The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 481: Repeated half dream

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At night, Awu came back from the outside. Xu Xuanhang asked him if he had any small cases to pick up. Awu could only shake his head helplessly and said, "No, for the time being, this one is very peaceful."

Hearing that there was no case, Xu Xuanhang was not disappointed, so he ordered Ah Wu to go down, and then turned to me and said, "It ’s fine if there is no case. I can take you to buy something with peace of mind tomorrow, and we will go to the next place."

Xu Xuanhang did not go downstairs with us for dinner, but asked Awu to bring him some shortbread nearby.

Of course, when I bought that shortbread for Xu Xuanhang, I also tasted it, and the taste was indeed good, so I also bought some of them with Zi Xue, and then Awu took us to another place not far away to drink the ball soup.

I have n’t eaten any of these snacks, and everything makes me forget about it. As long as I ’m not on my way, I can still eat some delicious food. If I get on the road, I wo n’t take it altogether.

When he returned to the hotel, Awu said that he would go to the toilet when he had a stomachache, so he gave me the food I liked to bring and gave it to me.

Knocking on Xu Xuanhang's door, he didn't ask why Awu didn't come to deliver it. After taking the food, he asked me to sit down and tell me something.

I also sat down on the sofa in the room, and the white fox was originally lying on the bed. After seeing me come in, I ran directly to my side. After I sat down, it jumped to another beside the coffee table. Squat on the sofa.

When I asked Xu Xuanhang what he was looking for, he said, "I just received a call. The descendant of my friend may not come back tomorrow, but he has something to ask us. He said if we can Help him to do this, he will send you some fine runes and runes directly. "

It ’s definitely not a trivial matter to ask Xu Xuanhang, so I asked cautiously: "Master, can your friend ’s descendant not know how to do it yourself? Mother-in-law can be very powerful. The identity is the same, so it should be ... "

Before I finished speaking, Xu Xuanhang corrected me and said, "Identity has nothing to do with strength. He is just a businessman, a businessman who is unlucky for us. Although they know some tricks, they are all entry-level things. This is not as good as you. "

I said, "Oh", I understood, and Xu Xuanhang asked us for something. Xu Xuanhang smiled and said: "Accurately, this matter is for you. I want you to do this by yourself." The case is still the request I mentioned before. I ca n’t ask God, I ca n’t call Liu Xian in your body to help, you can use any other magical implements, symbols, etc. "

I "huh", and once again signaled Xu Xuanhang to be right.

Xu Xuanhang nodded and said, "My friend's descendant is Bai Lixia. This year is almost forty years old. Her husband died for two years and has a daughter. He is currently studying in the United States."

Bai Lixia! ? So it is a woman again.

Xu Xuanhang continued: "I just received a call from her. She said that her daughter will return to China this week. As for the reason, it was because of her medical treatment, and her daughter got a very strange illness, so she went to the United States to pick up these two days. Her daughter. "

When I asked Xu Xuanhang, what happened to Bai Lixia's daughter? He frowned and said: "It's a dream often, a very strange dream. Foreign psychiatrists don't look well, and it doesn't work to take those foreign medicines. , I just thought about going back to find someone like us to show. "

I asked Xu Xuanhang: "Master, you are being sold, you tell me what kind of dream she has?"

Xu Xuanhang shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. Bai Lixia only told me that it was a very strange dream, but did not elaborate. When you meet her daughter, you should ask in person."

This Xu Xuanhang might as well not tell me, caught my interest, but no more.

I did it here for a while, and he told me to say: "In the past few days, you will take ordinary rune paper and ink, contact the six-phase rune runes, and study their functions and uses. It ’s very useful, by the way, and the basic Taoism I gave you ca n’t be dropped. I have to study every day. I only give you half a year. If you ca n’t get familiar with the techniques inside, then After that I will teach you Taoism again, then you may find it difficult to understand, and even not learn. If you want to make progress, it is best to do what I say exactly. "

I nodded that I knew.

After talking to me for a while, Xu Xuanhang let the room go to rest.

When I returned to the room, I found Zixue standing at my door. I asked her why, she said no one, and wanted to talk to me for a while. Anyway, it was too early, so I invited Zixue into the room.

After entering the room, Zixue sat down next to my bed, then picked up a pillow and hugged it in her arms. I asked her if she didn't want to chat with me. Why didn't she speak, Zixue said: "No Know what to say, forget it, I will sit here for a while, what should you do, do it. "

Zi Xue did n’t speak, and I did n’t have much to say, so I took out the book of basic Taoism and started to study. As for the six-phase shaman, I ’m going to read it early in the morning tomorrow. , Also suitable to study Fulu.

I flipped through the basic Taoism for a while, and then I just pinched a few tips and experimented with it. Because these Taoisms are relatively simple, I soon became familiar with them.

After glancing at me, Zixue threw the pillow and said, "Boring is dead. Why are you always practicing these low-level techniques? I went back to my room to rest."

After Zixue left, I could only smile bitterly in the back. These basic Taoisms were taught by Xu Xuanhang, and I could only follow them. Each of these Taoisms is a basic technique of its basics. I do n’t even know what I ’m doing.

There are even many spells in which the effects are repeated. For example, psychic eyes, my own psychic eyes do n’t say, there are more than twenty kinds of psychic houses and tips in this book, and I must also one by one. Skilled, this is what Xu Xuanhang asked me.

I once asked him why, and he told me, "This will help you to control your spiritual eyes in the future!"

However, for now, I don't know what the so-called help is.

This night passed quickly. In the middle of the night I had a strange dream, that there was a little girl dressed in white, but I couldn't see her clearly, walked in front of me, and then led me to a misty In the building, the building is an ancient building with a lifeline, red lacquered pillars, glazed tiles, a high threshold, and a golden plaque, but I ca n’t remember the words on the plaque.

In my dream, I asked the girl what to do with me, and she said two words "meal" to me. When I asked her what she ate, she said four words "people / meat feast".

As soon as I heard her say these four words, I woke up in a "puff" and realized that I was dreaming, I couldn't help but smile at myself, but after I fell asleep again, I made this dream again Once again, it was still when she said the words "human / meat feast" that I woke up ...

One night after another, I could n’t sleep again three times in a row. This dream is strange. It ’s even stranger to have the same dream all night. Is there something in this hotel that haunts me?

When I thought about it, I performed Soul Search and thoroughly searched the layer where I was sleeping, not to mention the dirty things. There weren't even some places where the yin was slightly strong, probably because there was a Xu Xuanhang living on this layer Right.

There are no dirty things, so why did I dream that half a series of dreams one after another, by coincidence, or for another reason!

I have some expectations in my heart. The second half of the dream is over. What is the so-called "human / meat feast"?

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