The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3471: Dragon and Phoenix Twins (16)

"Sister——!!!" Koike yelled, desperately trying to rush in, but Yun Tianyi grabbed him.

Koike red eyes, "Father, you let me go, I'm going to see my sister, what's wrong with my sister?"

"What are you doing as a man? Isn't it enough for a Ji Mingyu to go in and make trouble?"

Yun Tianyi irritably put his son aside, and fixed his eyes on the closed door.

The hand hanging by his side couldn't help being clenched into a fist.

Thinking that Mrs. Yun just wanted Ji Mingyu to wait outside, she was scared to the ground by Ji Mingyu's murderous gaze.

Yun Tianyi couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Ji Mingyu's hoarse, decisive, murderous voice sounded in her ears, "I care about your common rules, Xi'er is my wife, and I have to accompany her whether it's life or death! Anyone who thinks To prevent me from staying with Xi'er, I will never show mercy, even if you are Xi'er's father and grandmother!"

At that time, even Yun Tianyi paled in fright by his bloodthirsty appearance.

Let alone Mrs. Yun.

This son-in-law is really...

Rumble, a greater thunder fell, and the whole room trembled violently.

If it hadn't been placed under the enchantment, then the entire Hades Palace would have collapsed long ago.

Then, a scene that stunned everyone happened.

After the thunder fell, the sky to the east suddenly filled with colorful clouds.

And this kind of glow slowly spread towards the entire sky, illuminating the dim sky at dusk even brighter than during the day.

Choo Choo Choo--! !

Ho Ho Ho --! !

In the surrounding mountains and rivers, all the creatures were agitated, making bursts of noise, which alarmed everyone in Miluo.

Countless birds flew to the top of the roof of the Hades Palace and kept spinning.

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Suddenly, Xiao Nuo's surprised voice came from the room: "It's born!"

"What?!" Yun Tianyi suddenly recovered from a few people, and they couldn't care about this vision anymore.

Koike rushed toward the house like an arrow.

The room was divided into two rooms, Xi Yue was in the back room, holding Xiao Nuo, who was smirking with the child, outside.

Koike rushed to Xiao Nuo excitedly: "Is this my little nephew? Is it a male or a female, looks good? Hey, why are there two?"

Xiao Nuo blinked and said with a smile: "Don't you know, Master is pregnant with twins? And it's dragon and phoenix twins!"

"What?!" Yun Tianyi and Jiuye screamed together, and rushed over.

"This is the little brother, this is the little sister." Xiao Nuo looked at the soft and waxy baby in her arms, her face full of pride, "I have never seen a baby born so beautiful and born immortal. The spirit body, no matter how devilish, evil or corrosive yin is in the world, it cannot cause harm to them."

"Good, good!" Yun Tianyi stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the baby, but he didn't know where to move his hands and feet.

He looked nervous and excited, "Hahaha, I'm going to be a grandfather!"

Koike also smiled and danced: "I'm going to be an uncle!"

Mrs. Yun expertly held her little grandson, and leaned over to show Yun Tianyi: "Look, you see, my strange grandson's eyebrows look so much like you!"

Yun Tianyi's proud chin was raised, "Of course my grandson is like me!"

"Daddy, look, my little niece is so beautiful, I have never seen such a cute child!"

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