The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3430: The magical powers of Ji Chengfeng (3)

"I think he should have swallowed the Dao of Heaven." Jun Yueze's face was pale, and he said slowly, "Ji Chengfeng has completely fallen into the magic way, completely abandoning his body, soul, conscience, and reincarnation cause and effect. Having swallowed the Heavenly Dao, that is, he has broken away from the Three Realms and Six Dao. Now Ji Chengfeng is far stronger than when he was the Emperor of God, even Xi Yue cannot be his opponent. From then on, there will probably be no one in this world. Can compete with him."

When Jun Yueze said this, everyone's expressions became extremely ugly.

Koike said anxiously: "Then what should we do? Should he let him kill all human beings and do whatever he wants, and take away my sister?"

"Who dares to touch my daughter!" A stern shout came from the Sealed Dragon Domain.

Yun Tianyi staggered out with the support of Zimo, his face full of sullen.

Xi Yue hurriedly went over to support him, and rebuked: "Father, your injury is not healed, how can you come out casually?"

Yun Tianyi was injured by the nine-fold thunder tribulation of Heaven. Xi Yue's original power can heal his body and nourish his soul, but it takes a certain amount of time.

Yun Tianyi grabbed Xi Yue's hand, gritted his teeth and said, "Yue'er, don't worry, even if your father dies, you will never be allowed to move your hair. That person is not a ghost or a ghost. Dare to covet my baby girl, I must...cough cough cough..."

Xi Yue hurriedly input the origin of the wood to him, while being moved, he was a little bit dumbfounded at the same time.

Now Yun Tianyi's strength is not as good as hers, of course it is not as good as Ji Chengfeng.

However, his heart as a father is not half afraid.

As long as he thought of Ji Chengfeng's undead daring to think of his precious daughter, he could not wait to smash the corpse of the thief.

Even Ji Mingyu, such an excellent son-in-law, was reluctantly admitted after going through many tests.

Let alone Ji Chengfeng, what is he? !

Jiuye patted Yun Tianyi on the shoulder, and sighed: "I understand your mood, but now that everyone on our island is added together, I'm afraid they are not his opponents."

As time went by, the waves rolled around the island getting closer and closer to Qiankun Island.

And the devilish energy in the air is getting stronger and stronger.

If they hadn't taken the exorcism pill given by Xi Yue, they would have already been churned with blood and energy by these magic pressures, and they would be in a state of confusion.

With a wave of Jiu Ye, a protective shield enveloped the entire island, but his expression was extremely solemn when he saw the thick and insufficient demon energy permeating outside.

"Not to mention dealing with Ji Chengfeng, even these devilish qi can consume us alive. Especially when the people of God's Domain on the Eighty-one Cloud Island are all corroded by the devilish qi and become demons, then we People will be left alone and helpless, with no livelihood."

There is one more sentence Jiu Ye didn't say.

Ninety percent of the people in this Dragon Realm came from the lower realm, and their cultivation was not worth mentioning in the God Realm.

A few of them may be able to protect themselves in a short time.

But Xi Yue, these friends, obviously had a tragic ending as soon as they left this enchantment area.

"Mr. Jun, even you can't help it?" Ling Yu couldn't help but knelt beside Jun Yueze, and asked in a low voice, "Are we really going to have to wait for death in this place?"

However, after Ling Yu finished speaking, he found that Jun Yueze was in a daze and ignored him.

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