The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3526: Dragon Continent: Selection of the Dragon Palace (2)

In Dandan's words...the taste of the upstart.

However, this feeling was only a moment, Koike's gaze suddenly fell on an old man not far away.

The old man looked like he was in his fifties, and he turned into a man-like appearance, and was floating in the dust.

But when Koike saw him, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Because he could feel that this old man was very strong, if he transformed the Black Dragon ontology, his strength might be comparable to him and Little Red Bird.

The old man's shrewd eyes swept over them one by one, Koike condensed all the spiritual power in his body, holding his breath and concentrating.

In the end, the gaze swept over him without stopping. Instead, he glanced at the little red bird on his shoulder a few more times, but didn't stop too much.

Koike heaved a sigh of relief, thinking about how to perform for a while, is it a seven-pointer or a three-pointer?

Suddenly, a young man stepped forward next to the old man and began to point at ten of them to roll their names.

The first one-"You, take a step forward? No, it's so ugly, the king won't like it."

The second one-"Too fat, weed out!"

The third-"Your dragon's horns are so ugly, and the color is grayish red, so you still want to get close to the king and get rid of it!"


Xiaochi watched the youth pull the young dragons over one by one, took a look, pushed away with disgust, and said to eliminate.

Simply dumbfounded.

This... Is this a personal guard?

Shouldn't personal guards be tested on the strength, character, and loyalty of the school? No matter how bad it is, you should look at the basic aptitude or something, right?

But what's the matter with this black dragon clan? Choosing a personal guard is to look at fat and thin? Isn't the corner so pretty?

Koike felt that his three views had been refreshed.

When the young man walked up to Koike, he glanced at him up and down, but he said, "You are doing a good job of transformation, even I can't see the flaws. But..."

The young man's eyes swept from head to end like a searchlight, and then he looked disgusted and said: "Too thin and weak, weed it out!"

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, the old man who had been silent on the side said.

When everyone saw the old man talking, they hurriedly bowed, "Elder, what do you want?"

The old man walked slowly to Kochi, looked at his handsome face for a while, and then solemnly said: "This batch is just him, and all the other dragons are eliminated!"

"Ah... how come? I was also eliminated?"

"I obviously look much stronger and more beautiful than him! Dragon horns are also beautiful and heroic, why should I choose this little peasant Dinglong!"

Suddenly, complaints arose.

The young man in charge of the selection couldn't help but cautiously asked: "Elder, this little dragon looks like he has just grown up. You see his face is so tender, um, is it too thin and slender?"

You are thin and slender, your whole family is thin and slender! Koike gave the youth a dark glance, and vomited in his heart.

He just looks leaning towards An Lingyue, without any rugged and mighty aura.

Coupled with the fact that he has lived in the dark underground since he was a child, he looks more like a teenager than ordinary humans.

But as his cultivation base improves, will he continue to grow taller and stronger, okay?

The dragon, called the Great Elder, said indifferently: "How do you know which type of dragon the king likes? If you choose the same type, but the king doesn’t like it, what should you do? It’s better to choose a few more at the beginning. Kind."

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