The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 513: Unknown

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Lu Jiaojiao and Pan Yongda had been in contact with each other for a while, and the idea of ​​meeting again emerged.

It was a holiday on the eleventh. Lu Jiaojiao told his family to go to Bagongshan with his classmates. At first, Lu Chang and his wife couldn't rest assured that Lu Jiaojiao went alone, but she was struggling, but in the end agreed.

Panyongda also lied to his family, and ran to Bakong Mountain during the 11th period.

Liao Jiaojiao and Pan Yongda met, as if they were separated by their lovers who hadn't seen each other for the third time, they hugged each other tightly, and then the two of them spent a day together in the Bagong Mountain Scenic Area, because both gave The family said it was the next day, so the two of them stayed together that night.

Liao Jiaojiao told me stories, but I was really carefree, and these also told me that this made me a little embarrassed, I do n’t know how to interject, I ca n’t always ask “then what” or "What did you two do at night?" I did not speak, waiting for Lu Jiaojiao to continue.

Lu Jiaojiao said after a moment of silence: "That night, the two of us tasted the ban / fruit for the first time. Although we are still young, I never regret it, because I know I like him, even now, I still like him ... … "

When talking about this, Lu Jiaojiao's voice started to sob. Obviously, the ending of this story was not good. When I heard her crying, I comforted her on the phone and said, "Don't be excited, speak slowly."

After that happened, the next day Lu Jiaojiao and Pan Yongda were even more reluctant to separate. The two stayed at Wabu Lake in the south of Bagong Mountain Scenic Area for another half day. When the two were about to separate, one An unexpected thing happened.

Before that day, Panyongda and Lu Jiaojiao rented a boat to play on Wabu Lake. In a flash, half a day later, the two of them decided to return to the shore, and then go back to Hefei, afraid of their family members, but just in the boat When the ship returned to the ship, the originally calm Wabu Lake suddenly blew a strong wind, and the ship on which Lu Jiaojiao and Pan Yongda sat violently rocked.

These two people are not aware of water, so they are very scared, but Pan Yongda is quite brave. He hugs Lu Jiaojiao, let her not worry, but Lu Jiaojiao is still terrified. Stop shouting "ah" and "ah" loudly.

The wind and waves were getting bigger and bigger. Suddenly a big wave came and almost overturned the boat. Pan Yongda and Lu Jiaojiao sitting on the boat fell into the Wabu Lake because they lost their balance. Neither of them could swim. At that time, the storm was heavy, and the boatman driving the boat was not easy to rescue.

Of course, the boats chartered by Lu Jiaojiao and Pan Yongda were also irregular, and there were no life jackets on the boat, so the boatman had to put the oar into the water to get the two caught.

Pan Yongda also showed a man's role at this time. Although he could not swim, he struggled to push Lv Jiaojiao to the oars and let Liao Jiaojiao catch it, while he was pushing Liao Jiaojiao. Was swept away by the wind and waves.

Strange to say, the wind and waves stopped after less than half a minute after Panyongda was swept away, and Wabu Lake returned to its previous calmness, but unfortunately Panyongda never came up again, and he has not found him yet Where the body was, he seemed to disappear from this world.

When talking about this, Lu Jiaojiao was sobbing.

I did n’t know how to comfort Lu Jiaojiao, and after letting her cry for a while, I asked her, "What about later?"

Lu Jiaojiao sobbed and continued: "This incident caused a great sensation at the time. My father drove me back, and I never saw Pan Yongda's parents, but they were definitely better than me. It ’s even more sad, and I also know that they must hate me very much. If it ’s not because of me, Panyongda wo n’t come and follow me to Bagong Mountain, or to Wabu Lake. Got him. "

Liao Jiaojiao cried again.

Lu Jiaojiao was only seventeen a year that year, but she suffered a sad love. I am afraid that few people in this world have similar experiences to her.

Listening to Lu Jiaojiao crying uncomfortably, I said next to him: "You don't have to blame yourself, it's not your fault, blame it, just blame the wind."

Speaking of that strange wind, I already felt strange, would there be anything to blame in Wabu Lake, and then the wind and waves killed Pan Yongda.

After crying for a while, Lu Jiaojiao said, "Since that happened, I became ill. I often dreamed that a woman with a veil came to me, saying that she would take me away, that I was being stared at, If you do n’t run away, you will be killed alive by those people, and then used to sacrifice to the Great God of Dongdu ... "

To sacrifice human life to the Great God of Dongdu?

Why did Lu Jiaojiao have such a dream? As far as I know, the Great God of Dongdu is an orthodox river **** who enjoys the encroachment and sacrifices of the emperors of the past dynasties.

Of course, that was just Lu Jiaojiao's dream.

Liao Jiaojiao continued to talk about what happened to her. She had been sick for a long time and could not go to school anymore. The family had to suspend her from school and let her keep it at home. Of course, the family took her a lot The big hospital did a lot of examinations, and the results proved that Lu Jiaojiao did not have any physical symptoms.

Later, the Lu family invited Lu Jiaojiao several well-known psychologists to do psychological treatment for Lu Jiaojiao, but the effect was not very significant.

She still had that dream often, and the dream became deeper and deeper. Sometimes, in the evening, she would suddenly fall asleep while eating and eating, and then began to have that strange dream. As if she had passed out, she went to the hospital for an examination, but the result was only a deep sleep.

I asked Lu Jiaojiao what the deeper dream was. She did n’t answer me immediately, but cried again. This was also Lu Jiaojiao ’s sad thing. I ’m not in a hurry. I can only say: “Do n’t Anxious, you speak slowly. "

While crying, Lu Jiaojiao continued, "Um": "I first dreamed that the woman with the veil would let me escape. Later, I dreamed that I had reached the lake of Wabu Lake, and Pan Yongda was on the side Struggling / struggling in the water, shouting at me and letting me run fast, he said that someone would grab me and take me as a sacrifice, he has become a sacrifice of the river god, don't want me to be like him again ... "

It is also a sacrifice for living people. In Lu Jiaojiao's deeper dream, such a situation also occurs. Why did Lu Jiaojiao have such a strange dream, and still repeat it?

There is only one answer. There is something for Lu Jiaojiao to dream, and this thing may be the female ghost with a veil, or the ghost of Panyongda who has been buried at the bottom of Wabu Lake.

Either way, it proves that Lake Navabu is problematic.

Thinking of the flash of aura in my head here, would it be the same as the shadow ghosts crawling out of the barren pond of Badong Mountain that caused the blame in Wabu Lake? They were all instructed by the magical person who secretly fought with me, and In other words, all this was created by the magician himself.

Before Lu Jiaojiao finished speaking, I couldn't draw a conclusion and could only listen to her patiently.

Liao Jiaojiao has been dreaming the same way, and her mental state is getting lower and lower. It is really impossible. Lü Chang had to ask her master to show her around. At first, she did n’t pay attention to a few. In the summer of the following year, a great master came to Hefei this year, and he took the initiative to find Lu Chang, who could help him solve his daughter's affairs.

After hearing this, Lu Chang was naturally very happy and led the man to see Lu Jiaojiao.

The person who came to see Lu Jiaojiao was a middle-aged man in his forties. He was wearing a yellow robe and a golden handle in his hand. His name was Li Unknown.

According to Li Unknown ’s self-introduction, Lu Jiaojiao knew that he still has a nickname — a broken sky — and it is said that there is nothing in the world that he cannot count.

After seeing Lu Jiaojiao, Li unknown asked Lu Chang three points. He said that as long as he did two things and Lu Chang did one thing, Lu Jiaojiao's illness would be completely recovered.

I was curious to ask what happened, and Lu Jiaojiao also told me one by one.

The first thing Li unknown did was to evoke the soul. He opened an altar at the Lu family, and then captured the two little ghosts lurking around Lu Jiaojiao, and these two little ghosts always gave Lu Jiaojiao a dream. Ghost, one is a veiled woman, the other is Panyongda.

Later, according to Li Unknown, the female ghost wearing a veil escaped and only lived in Panyongda, and Panyongda was finally sent away by him.

However, Li Yun added that although the ghost of the veil escaped, she made a contract with Li Wu when she left and would not return to Lu Jiaojiao.

The second thing Li unknown did was to take a piece of jade from his backpack, engrave Lu Jiaojiao's name on it, and then let Lu Chang spend a lot of money to buy it.

Lu Chang bought the jade for Lu Jiaojiao for his daughter.

And the third thing that Li Unknown asked Lu Chang to do was to build a house in Bagong Mountain.

At first, Lu Chang was reluctant to do this, but later Li Unknown called Lu Chang away and talked to Lu Chang for a long time in private. After that, Lu Chang made up his mind and spent a lot of money to build a house. As for Li Unknown What he said to Lu Chang was only known to them. Lu Chang never mentioned it to outsiders.

However, from that moment on, the Lu family lived a life of rotation in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hefei. They lived in each place for four months, sometimes a few days, but there would never be another day.

As for the reason, Lu Jiaojiao could not tell.

Sure enough, Lu Chang had very important things to hide from me, and there was a problem with the construction of his house. I needed to go out and reconsider the house later to confirm where the house was built.

Lv Jiaojiao continued to say that after Li unknown did those two things for her, she no longer had that strange dream, only one week after she put on the piece of jade, she changed her voice, Later, he asked Li unknown to ask, he said that this was normal, waiting for Lu Chang to build the house, the Lu family lived in the house for the first half of the year, then all things would pass, and Lu Jiaojiao's voice would return to normal.

Hearing this, I feel that Li Unknown is not simple. What identity will he be? The person who is in China is still the same as me now. He is a scattered person in Yunyou, or he is a gangster with ulterior motives ...

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