The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3392: I'll take you home

The next moment, there was another violent shaking.

The barrier of the Saintess Hall was no longer overwhelmed, the formation was shattered, and the barrier disappeared invisible.

Ji Chengfeng's expression condensed, and he hurriedly waved his sleeves.

The scene outside the hall appeared in front of the three as if the shadow call stone was playing.

Seeing the scene outside the Saintess Hall at this time, the expressions of the three of them changed.

I saw that outside the saint hall that was originally crowded with monks, a corpse was spreading across the field at this time.

The thousands of cultivators barely survived, and they all fell **** on Taishang Square.

Some people's eyes widened in horror, and some were still lingering, their blood-stained lips opened and closed, as if calling for help, but his chest and abdomen had been amputated, and it was obvious that he could no longer survive.

There were stumps and broken arms everywhere on the ground, as well as bloody, tumbling heads everywhere.

Such a **** and cruel scene, it is because Jiu Ye hates this group of selfish people, and can't bear to look directly at such a scene.

But the most shocking thing is not this **** hellish scene.

It was the young man in a red robe who walked slowly across the field on this corpse.

The youth's face was as gorgeous as a peach blossom, and his skin was as clear and pale as mutton jade. He was dressed in red, and his black hair fluttered in the wind.

The slender five fingers that looked like a work of art also held the Haotian Scepter, one of the four great artifacts of God's Domain, and the top of the scepter exuded a holy glow.

This is supposed to be a beautiful and dazzling picture.

However, with the blood flowing on the ground, rolling eyes, and people's desperate wailing, it looked so creepy and terrified.

Jiuye glanced at his disciple, then looked at Ji Chengfeng, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

Why are the rotten peach blossoms that my little disciple provokes?

Just forget Ji Chengfeng, the old immortal monster!

This Wei Zixi is definitely not a normal person. In terms of perversion, maybe Ji Chengfeng can't compare to him.

Just thinking about it, I saw the Haotian scepter in Wei Zixi's hand raised.

A dazzling light emitted from the top of the scepter, rushed straight into the sky, and then fell back, covering the entire Saintess Hall.

Boom——! !

There was another loud noise, this time it was a real loud noise, earth-shattering and shocking.

The huge Saintess Hall, a temple covering thousands of square meters, began to shake violently.

Except for the main hall, all the palaces began to fall apart in an instant.

But after a while, the whole saint--

This symbolizes the tens of millions of years of peace, tranquility, sacrifice and holiness of the Holy Woman Temple, completely and suddenly collapsed.

Wei Zixi stepped on the rubble and walked towards the only main hall that was still intact.

It was said to be intact, but only around Xi Yue's location, the wall did not collapse.

The rest of the entire main hall, including the altar, has been turned into rubble, and there is no complete place.

Wei Zixi walked slowly to Xi Yue, showing a smile that seemed gentle and casually, "I'll take you home!"

Xi Yue frowned slightly, the power of the source baptized the pain in her body, making her tremble slightly.

But when she heard Wei Zixi's words, she couldn't help but draw the corners of her mouth.

Go back to your sister's house! Who will come home with you!

And, is there a way to take people home like you?

You are not as arrogant as you in a terrorist attack, right?

However, Ji Chengfeng was staring at Wei Zixi and the Haotian Scepter in his hand, his expression changed, and he even ignored the conversation between him and Xi Yue.

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