The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3410: I want to go back, someone is waiting for me (four)

The old voice seemed to sigh softly, and then said: "I am the first generation of God Emperor of God's Domain, and also your nominal father."

"What?!!!" Rao Yi Ji Mingyu's composure could not help but exclaimed at this time.

Regardless of whether the voice said he was the first emperor or his nominal father, it shocked him beyond belief.

Didn't Ji Chengfeng say that he is an orphan, and his parents died in the ancient war?

Why is the first generation of God Emperor of God's Domain his father?

The first generation of God Emperor of God's Domain, how many tens of thousands of years ago was it? How could he survive to this day?

"Also, you made a mistake. This is not the sacred artifact Chaos Jade Butterfly, but the afterimage left by the Chaos Jade Butterfly. Because the real Chaos Jade Butterfly is in your body."

"What are you talking about?" Ji Mingyu stepped forward and said in disbelief, "Chaos Jade Butterfly is in my body?"

The old voice did not answer him, but slowly said: "Do you know how this Hell was formed? Why are there so many demons trapped here? Why is there a great array of gods guarding the three thousand tribulations? The balance of the plane world?"

Ji Mingyu listened quietly, without speaking.

The old voice didn’t seem to want him to answer, and said to himself: “I’ve forgotten that hundreds of millions of years ago or tens of thousands of years ago, I created God’s Domain together with Goddess, and created a world of three thousand planes. The world is bestowed with life and spiritual power."

"I fell in love with the goddess and gave birth to the crystallization of love, but the good times did not last long. Suddenly a large number of natural disasters and man-made disasters appeared in God's Domain and the world of three thousand planes. Thousands of humans and monsters died, plants withered, and land deserted. The goddess couldn't bear the suffering and pain of her people and insisted on saving them, so at the cost of our souls, the goddess and I created the three source powers and sent them into the three thousand planes of the world."

Ji Mingyu's heart moved: "Is it the origin of wood, the origin of swallowing, and the origin of destruction?"

"Yes, the destruction of the origin makes life in the world have an end and an end, swallows the origin to clear away the dirt and magical energy in the world, and the origin of wood brings new life to the reset world, so the power of the three origins complements each other, endlessly, and the cycle repeats. , So that the world of the three thousand planes stabilized. Although there will be birth, old age, sickness and death, joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, it is no longer a disaster of extinction."

"However, the power of the origin of creation consumes too much vitality of the goddess, so that the vitality of the fetus in the abdomen is exhausted, and it is a stillborn child when it is born. The goddess is heartbroken and does not believe that her child is dead. In the end, she Hiding it from me, he used an apostate spell to send the child's three souls and seven souls into the Chaos Jade Butterfly to be sealed."

"It is also because the goddess used such a forbidden curse that is not tolerated by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, so countless demons appeared in the gods, raging and slaughtering everywhere. , I felt extremely guilty in my heart, and because of the formation backlash, my soul was gradually declining, and finally I was depressed."

"Until the time when the oil ran out, the goddess was still dying, thinking about the child with only three souls and seven souls, and the godland with corpses all over the country, full of guilt and unwillingness. After the goddess died, I was already bored and I just wanted to finish. The wish of the goddess, just follow her..."

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