be the same.

All the people in the whole village fall into the same illusion?

What would this illusion be? I couldn't help but have an idea, that is, I was temporarily caught in this illusion and then followed the people in the village to do what they wanted to do.

With this idea in mind, I told Zixue and the white fox. Zixue immediately objected: "No, if you are completely trapped in this illusion, it means that your entire person is controlled by phantom poison. How long the poison lasts and how effective it is, we do n’t know, if it will affect you all your life and let you live in that illusion all your life, is that not the end? You can not take this risk, you promised me that I have n’t done it yet It! "

I did n’t say anything, and the white fox made a wish: "I think Snow Maiden said something. Master let me take care of you. If you have something wrong, then Master will definitely break my leg."

Listening to the words of the white fox, I could n’t help but smile, but I also gave up the idea. It was indeed too risky to do that. Although I was curious about the illusion, I could n’t joke about my future. What ’s more, my life was not I am alone, so I cherish it even more.

Soon we reached the back of the crowd, we followed those people on the main road of the village, and new villagers were constantly joining the team, and the team's direction of travel was-Liuzhuang Village!

After walking with the team for a while, I can't help but guess that these people will not fall into the illusion of the black dog Xiazhuang and the white cat Liuzhuang, right?

In that case, do these people want to go out and ask Liu Zhuang's people to do it?

If my guess is correct, then the villagers on Liuzhuang's side are probably the same. The villagers on the other side must have copied the guys to Xiazhuang's side, and when the two teams met, it was bloodshed. In the time of Chenghe.

I thought of a clever mind here, if that was the case, the scene would be too scary, even more terrifying than seeing a ghost.

I swallowed and continued to follow the team. I didn't say what I thought, because the more people we gathered around, the more we were at the end of the team, but now it's almost the middle of the team.

My spiritual consciousness here is still relatively good. I feel that the phantom poison has already begun to affect me. As for the reason, I can't say it. I always feel that there is something around me to help me resist, even absorb Those toxins saved me from being affected.

What could it be? Liu Xian! ?

This is the only answer I can think of, but it doesn't feel like Liu Xian is helping, it's something else.

I'm confused.

As we continued to walk, the entire team took a variety of guys out of the village.

As soon as I exited the village, I saw dozens of ghosts and cat spirits standing on the hillside. They showed a hungry / thirsty look at the crowd, and even a few screamed "Meow-Meow".

It feels like the cat saw the mouse!

It's just because there are too many people in the team here, and too much yang has gathered. Those shadow ghosts and cat spirits dare not come close. They are waiting for midnight, waiting for the strongest qi.

In the process of waiting, the ghosts and cat spirits did not stay away from the team, and they were separated by tens of meters near the team. They were not worried about being seen by these people, as if the lions on the African grassland were tracking and preying on the bison , They are waiting for the opportunity, a time to kill.

This feeling of being "predator" makes me very unhappy, but now we are not easy to act rashly.

And the people around me did n’t speak, they just followed the team, they looked like walking dead in American dramas, and they were like “Hundred Ghosts Night Walk” in Japanese novels and comics. In short, everyone It's all weird.

I could not help swallowing. The team continued to advance to Liuzhuang. If my previous guess was correct, then Xiazhuang ’s team would collide with Liuzhuang ’s team. The scene must be very chaotic. I must Think of a way to stop these talents, but what is a good way?

Let Zixue put all these people into Feng Ling's painting?

It also takes time, because Zixue can only collect them one by one, about ten seconds a person, five or six a minute, about three hundred an hour, then the two teams met long ago, or solved The fundamental problem cannot be solved. The most important thing is that Zi Xue's hands will definitely attract the attention of other people. If they start with us, we will be in trouble.

If it's a ghost, we can do it all the time and kill it, but these are all living people!

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