The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3397: Never again, there is Xuexi

"Can't go?" Jiuye was taken aback for a moment, then Ling gathered his eyes and looked not far away abruptly.

Ji Chengfeng’s majestic and cold voice came from her ears, "Yes, Xi Yue has always been in my bag. Do you really think you can take her away? Not only her, but Yun Tianyi, and those subordinates. , Now it’s all in my hands. Including you, the nine-tailed fox, you can’t go either. You are the prey of my advanced demon ancestor realm, and also a means to control Xi Yue, you think I will let any of you go ?"

On Taishang Square, I don't know when the demonic energy has become stronger and stronger.

In the devilish energy, each figure slowly appeared.

Seeing these figures, Jiuye's pupils suddenly shrank.

Because those figures were actually cultivators, the cultivators of the Divine Master Realm, every one of them was a figure with a head and a face on Eighty One Cloud Island. There are even great elders in the gods.

However, these people are no longer humans, because there is no trace of human emotion in their eyes, only greed and viciousness.

These are monks whose bodies have been invaded by demons, and their cultivation level even surpasses the Divine Master Realm itself.

Jiuye's gaze fell on the "Great Elder Shangguan Qingyun" among them.

Yun Tianyi, who was unconscious, was being carried in his hand.

Because of Nine Heavens Tribulation Thunder's attack, Yun Tianyi was injured by Ji Chengfeng's body, and the injury was added. How could he be Shangguan Qingyun's opponent?

And Zimo, Yinhu...and Qinglong, Baihu...They were all tied up, and they were carried by these demons in human skin like playthings.

Therefore, Xi Yue was right not to leave just now.

Because as Ji Chengfeng's biggest target, she was so weak in the middle of unlocking the source of the wood that it was impossible to escape.

Ji Chengfeng chuckled lightly, the devilish energy in his body circulated, and the wounds Wei Zixi had caused on him slowly began to heal.

"Even Ji Mingyu died in my hands, what are you guys? What qualifications do you have to fight me?! It is good if Xi Yue is willing to surrender to me. If she is still stubborn, I will send her to death. How about waiting for the birth of the next saint?"

With that said, the magic sword in Ji Chengfeng's hand was about to slash at Xi Yue.

After smashing the enchantment, he will try to extract Xi Yue's soul and soul again, if Xi Yue and the child in her belly would dare to resist.

Then he doesn't mind, let Xi Yue die with her evil seed.

Of course, at this moment--

"Mother, dead, never again, there is a saint!"

A crisp and childish voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Ji Chengfeng's words.

In the next moment, the bright snow-like rays of light fell one after another, and in the snow, a beautiful little angel-like elf fluttered from the sky with pure white wings.

As soon as Ji Chengfeng saw it, he frowned, "Yuan Ling, what are you, you want to stop me? You are just a beast that Xuexi and I raised back then."

It was Dandan that fell from the sky.

It flapped its wings gently, the radiance was scattered, and the sky in the distance seemed to have a strange sound.

Ji Chengfeng sensed with his spiritual sense, and said with a cold expression: "Oh, do you want to summon birds to come and take you Xi Yue from the air? Don't dream! Do you think anyone else can **** Xi Yue from me now? I want to kill her, no one can stop it!"

Dandan said expressionlessly: "You, killed the mother, never again, there will be a saint. There won't be, Xue Xi!"

"What are you talking nonsense?!"

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