The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3506: An Lingyue: Reunion with the King (4)

Yun Tianyi frowned, "Yue'er, thirty years ago, you gave birth to a pair of twin daughters for me, and because you gave birth to this pair of offspring, your life was exhausted, and you were exhausted early in the end. The lamp dies. Have you forgotten all this?"

"I have a pair of children?" An Lingyue muttered blankly, "but I don't remember that I have children! And the master also said that I was born in this valley, grew up here, and never left this place... …"

Although she said this, she didn't know why, some chaotic pictures began to appear in her mind inexplicably.

It was a little girl who was carved and jade, and a little boy who was exquisite and handsome.

They ran happily in the yard.

In a room not far away, a woman was sitting by the window, looking at the frolicking two people, showing a quiet and serene smile.

And that woman's face was exactly the same as An Lingyue.

This... is this her?

Are those two children her children?

Do not! impossible!

An Lingyue shook her head suddenly, "Master can't lie to me! I have no children and don't know you! Don't follow me anymore!"

After speaking, she turned around in a panic and ran.

This time, Yun Tianyi didn't immediately pull the person back, but frowned, concealed his figure, and quickly chased him up.


An Lingyue left in a panic, looking back on the way.

When she found that Yun Tianyi hadn't kept up, she was relieved, but she was a little lost.

But she herself didn't know why she felt lost.

After An Lingyue walked for a while, she came to a remote valley.

A powerful formation was arranged around the valley. As soon as An Lingyue entered, her figure disappeared without a trace as soon as the light and shadow flashed.

"Master, I'm back."

As soon as An Lingyue entered the hut in the valley, she saw the man sitting in front of the window and could not help but bow slightly.

The man in front of the window looked 30 years old, with a short beard, and looked gentle and calm in temperament, as if he was still young. But the temperament of the whole person feels extremely vicissitudes of life, with a faint bitterness.

Hearing An Lingyue's voice, the man turned his head and saw the pretty figure of the woman in the light and shadow, his expression could not help but be in a trance for a moment.


When he heard An Lingyue's call again, the man suddenly recovered, "Why did you come back so late today?"

"Because..." An Lingyue wanted to say that it was because she met a strange man.

However, remembering what the man did to her, and the cave...

An Lingyue's heart was pounding and she was speechless.

Fortunately, the middle-aged man didn't really want to ask her anything, but beckoned to her, "Come over and rub the ink for me."

An Lingyue quickly responded and stepped forward obediently.

This is what she must do every day.

Master has no hobbies, the only thing he likes to do is painting.

And every time Master draws, he likes to ask her to study ink.

Master draws for a while and will occasionally look at her, sometimes showing a sad and desolate expression in her expression.

An Lingyue wanted to ask Master who was thinking about him several times and what made him so sad.

However, every time I cannot ask.

But today, she rubbed her ink, but her thoughts couldn't help but flutter.

The handsome face of the man flashed in his mind from time to time, as well as the fierce and overbearing kisses.

And he said that he and he had two children?

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