The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3511: An Lingyue: Wind, Cloud and Moon Dew, Reunion with Jun (9)

Ji Mingyu didn't say much about this.

Jun Beiji is indeed his master, a teacher for one day, and a teacher for life.

But firstly, Ji Mingyu was trapped by the master too much, and secondly, Jun Beiji did almost hurt Xi Yue at the beginning. Therefore, Ji Mingyu did not hold him accountable at best, and it was impossible to treat him like Nangongyu before.

Yun Tianyi couldn't help but ask: "Why do you want to provoke the war between the human race and the demons? Why hide Yue'er again?"

Jun Beiji closed his eyes, as if to erase the turbulent emotions in his eyes, his voice was indescribably hoarse, "Do you remember the ancient war ten thousand years ago?"

"The war in God's Domain has spread to the lower realm, and the Siamese demons are rampant. At the beginning, my wife and children were caught by the demon ancestors and tortured to death by them. From then on, my lifelong wish was to eradicate the demons and kill them all. Everyone."

"However, after the war ended, the demons were sealed and lived in the world at the bottom of the moat. Humans seem to have forgotten the hatred and pain they once had, and only hope that they will face the demons across the enchantment, without disturbing each other and not encroaching on each other. ."

Speaking of this, Jun Beiji’s eyes are already red, and his body can’t stop trembling, “But how can I forget the despair and hatred when my wife and children were slaughtered. So I swear, no matter how many years it takes, I must break the barrier between the human race and the demons, and kill the demons one by one!"

"Even if, just because of your hatred and selfishness, the mainland of Siam will be overwhelmed?" Yun Tianyi said solemnly.

"Yes, even if the Siamese creatures are burned out or even destroyed!" Jun Beiji said categorically, "I know that I am a sinner of the human race, and I know that what I have done is not as good as a beast, but I will never regret it. In this life, in From the moment Xuewei and the child left me, I no longer wanted to live. All my desires and beliefs for the rest of my life were just for revenge!"

As Jun Beiji said, he slowly knelt down and knelt in front of Ji Mingyu.

"What I have done is a great sin in the ages. In order to complete my revenge, I have also shouldered countless blood debts, and now it is finally time to pay. Please, the Emperor of God, please come down and punish!"

Ji Mingyu said solemnly: "Why did you save An Lingyue?"

"Because she looks very similar to my dead wife Xuewei." Jun Beiji laughed at herself. "The moment I saw her in Miluo, I almost thought Xuewei was back. But after she came back alive, I just I know that she is not Xuewei, but An Lingyue. She and Xuewei are completely different people."

As he said, Jun Beiji looked at Yun Tianyi, "Holy Venerable Tianyi, you ask me why I refuse to hand over An Lingyue. Because..."

"Because I am not reconciled, I am madly jealous of you and An Lingyue, because An Lingyue can survive, but my Xuewei can't survive anymore. I left An Lingyue by my side and accepted it as an apprentice. While watching her miss Xuewei, she clearly knows that she is not Xuewei. Haha, if I continue to torture myself like this, I don't know what I will do in the future. Fortunately, you are here!"

Yun Tianyi's face suddenly turned dark.

Thinking of Jun Beiji keeping An Lingyue by his side, because An Lingyue looked like his wife, he wanted to slap the person in front of him to death.

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