Chapter 102: Losing the battle again! Next time, it will completely defeat you! Try to be stronger and please me.

Right in Anku, from Tan Lidou’s hands.

Get a faulty drive, as well as a Fangs Dangerous Berserk Crystal Card, when quickly leaving. At the same time.

Skybridge location.


In the blurry transpiring white mist, gray and gold are two completely different figures. At great speed, crazy collision!

In the white mist!

While the two figures staggered into battle, the scorching glare that enveloped everything and the crazy erosion of the piercing frost that continued to spread were counteracted.

This white mist was formed, completely shrouding the entire flyover! This scene puts the position below the overpass.

Goto who was beaten and disarmed from transformation. and Date Min.

Standing slightly embarrassed on the banks of the river on both sides, their eyes were extremely shocked, and the sky bridge above relied on their naked eyes. Impossible to see at all, super-fast combat!

That is, what is mentioned in the manual. Is Oz’s joint formation? It’s really powerful.

And the guy who dismissed the transformation of him and Goto, the manual did not mention any information about the other party at all. But judging by the strength he has shown.

And those awesome Greeed. It’s exactly the same!

Sighing in his heart, although in the first battle, he was beaten by a tough enemy until he was disabled, but Date Ming was not discouraged in the slightest.

After all, this allowed him to do it in a short period of time.

Earn a job with “a small goal” as quickly as possible. The 10 enemies to face are so powerful.

is very reasonable.

It seems that I must also work hard to familiarize myself with the various weapons of the Birth Knight system and use their familiarity in battle as soon as possible.

In comparison, Date Ming’s open-mindedness. For the defeat of this battle.

Without the slightest discouragement.

Beside him, Goto Qi’s hand holding his Birth belt was already clutching it deadly, and even his arm trembled a little at this moment, after seeing the power of the Oz group!

For the first time, he felt.

For your own use, this Birthknight system. Its power is far less than that of Oz!

That’s with the naked eye.

Unable to capture the speed of what you see, none of the weapons that Birth armor possesses can match it!

I’m afraid, only by cutting steel wings to fly into the air and circling. to be able to barely match it!

Yet even so.

For Oz’s cat lineage, the scorching glare of the sky, or the piercing frost of Esmont, and the gray-white fog. He can’t do anything either!


Thinking of this, Goto was extremely dark and unwilling, and smashed the stone bricks on the riverbank. The force was too strong, causing his fist to peak.

Directly break and bleed.

However, Goto directly turned a blind eye to this. Why!

Even with Birth Knight armor. Can’t match them either!

Esmond, the terrifying strength that crushed him, and Oz, who was already able to match Esmont’s defeat! Let Goto feel it deeply.

The gap between strengths. Such a self.

In the face of these, with terrifying strength, wantonly destroying all existence, how can he fight them to protect the world! Unwilling emotions, almost completely occupy the heart!

Goto’s expression appeared distorted. It’s even a little hideous.

However, his thoughts, no one knew at the moment, and Idamin beside him was watching the battle on the flyover above with full attention!

Wait, the final winner appears!


It didn’t take long for a sudden deafening violent roar and explosion to spread! The hot white mist is blown away by the air waves!

Location of the flyover!

At this moment, a golden lion phantom condensed above Oz’s head, and the scorching light reached the extreme at this moment! On the opposite side of him, Esmont also unleashed a big move!

In the endless gray fog! Densely packed zombies. Keep gushing!

Towards Oz, there was a roar, the sky, the ground, all kinds of zombies, almost overwhelming towards Oz!


The next moment, the roar of the lion. And the roar of zombies. Mixed together!

There was a shrill and deafening sound, and then Oz’s figure disappeared! Turn into the ultimate golden glow!

The golden male lion rushed into the dense zombie group. It has a scorching glare for restraint.

Its power exploded!

Everywhere they passed, all the zombies were wiped out, until Oz rushed in front of Esmont, raised his tiger claws high, and then tore the air and swung down!

Eye-catching energy crack! An X was formed!

Towards Esmond’s body, through it! At the same time, Esmont who withstands the attack!

Also kicked out in an instant!

The endless fog condensed into a zombie with an open blood basin in the legs at this moment, and directly tore down at Oz!


The killer moves on both sides hit both sides respectively. A furious wave of qi swept in all directions!

In a dull loud noise.

Oz and Esmont, both towards the position behind them, suddenly flew out upside down, and smashed heavily on both sides of the severely damaged overpass.

“Buzz –!”

The golden glow flickered, and then quickly dimmed down. In the pothole, Oz struggled to get up.

Oz armor on its body. Suddenly disintegrated!

It was revealed that Eiji Nakino, who was injured at the moment, was already a little unstable on his feet. And the opposite position.

Esmont also rose from the pothole. The gray-white fog on his body swirled.

The next moment, the armor quickly dissipated, and the berserk zombie cassettes fell off its neck and fell into Esmont’s hands.

This station is also the same as last time. Both sides are defeated!

However, at this moment, the injuries on Esmont’s body were not serious at all! At least compared to Eiji Naruno.

That’s it! It seems to be a tie.

But, without a doubt, Esmont had the upper hand. And with the end of the battle.

Berserk zombie cassette.

Its crystal layer quickly flashed twice. Represent, two levels higher!

This makes Esmont. Smile.

Every time he fights, his strength will be improved, and I am afraid that the result of the next battle will not be like these two and draw with Oz.

It’s yourself, completely defeat Eiji Naruno!


At this moment, the overpass that had fallen silent suddenly sounded with the roar of a motorcycle, followed by a sudden brake. Anku, arriving on a vending machine motorcycle.

Look at the battle that has ended. Front position.

The body shook, as if he would fall at any moment, but supported Eiji Nakeno, who was standing on his body. He immediately rushed forward to hold him up.

“Is it a tie again?”

Anku’s eyes stared at Esmont in the opposite position. There is a sparkle in the eyes.

I wanted to rush back as soon as possible and use the fault-driven 540 that I got from Tan Lidou, which can be used as a weapon and a driver.

and Jingka, who performs transformations and Oz. Destroy that together. Damn Esmont!

But now, it seems that there is no chance, and the other party only needs to use that teleportation ability. Just leave.

Even if he transforms, he can’t keep him! Simply, do not expose yourself.

Same with each other.

If you have a crystal card, as a hole card, the next time he comes to the door, he can use the joint group of Eiji Naruno to directly destroy it.

Thinking of this, the killing intent welled up in Anku’s heart. Slowly subsided.

However, what Anku didn’t know at all was that Tan Lidou handed him the crystal card. It is not a Bugster Crashing Virus.

And there are no antibodies in the body. He simply can’t use it.

In the silent atmosphere, on the other side of the overpass, Esmond puts away the berserk zombie cassette, and his eyes represent the red glow of destruction desire.

Slowly disperse.

There was an excited smile on his face.

Slowly said: “See, Eiji Nano Eiji, although I still don’t distinguish between victory and defeat, but this time, my state is far more than you, and the injury is not as serious as yours!” ”

“With every battle, I evolve and become stronger!”

“Next time, I will completely defeat you.”

“So, try your best to get stronger.”

“Don’t make me bored!”


The words fell, and in Esmond’s laughter, his body turned into a streamer. Disappear from where it is.

Only Anku and Eiji Naruno remained, the location of the overpass. and under the flyover.

Watching, Goto and Date Akira of the Flyover Battle. In an atmosphere of silence.

Both sides, without any words. Slowly leave!.

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