The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3403: On the banks of Wangchuan River, the other shore flowers bloom (5) (seeking tickets)

At this moment, a clear chirp suddenly sounded.

In the next moment, the golden red light suddenly bloomed, enveloping Xi Yue and others.

Xi Yue and Jiuye haven't reacted yet.

I found that my originally suspended feet suddenly stepped on a large piece of golden red feathers.

The excited voice of the little red bird came from my ear, "Xi Yue, I have broken through, and I am now the real bird of the same name. Hahaha, the fastest in the world is me, see who else dares to be in the future Shouting in front of me!!"

"Xiaohong!" Xi Yue exclaimed in surprise, "have you transformed into an adult with the same name?!"

"Yes, yes!" Xiaohong continued, "I know that you are being chased by bad guys, so I ran out in a hurry, hurry up, let the unknown come up too, I will take you to the world. Keep those soft-footed shrimp plugs. I can't catch up with my wings, hahaha!"

Xi Yue was ecstatic. She did not expect that at this critical moment, the little red bird would actually break through.

Has also become the fastest bird with the same name.

Xi Yue didn't even think about it, Zi Ming Youluo flew out suddenly, wrapped Wei Zixi's waist, and pulled him back.

Seeing that his feet had just stepped on the back of the famous bird, Xi Yue immediately shouted: "Xiaohong, let's go——!!!"



Above the nine heavens, Chongming spreads its wings and soars, as fast as a meteor, piercing the night sky.

In the distant eastern sky, above the sea of ​​clouds, white fish faintly appeared.

That is a sign that the night is about to pass and the dawn is coming quietly.

Soon, the sun will rise from there.

Xi Yue let out a sigh of relief slowly, this long night, these hell-like days, finally passed.

However, when I thought of Yun Tianyi and Qinglong, and everyone in the Sealed Dragon Region, they were all in Ji Chengfeng's hands.

There was a strong killing intent in Xi Yue's eyes.

If Ji Chengfeng dared to move her father and relatives and friends, she would definitely break him into pieces.

However, if she wants to kill Ji Chengfeng and save people from Ji Chengfeng, she must at least break through the gods first.

And Xi Yue could clearly feel that he was only one step away from the God Realm now.

However, the top priority now is not cultivation, but--

Xi Yue walked to Wei Zixi's side, squatted down, the power of the source was slowly rotating, and it was about to enter Wei Zixi's body.

However, before she could move, Wei Zixi had already opened his eyes.

The muffled voice thought casually, "No, you should break through to the gods first, I can't die."

Xi Yue frowned and said in a deep voice, "It's up to me as a doctor to judge whether you die or not."

As he said, the power of the source was sent to him.

However, Wei Zixi's body was filled with red light, which bounced her original power away, "I said it wouldn't be necessary if I don't use it."

The man's expression and voice were very cold, as if impatient.

But Xi Yue didn't feel irritated, but extreme anxiety arose in her heart.

Just when Wei Zixi wanted to drive her away from her side, Xi Yue's eyes were quick and she grabbed his wrist.

Spiritual power and Mu Zhiyuan penetrated in, and Wei Zixi's physical condition was revealed in front of him at a glance.

Xi Yue's face turned pale in an instant. She tightly squeezed Wei Zixi's pale and bloodless wrists, her body trembling slightly, and even her voice seemed to be broken, "Wei Zixi,"

Wei Zixi stared at her deeply, blood leaking from the corner of his mouth little by little.

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