The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3468: Dragon and Phoenix Twins (13)

"Hmm! Sister Xi Yue, I miss you so much!" Shen Qing held her other hand.

"Sister Xi Yue, sister Lingyu and I will sleep with you tonight, OK?"

"Hehe, there is also Lord Nuogu. I heard that Lord Nuogu has already come down. Tonight, the three of us will add a Qingluan to sleep together. Let's talk about our goodbyes!"

Ji Mingyu's face was gloomy and could drip with water, and gritted his teeth and said: "This is my Hades Palace, who allowed you to live in!"

He even wanted to **** Xi'er with him, and sleep with Xi'er, it was a dream!

"Tsk, what does your Majesty the Emperor God mean?" Ouyang Haoxuan said with a smile while holding the sword in his hands. We all drive out!"

Seeing Yun Tianyi and Mrs. Yun's unkind gaze, Ji Mingyu asked them to go, so she swallowed it back.

But the whole body faintly exudes terrible coercion, almost torn the surrounding space.

The crowd happily went to the backyard with Xi Yue, but isolated Ji Mingyu.

Let their supreme Divine Emperor want to kill people out there with anger.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Koike couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Brother-in-law's expression was so terrible just now! I'm really afraid he will tear us apart if he is alone!"

"Deserve it! Who told him to leave the things of God's Domain to us, and ran over to accompany his wife freely." Jiuye smiled and smiled, "The next day, we will occupy his wife and let him try to stand alone. The taste of a boudoir."

Xi Yue shook his head helplessly and chuckled.

How old is this Jiuye, how can he still behave like a kid.

You don't need to think about it, but Jiuye must have come up with this horrible idea.


At night, everyone in the courtyard was asleep.

Lingyu and Shen Qingmei talked about falling asleep with Xi Yue, but in fact they just spread two quilts on the ground.

Both of them are high-ranking monks, and they are not afraid of this bit of cold and heat at all.

At night, there was no sound, and a black shadow appeared beside the bed silently, embracing the sleeping woman on the bed.

Xi Yue slowly opened his eyes, smelled the familiar man's breath, immediately showed a clear smile, and muttered: "Ji Mingyu!"

Ji Mingyu let out an "um", lowered his head and kissed her forehead. The surrounding scenery had changed in a flash, and he was in Ji Mingyu's bedroom.

Xi Yue laughed out loud, "I knew you would come over at night."

"Don't you want me?" Ji Mingyu scratched the tip of her nose, dissatisfied, "the little girl with no conscience."

How can I not think about it!

Xi Yue hugged his hand, rubbed into his arms, found a familiar posture, and slowly fell asleep.

Before going to bed, she whispered softly: "Idiot, didn't you realize that I didn't fall asleep at all? Without you by my side, could I sleep!"

A smile appeared on Ji Mingyu's face, and he carefully hugged his wife and closed his eyes.


Another month passed slowly, and Xi Yue's belly was already a little scary.

When Ji Mingyu often looked at the belly that seemed to crush his wife with red eyes, he had the urge to slap him to death.

Those "guests" living in the Hades Palace also seemed to feel the low pressure of their Divine Emperor, and did not dare to try to tease him anymore.

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