The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3455: End of text: bridal chamber anthurium (2)

She could completely imagine how the group of Daddy, Jiuye, Ouyang Haoxuan, and Xuan Mu would get together and toss Ji Mingyu.

But Ji Mingyu couldn't get angry because he was the groom's official, so his expression must be very cute.

"Unconscionable girl!" Ji Mingyu scratched the tip of her nose, "Don't miss your husband or me at all?"

As he said, he hugged Xi Yue to the table, picked up the wine glass, and poured two glasses of wine.

"Xi'er, in Nangongyu's life, I worshipped you and got married. I thought I would drink wine with you after the guests came back to fulfill the dream of mandarin ducks. Unexpectedly, there will be no return from now on. Forever."

"At that time, I thought you were dead on the top of Cangshan Mountain. When I gave up my life, I never thought that there would be a day when I would meet you again, or even have another wedding."

"Even if I have suffered so much before, at this moment, I am grateful to God for allowing me to meet you, so that we can overcome all difficulties, and finally be able to be together."

Xi Yue took the wine glass, pursed her lips and smiled, intertwined her hands with him, but joked in her mouth: "Well, I believe you are really Nangongyu at this moment. Only Nangongyu can say so many sweet words, Ji Mingyu Those who are clumsy and tongue-in-cheek won't say so much!"

Ji Mingyu looked stiff, and gave her an angry look.

But what was more in that glance was full of pampering and affection.

The two of them interlaced their hands and slowly brought the wine glass to their lips.

At this moment, a small head suddenly hung from the roof and shouted: "Mother, you are not allowed to drink!"

Both of them were taken aback, and Xi Yue's wine glass only touched his lips and put it down.

He looked up and saw that it was Dandan, and said suddenly: "Little naughty ghost, you are lawless, right?"

Ji Mingyu's face was even more ugly and thorough.

When I was Nangongyu in the previous life, I had nothing to do with the last drink.

This time I thought it should be smooth sailing, but was actually destroyed by the little guy Dandan.

How can he not be angry?

Ji Mingyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and raised his hand, but with a light movement of spiritual power, the egg screamed, flew over from above, and fell into Ji Mingyu's hands.

Today he is the groom's official, and he originally planned to use no spiritual power.

But this little bastard, after all, let him break.

"Daddy, dad, don't hit me!" Dandan yelled, holding his little head, "I was wrong, I shouldn't scare you and mother, shouldn't come to your new house to peep, but I didn't mean it! I want Come to supervise you! Jiuye said, you can't make up with your mother, nor can your mother drink a little wine."

Ji Mingyu's expression was no longer gloomy, but cold and scary.

"Jiuye said, I can't make up with Xi'er? Why?!"

The last three words popped out of his teeth.

The light in his eyes seemed to be able to kill people.

On the contrary, Xi Yue's expression on the side moved, and then a faint smile appeared.

Dandan raised his head, opened his big round eyes, and said innocently, "Because my mother is pregnant with the baby!"

"What————?!!!" An exclaimed, resounding through the sky.

At the same time, the door was knocked open.

Yun Tianyi said in disbelief: "Dandan, what did you just say?!!!"

Koike's eyes were shining, and he was delighted and unbelievable: "Oh, that doesn't mean that I am going to be an uncle again, and that I am still a soft baby!"

Xuan Qing laughed loudly: "Oh, I didn't expect that the old man will not only have good disciples, but also good disciples and grandchildren."

Jiu Ye squinted at him, "It's my disciple and grandson!"

Dandan touched his little head to see how dad and dad were dumb and dumb, and at the entangled expression of grandpa, shaking his little head, he laughed.

In the whole house, only Xi Yue was the calmest person.

I don’t know when, she has already taken out a glass of Nine Ghosts Spring Water from the space, took a sip, caressing her lower abdomen and chuckles: "Hey baby, have you seen it? Your father, grandfather, uncle, Brother, Master... all of them are happy and stupid!"

While smiling, I heard a thunderous roar coming from my ear.

"Yun Xiyue, why didn't you tell me about such an important thing!"

The body suddenly rose into the air, and was swept into a familiar and hot embrace.

The voice roared hard, but the movements were soft and tense, as if she would break with a touch.

Xi Yue couldn't help but laughed low.

What a special and lively night in the bridal chamber!

She hugged the man's neck and exhaled in his ear: "Sorry, dear, I forgot to tell you that you... are going to be a father."

End of the text of "Medical and Poisonous: Pluto's Genius Consort"

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