The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3365: Lishui sword

After speaking, the red energy line in Wei Zixi's hand flew out like an arrow, breaking through the red lotus industry fire circle, and heading towards the unconscious Jun Yueze.

Xuan Mu almost didn't even think about it, so he rushed in desperately and stood in front of Jun Yueze.


The tearing pain of the power of destruction and the burning of the red lotus karma made Xuanmu wailed hysterically.

Hearing his screams, Wei Zixi watched Xuan Mu and Jun Yueze burned by the fire, but there was no emotional change on his face.

On the contrary, his eyes became more and more cold and ruthless.

"Xuan Mu, you have disobeyed my orders over and over again, and I have given you a chance. But you seem to be relying on my tolerance and become more and more presumptuous."

"Well, if that's the case, then you will accompany him to death!"

Changling knelt down on the ground with a choked sound, crying: "The devil, Xuan Mu is just a momentary obsession, please forgive him!"

"Xuan Mu, Xuan Mu, leave the Red Lotus Industry Fire Array! Please Xuan Mu!"

However, Xuan Mu kept Jun Yueze firmly behind him, and even transferred his spiritual power to him.

Except for the scream when he was pierced by the power of destruction at the beginning, Xuan Mu didn't make a sound any more.

He gritted his teeth, his expression stubborn and sad.

Chang Ling couldn't help it anymore, and she was still on the ground, crying loudly.

Ye Xiao showed a sorrowful smile: Xuan Mu, a traitor, is finally dying!

The red energy lines slowly gathered in Wei Zixi's hands into thousands of meshes, and fell towards Xuan Mu and Jun Yueze.

This is a net woven by the power of destruction. As long as it falls, it can cut the hardest things in the world into pieces, not to mention just two people of flesh and blood.

Chang Ling closed her eyes in despair, tears falling down her cheeks.

The corners of Xuan Mu's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile of relief.

At this critical moment.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the net of red energy lines seemed to have encountered some power like a natural enemy, and it stopped in mid-air.

It was a sword, a sword that was once ordinary.

Back then, this sword was just a fairly sharp sword dug out from the treasure house of the Sealed Dragon Territory of Miluo Continent. It only possessed two attributes: water and fire.

However, so many years have passed.

The master of the sword entered the continent of Siam where magic weapons were everywhere, and saw various top-notch artifacts, even sacred artifacts such as the Nine Nether Sealed Dragon Sword.

However, its owner has never abandoned it.

Under the nourishment of its owner, it changed from the original water and fire steel sword to a top-ranked flying sword with the attributes of the five elements, and under the nourishment of the origin of the wood, it slowly took off its mortal body and became a sacred instrument.

Even after tempering the essence of the sun and the moon in the Yuankong Ancient Realm, it transformed from an ordinary artifact into a quasi-sacred artifact.

The name of this sword is Lishui Sword!

Once an extremely ordinary sword from the lowest level plane, at this moment it held up the destructive power of one of the three most terrifying forces in the world.

The Lishui sword hummed, knocked the net woven by the power of destruction back, turned around in the air, and went straight down again.

The sword body emits a blue light, which is the power of the origin of the wood.

Just listening to the rumbling sound, the extremely powerful Red Lotus Karma Fire Array broke apart every inch, and eventually even the Red Lotus Karma Fire disappeared without a trace.

A figure slowly landed from the air.

Snow-white gauze skirt, long black hair, slender figure, stunning face, and frosty expression.

Xi Yue slowly landed on the ground, her drooping eyebrows slightly raised, her phoenix eyes radiating sharply.

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