The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3458: Dragon and Phoenix twins (3)

Xi Yue originally planned to take the ingredients and make it himself.

How could Ji Mingyu, who spoiled his wife like his life, agree? So, for his wife's picky food during pregnancy, his dignified Royal Highness drove away the kitchen, rolled up his sleeves, and cooked food by himself.

After several attempts, the spiritual food is finally out.

The Azure Dragon and White Tiger who was waiting on the side was stunned, gluttonous smelled the scent, and even waited to pounce on it directly.

The result was kicked by Ji Mingyu.

After Xi Yue took a bite, he opened his eyes and smiled, and his appetite opened up.

So from then on, His Majesty the Emperor of God has embarked on the road of family cooking.

Xi Yue hugged Ji Mingyu's neck and kissed him on his lips, "Yu, if you are so used to me, I will be spoiled by you."

"I like to spoil you. Who would dare to put a beak in this world?" Ji Mingyu held his wife's back neck with one hand, and put his arms around her waist and kissed deeply.

After a long time, Ji Mingyu pushed her away panting, his eyes seemed to be burning with flames, and he muttered: "Xi'er, I have been holding back for several months. Don't seduce me anymore."

He laughed like a little fox, wrapped his arms around his neck, sat on his lap, and chuckled softly: "My dear Emperor, is it really alright for you to stay with me for so long? My shadow protection contract has been There have been fluctuations several times, it must be Gu Liufeng who couldn't find you, so they found my place."

Ji Mingyu's face suddenly changed from desire and dissatisfaction to gloomy, "Regardless of them, God's Domain will not collapse without me."

"But you are the emperor of God after all!" Xi Yue persuaded, "What's more, if you never go back, throw the matter to my father and Jiuye and the others, be careful they turn your face against you!"

Ji Mingyu gritted his teeth and said: "I shouldn't listen to Jun Yueze. Send you to this Miluo Continent to raise your baby. They just don't see our love, so they want to tear us apart alive!"

Hearing this, Xi Yue laughed out loud, "This is how you wronged my cousin Yueze. The blood of you and me is too special. You need the purest vitality of heaven and earth to be nourished in order to be born safely. But God's Domain and He The worlds of the three thousand planes have all experienced the pollution of devil energy. Although I was purified later, it will take at least a hundred years to restore the pure vitality of the world. But because Miluo is a small world outside the three thousand planes, On the contrary, it is because of the long distance that it has not been corroded by the devilish energy. Therefore, it is the best for our children to be born in Miluo."

"Besides, do you remember? We were here when we were married, and we were here to worship. We also said that we must give birth to our two children. Even the room where the children live in the Hades Palace, we have thought about how to decorate the room. . Don’t you think it’s a destiny to be able to come back here to give birth to our children now?"

As Xi Yue told her, Ji Mingyu's complexion improved.

But when I thought that I would return to God's Domain immediately, I was unwilling to hug my wife tightly and buried her face in her hair, "Xi'er, but I can't bear to be separated from you for a moment."

"I can't bear it either." Xi Yue hugged him and said, "However, you don't think you have been separated for a long time. You deal with things in God's Domain, and you can come back at most four hours a day. I will wait here. You, we still have two-thirds of the time we can stick together every day, don’t you think this is also good?"

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