The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 500: House full of ghosts

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Before talking about the strange things at home, I asked Lu Chang to brief me about his fortunes.

Lu Chang thought about it or chose to tell me.

I asked these naturally to confirm first that the strange things that happened in his family were caused by someone or something he had caused before.

Lu Chang was born and raised in Shouchun. He and the boss Zhou of the jade shop where we live are very small. The friendship between the two is very deep. But after everyone grew up, Lu Chang went to Hefei to work hard, and boss Zhou He stayed in Shouchun and placed a small street vendor jade. Of course, at that time, Mr. Zhou sold mostly jade stones of extremely poor quality or simply fake jade.

Speaking back to Lu Chang, after he arrived in Hefei, he had good luck. He happened to encounter a local mechanical and electrical power plant to recruit workers, and he went to get his luck. He did not expect to be taken care of by the recruiting master. Later, Lu Chang and the master After a few years, I learned all the skills of the master. Later, when the master retired, Lu Chang took the place of the master.

Later, Lu Chang married a woman who was working in the factory as a wife. After a year, they had their own son. The family of three had a smooth life, and the unit had room for rent. The monthly salary added up to more than 2,000 yuan, which was considered a high-income group at the time.

But the good times did not last long. Suddenly there was a fire in the factory for a year, a large number of factories and machines were burned, and even a few workers died. Most of the workers in the factory were laid off / forced, although they still enjoyed some of the country ’s Subsidies, but the income is much worse than before.

When a fire broke out in the factory, it just happened to catch up with a series of economic reforms such as national optimization of industrial structure, so the factory was not rebuilt. In addition to some of the original high-tech personnel, other people in the factory were transferred to other places if they were related. In some factories in other industries, some people took some money and laid off directly, and Lu Chang was the last group of people who laid off the money.

When Lu Chang was laid off, just in time to catch up with the stock market, Lu Chang, who had no idea what he was doing, became the first batch of investors in mainland China and the easiest to make money.

Since the beginning of stock trading, the living standard of Lu Chang's family has risen sharply, saying goodbye to the old dorms, buying a new house, not to mention, and also buying his own car.

However, Lu Chang himself was a visionary. He made money by trading stocks, and he did not have any idea to invest in stocks. Instead, he started investing the earned money as an industry. He first opened a high-end hotel and then started A lot of supporting entertainment facilities have been opened in the vicinity of the hotel, such as karaoke that was popular at that time, and bars that have just emerged.

These investments just made Lu Chang make a lot of money, and then another eight or nine years later to the end of the century. The financial crisis and the stock market downturn. Because of the investment in the industry, Lu Chang has almost pulled back the money, and that While the entertainment industry is booming, the size of his industrial group has more than doubled in those years.

Later, Lu Changyu entered the real estate industry on time, thus laying the foundation for his super rich.

Speaking of which, I suddenly said, "It seems that all rich people are related to real estate."

Even though I have helped several real estate bosses deal with ghosts myself, even if it is not in the real estate industry, it will be more or less involved and make some related investments.

When Lu Chang heard what I said, he chuckled twice: "Master Shi, the situation on my side is almost like this. Can you tell me about my family?"

After all, it's on the phone after all. I can't ask too much about the details. Let Lu Chang say that he is strange at home.

Lu Chang cleared his throat, and his voice suddenly became serious, not as emotionful as when he recalled the past.

After taking a deep breath, he said: "This matter will start from two months ago. At that time, my family had just moved into the big house in the Bagongshan area. Originally, we moved to our new house and should be happy. But I did not expect that some strange things happened that night, so that the joy of my family instantly disappeared. "

When I asked Lu Chang what was going on, he told me a series of strange things that happened in that house.

On that day, Lu Chang's family moved to a new house. Some of Lu Chang's friends naturally came to congratulate. Lu Chang also set up a banquet in the house to entertain. On the day, everyone left after drinking enough, and only a few friends who were far from home Live in Lu Chang's mansion.

Lüchang ’s Zhaizi is located in the deep mountains of the Bagongshan generation. It is relatively remote. At night, it is quieter and more powerful. Plus that night was a cloudy day, and the house without moonlight and starlight became darker.

Lu Chang has been describing the environment of his house. I was anxious to hear and urged him on the phone: "The environment need not be so detailed, just talk about things."

Lu Chang paused and said, "That night, all the people who lived in our house encountered ghost presses. The next day everyone got pale and said to each other that everyone was almost the same at night. During the period of time, encountered a ghost press. "

"Ghost Press? What did you feel like at that time?" I must judge by Lu Chang's description whether they were really pressed by the ghost.

Lu Chang thought for a while and then said: "It's that our consciousness is sober, but the whole body is out of control, arms, legs / legs, and even neck, then we feel difficult to breathe, and then the whole body seems to be empty If we are not careful, we will fall into the abyss, not hell. We are cold under our bodies, and it seems that something has been pressing on us all the time, want to press us down, want to send us into hell, that kind of It feels really scary. "

Lu Chang described it very meticulously, and it also fully conforms to the situation of ghost presses.

When I asked Lu Chang about what happened later, Lu Chang told me that when he got up early the next morning, those guests were terrified, and they left without eating breakfast. Even two of them greeted Lu Chang and left. The house did not reach Lu Chang until halfway, saying "Leave."

Since that day, Lu Chang's new house has a new name "Ghost House".

I asked Lu Chang on the phone if there was a tomb or the like in the place where his house was selected, and then accidentally ruined his house when building the house.

When I asked Lu Chang this way, I was particularly determined to object: "I have also been in real estate for some years. To be honest, I have encountered strange things a few times. Later, I asked my husband to solve them, so our new house looks at the foundation. At that time, almost every square meter of the place was carefully explored by a special person. There was no problem. I could even eliminate the possibility of an ancient tomb tens of meters underground. The place that should be occupied angered the dirty stuff. "

"Unexpectedly, I was very careful and careful, and finally got dirty, and most importantly, I didn't know how I got it."

I haven't been to the site of the house yet, and I can't make too much of a conclusion, so let Lu Chang continue to say what happened next.

When something like that happened in the house, Lu Chang's family was also trembling, but if they were driven out of the first day after moving to their new house, it would be another joke, so Lu Chang invited him from Shouchun County A master went to practice, and the master, together with Lu Chang ’s mansion, said that there was yin, and then the house did n’t enter, so he did a ritual at the door of the mansion. In two cuts, the master was not too scared. He told Lu Chang directly, or ask a more powerful master, and then turned away and left, and did not ask Lu Chang for a penny.

Later, the master even left Shouchun County and did not return for more than two months.

Listening to Lu Chang ’s words, I could n’t help but smile and said, “It seems that the master you invited is not a liar, it should be a bit capable, but it ’s just that he did not act like a real Taoist. Thing. "

Lu Chang said over there: "This can't blame the master, it may be that the things in our house are too powerful, and others are afraid of being implicated."

When I asked Lu Chang about what happened later, Lu Chang said that after that, the family dared to stay in the house for a few days, and they were pressed almost every day. When they were pressed by ghosts the next two days, You can even hear particularly ethereal women crying and laughing in the house, and that voice is not one but a group.

A group of female ghosts! ?

Did Lu Chang's house get dirty?

At this time, I suddenly remembered that Lu Chang said that he is still in the Bagongshan area, and his family is still brave enough to live in that house. If that is the case, their heart will be too strong to bear. Too.

So I asked Lu Chang if he was still in the house deep down, Lu Chang said: "Naturally, there is no. I live in a hotel in the Bagong Mountain Scenic Area. My family returned to Hefei the day the last thing happened. . "

I asked Lu Chang why he didn't go back with him. He said: "Because this person has a temper, he won't leave Bagongshan until he understands this matter."

I asked Lu Chang what was the last thing that happened at his house. He was silent again for a while before the phone continued to ring his voice: "The last thing is like this, that is a fifteen At night, the moonlight is very bright. Let's discuss and see what is so fierce in the house, so we gather together in the front hall of the house to see what happens in the middle of the night. "

"In the beginning, the house was very quiet, but by midnight, everything in the house had turned upside down. The original empty house was suddenly full of people wearing all kinds of costumes. They had elderly people and children. There are daughters, men, some dressed in costumes, some men have long braids from the Qing Dynasty, and some are dressed in modern clothes. They are floating in the yard as if they are rushing to the market ... "

When Lu Chang said this, I was almost scared and full of ghosts. What on earth was his house built on?

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