The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3389: Ugly and dirty, disgusting

Then his eyes fell on Ji Chengfeng, his eyes cold and guarded: "Your Majesty the last generation of God Emperor, I don't know what my little disciple did wrong, you have to kill her."

The crimson in Ji Chengfeng’s eyes slowly receded, looking at Jiu Ye’s gaze full of contempt, "What qualifications does a little nine-tailed fox have to question the deity? Xi Yue is my person, what happened between us? It's not your turn to ask."

Jiu Ye frowned and sneered: "Xi Yue is yours? Have you ever asked Xi Yue his wishes? You want to kill my disciple, and even ask me what qualifications I have to question you. What's more, you What kind of thing? It's just an old monster who has been dead for many years. Looking at your inhuman and ghostly appearance, do you really think that you are still the emperor who ruled the world back then?"

Jiuye's character has always been his own way, recklessly.

Even when Ji Chengfeng was the **** emperor, he was also Xianyunyehe, and he never surrendered to anyone.

Not to mention, now Ji Chengfeng is just a demon in human skin, what is it?

He even wanted to get involved with his little disciple. Where would Jiu Ye give him a good face?

Ji Chengfeng's face quickly became gloomy when he heard this, and gritted his teeth and said: "Do you have the ability to say it again?"

"Haha, what can't I say." Jiuye raised his hand as he spoke, and a huge floor-standing mirror appeared in front of Ji Chengfeng, "You don't look at your current virtues, just what you see now. I am ashamed to covet my beautiful and beautiful little disciple? Don’t say compare with the two beautiful men, Ji Mingyu and Wei Zixi, that is, the little servants under my hand who are serving tea and handing water. You look like a dog, do you think my little disciple can see your shit?"

Ji Chengfeng's red eyes fell on the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and he quickly saw what he looked like.

The face and figure of Huangfuyi are still the same, but because of the erosion of the devilish energy, because of the fatal injury suffered in the battle with Ji Mingyu.

At this time his skin had begun to rot and ruin.

Dark spots can be seen on the bare skin, spreading across the entire face.

That appearance, how could he have the handsome appearance of Fengshen back then, is almost like the **** evil demon who just climbed up from Abi Prison, ugly, dirty, and disgusting.

Ji Chengfeng stared at himself in the mirror blankly, with a look of horror but grief and anger, and his whole body trembled violently.

Do not! This is not him! It's not Ji Chengfeng, who was the majestic and majestic king who landed the world back then!

How could he look like this?

He should be a personable, handsome, and majesty the Emperor who made all women all over the world worshipped.

Standing with Xue Xi, he would be envious of being a pair of people, and countless people would envy him instead of thinking that he was not worthy of Xue Xi at all.

"It's not me! It's not me!"

Suddenly, Ji Chengfeng squeezed his face tightly with his fingers, and the deep bloodstains were caught by him one by one.

He seemed to fall into endless madness, "How could this be me? How could I become like this?... Xi'er, Xi'er, is it because I became like this that you betrayed me? That's why you gave birth to Ji Mingyu's child! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

When Jiuye saw Ji Chengfeng's madness, how could he care about him, and quickly went to check the situation of the little disciple.

The protective cover that blocked Ji Chengfeng from the outside, when Jiuye touched it, let him pass through easily.

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