The Tale of the Ghost Eyes

Chapter 521: Ghost theory

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Faceless ghost face regeneration! ?

When I saw this scene, I couldn't help but froze for a while. At the same time, my water control symbol gradually lost its effect. In order to prevent myself from being swallowed by the water in the courtyard, I could only take out the last water control symbol sacrifice.

While casting water control, staring at Wuyan Jiqing ghost and Wuyan shadow ghost.

The facial features on the shady ghost's face are becoming more and more obvious. It is a beautiful girl with a sweet appearance. She looks about seventeen or eighty years old, and her appearance continues to change, based on her original appearance. Continue to change.

Her face is getting more and more beautiful, and her eyes are more and more vivid. She is not as white as other shadow ghosts. Her eyes are extremely bright. Looking at her from afar, I ca n’t help feeling. A move, and her appearance after the change can be described by the words "Qing Guo Qing Cheng", which is not excessive.

"It's beautiful!" I couldn't help but sigh subconsciously when I saw the girl.

The girl's head was slightly lowered at first, and her eyes only flashed when her eyelids were frivolous, but after her face stopped changing, she raised her head slightly, but her eyes and expression were still not So confident, she is shy.

The girl ’s beauty was so unsightly that I did n’t dare to look at it, so I quickly squeezed the meditation curse to calm down my mood, and at the same time I began to think in my heart. Faceless shady ghosts show their beauty?

Although the girl was a mess of beauty, I was not tempted because I was not Ning Caichen, so I was not interested in ghosts.

When the girl's appearance turned into a complete state, Wu Yanqi Qingqing said, "Is she beautiful?"

I answered subconsciously: "Naturally is beautiful."

I didn't intend to answer, but I didn't expect me to say such a word, but I was following the way of faceless ghosts. My voice just fell, and a faint scent of flowers floated right in front of me. Where does the floral fragrance come from?

The next second I smelled this scent, my brain was dizzy and suffered. The scent was problematic. I quickly covered my nose, but it was too late. I felt dizzy in front of my eyes. It completely failed, and instantly no water layer disappeared, and the surrounding water poured into it at once, and suddenly I was staggered by the water waves used by all directions, back and forth, left and right, unable to stand still.

I look at the shameless ghost again. She gently took her sleeves away. I instantly understood that the fragrance was released by her tricks.

Soon the water submerged me. At my feet, I stepped on the face, and there were countless shadow ghosts spinning around in the water. They were also unstable by the current.

These shadow ghosts did not attack me, but circled around me. What are they going to do? I started to have difficulty breathing in the water. I feel like I am going to die. Will Liu Xian not come to save me yet?

Look at Wuyan Qiqing ghost and the shadow ghost who has been reborn, two people swam towards me in the water, especially the shadow ghost who was reborn, her speed is very fast, and the blink of an eye She came to me, and then she stretched out her hands slightly, dragging my neck with one hand and the waist with one hand, she even brought me a princess hug!

What is she doing? Take me away?

I wanted to struggle, but found that after smelling the scent, all aspects of my body were not controlled. Even, I could n’t even say “Help” with my mouth open, and now I only need one mouth, this water is definitely Fill my stomach and even fill up my lungs. In that case, I will die.

Having said that, Liu Xian and Zixue haven't shot yet.

I glanced under the water at the wall where Zixue and Liuxian stood before. At this time, my back was chilling uncontrollably. The two were no longer visible. They disappeared?

what 's wrong?

Wait, there is a problem here, Liu Xian and Zixue are not small, they can't disappear out of thin air, even if this faceless deterring green ghost is powerful, they won't be able to let Liu Xian and Zixue disappear without any movement.

At the same time, I also glanced at the little willow tree on my shoulder. At this point, I was even more surprised. There is no little willow tree on my shoulder. My clothes are intact.

In an instant, I understood that all of this was a illusion. I had entered into the illusion unknowingly. I looked up and looked at the fabulous shadowy ghost holding me. She smiled at me and looked down. Come and kiss me.


This made me unable to move again. This trick is so cruel. In the face of the temptation / confusion of such a beautiful woman, ordinary people are afraid to know that the other party is a ghost, and they will kiss it up without turning back!

It's just that I have to hold back now, because just smelling the scent, I have fallen into such a deep illusion. If she is kissed down by me, then I guess I can't wake up in my dream.

So I quickly read the meditation mantra in my heart, over and over again, and after a while, my head started to faint. I knew that this was my meditation mana. It was fighting against that illusion, and was fighting. During the process, my brain inevitably caused a short circuit, resulting in dizziness.

Waiting for my hand to slowly recover the fingertips, I pinched a Tiangang Soul Rejuvenation Technique and hit it on the character's face.


My hand waved, and I quickly touched that face, but I did n’t feel the touch as expected, my hand seemed to be in the air, and because I was too hard, I rolled After a moment, I felt myself falling off her "princess hug".


I felt a lot of pain when I fell, not like being in the water. At the same time, I felt dizzy in front of my eyes, and the whole person was awake. I squatted on the ground, and the water-free layer has changed from ten meters to five meters. , And my water control symbol is just barely supporting.

And Liu Xian and Zi Xue still watch the battle on the wall not far away.

Look at the faceless ghosts and the shadow ghosts who are easy to regenerate. They stood about three meters in front of my eyes. The faceless faces looked naturally bare, and naturally there was no expression, and the face was reborn. The shadow ghost is surprised: "You, you can escape my charm / confusion, who are you?"

I took a deep breath and quickly stood up from the ground, and I understood at once that this faceless shadow ghost is not only a faceless ghost, but also a "ghost charm" with a powerful charm.

I have heard Master Liu say that in ghosts, there is a special group, they are ghosts, but they have a talent that is stronger than ordinary ghost illusion, that is, "ghost charm", they are usually the beautiful young woman after death Once the ghosts are formed, they will use their charm / confusion technique to attract / seduce men with strong yang, and then absorb their yang for their own cultivation. When they take yang to a certain stage, they will Re-own the flesh, thus becoming a truly immortal charm, not a ghost.

The charm is generally a favorite of ancient emperors because of its peerless appearance.

Once the charm is out of the category of ghosts and charms, with a person, not only will it not take the yang of the person, but it can even nourish the person acting through the affair and make it live longer.

However, because of the hunting of ancient emperors, the charm has almost disappeared from this world, and even ghosts and ghosts no longer appear often. In later generations, people almost confuse ghosts and charms.

As for ghosts, I also heard from Master Liu that the appearance of ordinary ghosts is fixed, but there is a 1 in 10,000 chance that ghosts will become faceless ghosts. Such ghosts have more powerful illusions, because she will be based on The person who looks at her turns into what he thinks is the most beautiful face. Her face can eradicate the mood of the person who looks at her without changing, and finally reach the most perfect state.

Thinking of what Master Liu once said to me at this time, I was also surprised and surprised. I did not expect that I encountered the most special ghost today.

I thought about these things in my heart, just a moment. After I got rid of the charm / enchantment of ghosts, I hurried to reapply the spell and re-expanded the waterless layer to about ten meters, and all the shadows around were in the water. "Guru, Guru" bubbling, no longer rushing towards me.

I did n’t answer the words of ghost and Wuyanqiqing, then Wuyanjingqing said in an extremely angry voice: "You have angered me completely, even the girl with you has not escaped her charm. The technique, she can successfully give her dreams to her, but you guys who are not so good-looking, unexpectedly, unexpectedly ... "

Waiting for Wuyan to scare the green ghost, I said, "Hum" and said, "My heart already belongs to me. Your charm / confusion technique is useless to me ..."

But I didn't finish here, the ghost said to me again: "Really, this face may not fascinate you, what about this one?"

Saying that the ghostly face changed again, her facial features changed quickly, but the person she changed this time, I am very familiar, the familiar can no longer be familiar, she turned into the appearance of You Xiaoqing.

"You Xiaoqing" stood there and smiled at me slightly, and then began to call my name: "Xiaoyong, I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you missed me? I miss you so much!"

Really true, no matter the voice or appearance, it will be You Xiaoqing, and even the tone of the speech is completely consistent. This ghost is so powerful that it can see through my heart.

Although I knew that You Xiaoqing in front of me was fake, I couldn't help but want to answer her words. Just when I was about to open my mouth, the position of the small willow tree on my arm suddenly hurt, and my words changed to my mouth. It became the cry of "ah".

At the same time, I also heard Liu Xian ’s voice: “Stabilize your mind, do n’t answer her questions, it ’s better to control your mouth, otherwise every time you answer, it may become an opportunity for her to set up a phantom, once immersed again Go in, you will definitely lose. "

I took a deep breath and nodded in the direction of Liu Xian, shutting up my mouth and holding back all the urge to speak, but it was indeed a torment for me who was talking.

Especially in front of me, there is still a "you Xiaoqing" with a fake and real character.

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