The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3451: Fight together (two) (seeking votes)

Strong emotions surged in Ji Mingyu's eyes, and finally he held Xi Yue's hand tightly, and said dumbly: "Okay, we are together, and from now on, we will never be apart again!"

Two rays of light, one green and one black, radiated from the two of them, slowly blending into one.

Jiuyou Sealed Dragon Sword flew into the sky, and the dragon chanted.

Nine Heavens Xumi Hall jumped up to the clouds, shrouded in light.

Of the two, one is God’s Domain’s strongest attacking sacred weapon, and the other is God’s Domain’s strongest defensive sacred weapon.

When the two sacred objects merged, an earth-shaking light burst out instantly.

Under the light, the two figures interlaced and rotated, as if they merged into one, with me in you and you in me.

The origin of the wood and the origin of devouring water blended, becoming bigger and bigger, and finally collided with the dark magic energy.

Vaguely, I could see the red light flickering in Xi Yue's belly.

That is Wei Zixi's remaining destructive power.

Destruction, devouring, rebirth, this is the reincarnation of life, but also the rebirth of hope.

boom----! ! Long————! !

On God's Domain Continent, everyone raised their heads and watched this earth-shattering scene.

Is it victory or defeat?

Is it life or death?

Only in this moment!

Some people put their hands together, closed their eyes, and prayed silently.

Someone lay down, their expressions were relaxed and relaxed, and they had already put life and death away.

Someone raised their glass and drank it after touching it. The old hatred disappeared without trace.

Jun Yueze gently fiddled with Tong Tianyu in his hand, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Sir, what are you laughing at?" Ling Yu couldn't help asking.

Jun Yueze looked at the blue and black lights and shadows in the sky, and said in a low voice: "Three thousand avenues, love arises. Love breaks, God's realm is destroyed; love is tied, God's realm is reborn."

"Sir, what are you reading?"

"I'm talking about it, it turns out that this is the real encyclical of heaven."

It turns out that the enactment of heaven has always been correct.

Love is tied, God's Domain is reborn.

All disasters are over.

They finally won the final victory.

Xi Yue, Ji Mingyu, from now on, you will be very happy.


"It is not important to rebuild God's Realm, heal the wounded, and cultivate one's health, nor is it urgent!"

Jiu Ye turned to everyone, categorically saying: "There is only one thing that matters most now."

"What the **** is it?"

"Yes, Jiuye, what else is more important than letting the young lady and uncle have a good rest for a few days?"

Jiu Ye squinted his eyes and said, "Of course it is the grand wedding of the **** emperor and the holy queen."

"Huh?!" Excited voices sounded all around.

No one thought that what Jiuye was talking about was this.

"No! I don't agree!" Yun Tianyi said angrily, "I haven't prepared anything now, and didn't mention the marriage proposal. Why did I marry Yueer so early?"

"Yeah!" Gu Liufeng nodded, "Such a hasty wedding is not good. Shouldn't it be prepared for a longer period of time, and it will be vigorous and lively, so that the entire God Realm will be unforgettable forever?"

Ouyang Haoxuan smiled, wiped the red lotus sword in his hand, "It is not so easy to marry our master."

"That's it!" Bai Ruohuan's group roared, "Teacher Xi Yue is a treasure of our Heavenly Medicine Valley, even if the Emperor wants to take it away casually, that's impossible!"

After saying this, Qinglong Baihu and the others were unhappy.

"How can it be casual!" Bai Hu said loudly, "Our master has begged Miss Xi Yue to get married several times, and the engagement banquet has already been held."

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