The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3496: Wei Zixi: This love is waiting (10)

And the vine seemed to have a sense of wisdom, and it twisted that person tighter and tighter, and the vine pierced into the man's flesh and blood.

This plant feels like a mutated magic plant.

But how can there be magic plants in the absolute realm?

"Help! Help!" When the man saw them, he immediately cried out for help.

Tangtang remembered that this man was quite honest, there were several children in the family, and he had never beaten Wei Zixi.

She relented for a while, drew out the whip and beat it, trying to save the man.

Sure enough, Zi Ming You Luo pulled over, and Mo Zhi immediately let go of the man.

But he attacked Tangtang!

In the absolute realm, Tangtang can't use spiritual power, and Zi Ming Youluo can only use it like an ordinary vine whip.

Facing Mo Zhi, she was a seven-year-old girl, where she could be an opponent, and she immediately became confused.

But at this time, she was still yelling, "Unknown Uncle, you stay away and don't get hurt by these vines. Tangtang said it can protect you!"

Seeing, the mutant plant was about to be drawn onto the tender little face of sugar powder.

Suddenly the green leaves and rhizomes of the plant suddenly turned black, and they slowly withered.

It turned into a pile of powder, as if it had been burned to ashes.

Moreover, the plant that turned into powder was more than this mutant magic plant.

All the surrounding plants began to wither.

Even the green grass under their feet turned into scorched black.

The original fertile soil has become a dead desert.

All this happened in just a few breaths, and even Tangtang did not react.

She turned her head and looked around, and saw that Wei Zixi's hand was still holding the top of Mutant Demon Plant.

And all the desertification and incineration spread from his hands.

The air was filled with a heavy depression brought about by death.

This is the terrible power of destruction.

The man who was rescued by Tangtang and Wei Zixi looked at Wei Zixi, and suddenly let out a horrified scream, "Devil... Devil... You are the devil who brought disaster to the village, that is, you make the village grainless. Close, it was you who brought us death and disaster...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... the devil shall not kill me..."

As he said, he ran away like crazy.

Tangtang is almost mad!

She never expected that she would save an ungrateful villain who would retaliate with gratitude when she occasionally sent a benevolence to save a person!

Tangtang looked at Wei Zixi's expression, saw his head down, his face pale, as if there was no emotion, but the whole person was deadly cold and scary.

Tangtang was a little nervous, and blamed himself for his bad intentions, so that Unknown Uncle was scolded.

She hesitated whether to step forward or not, with a hesitation on her face.

At this moment, Wei Zixi slowly raised his head. On his pale and beautiful face, he slowly sketched a slightly mocking smile, "Are you afraid?"

what? Tangtang was stunned, "What are you afraid of?"

"The power to destroy everything like this." Wei Zixi's slender hand gently brushed the petals and leaves floating in the distance.

As soon as these fresh petals and leaves reached his hand, they immediately turned to ashes.

He stared at Tangtang’s eyes and slowly said: “As long as all the creatures around me will wither and die a little bit, until they dissipate in the world. Even you are the same. This world needs the power of the origin to nurture vitality. The power of devouring is needed to clean up the filth, but the power of destruction is not needed. All that destruction can bring is despair and collapse."

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