The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3435: Resolute without regrets (5) (seeking votes)

But at the moment when Qianmozhan's arrangement was completed.

Suddenly, a dazzling light spread out from the center of the circle where the Dragon Domain was.

The light is turquoise at a rough glance, and when you look closely, it seems to be a colorful aurora. If you forget it for a long time, you will find that it contains all the colors in this world.

As the rays of light spread, the devilish energy permeated the air, as if water mist hit a raging fire.

Was swallowed in an instant.

And when that Aurora touches a low-level evil demon, the evil demon will let out a stern howl, desperately hiding out of the Aurora light.

Almost at the same time, densely packed monsters soared from the sky.

As soon as it fell on the ground, it opened its blood basin and swallowed those low-level demons.

Among them, the flaming red bird, the golden flying dragon and the purple vine are particularly conspicuous, and no one can match wherever they go.

The little Cthulhu devoured the demons everywhere, and his cultivation level rose to the Demon God Realm in just a quarter of an hour.

"This...what is this?" Amidst the ruins, the remaining people of God's Domain climbed out, looking at the aurora emanating from a distance, their eyes burst into the aftermath of the calamity, "Isn't God abandoning us? God? Are you finally willing to save us?"

Far away, above the Sealed Dragon Domain, a figure slowly flew up and stayed in mid-air.

The colorful Feng Yu Tianyi was worn on her body, reflecting the beautiful face, the graceful demeanor, like a heavenly man descending into the world.

This scene is so familiar.

The aurora swept across the body, and the feeling of being healed was so familiar.

Many people who survived in God's Domain remembered the moment when the Holy Light descended.

That is the saint, the blessing that the saint bestows on them, and the salvation that the saint brings to them.

But at that time, they took it for granted and were not grateful at all.

Until they lost it, until they faced a hellish desperation, they realized how ridiculous they were wrong.

No one's sacrifice and dedication is taken for granted.

Some people let out a low cry, some fell to their knees, praying with regret.

Some people are begging for forgiveness from the saint.

However, Xi Yue, who was in midair, did not give them the slightest gaze, but instead kept urging the power of the origin to spread the power of Thousand Demon Slash to the entire gods.

Under the power of the formation, the positions of humans and demons seemed to be reversed.

The human wailing and screaming disappeared, replaced by the howl of the beasts and the painful roar of the demons.

After just an hour, the demons in the entire God's Domain were cleaned up by more than half.

And the runes of the God Emperor's Great Tribulation Array also slowly lit up, and the entrance to Abi Hell became smaller and closed.

Whether it was the remaining people of God's Domain or the Sealed Dragon Domain, there was a burst of cheers.

Thousand Demon Slash, really deserves to be Thousand Demon Slash.

The original power and demon fire emanating from Xi Yue's body are even the nemesis of demons.

As long as it continues, Abi Prison will be completely closed, and everyone will be saved.

However, everyone in the Thousand Demon Slashing Formation knew it.

The war is far from over.

"Xi'er, why are you always so bad? Are you forcing me to break your hands and feet and imprison me like a pet?"

Suddenly, a muffled thunderous sound came from the sky, causing everyone to shudder.

Xi Yue's expression was stunned, the Lishui sword in his hand appeared, and Zi Ming Youluo also returned to her side, fully guarded.

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