The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3538: Shenlong Continent: Count on the plan (2)

Koike nodded, but the corners of his mouth were provoked, and his smile became more and more innocent: "This is really sleepy, someone gives a pillow!"

"Not bad." Little Red Bird also chuckled, "Tomorrow everyone's sights must be attracted by the Concubine Xuan from the Dragon King. We can just steal the elixir."


The next day, Yan Nuo came to find Xiaochi with the great elder, and wanted to take him to see the king.

But before knocking on the door, I heard Hai Rongkun's anxious voice, "Hey, Yunchi, how are you? Hey stupid dragon, don't scare me!"

Yan Nuo and the Great Elder glanced at each other, both saw the horror in each other's eyes, and quickly pushed the door in.

I saw Xiaochi lying on the bed, covered with quilt.

Hai Rongkun was standing next to the bed, spinning around anxiously.

"What happened?!" The Great Elder shouted sharply, awakening Hai Rongkun.

His face turned pale, and he trembled: "Yunchi...he..."

Hai Rongkun stammered and said incomplete words. The elder didn't have the patience to listen, and quickly stepped forward and opened his quilt.

I saw Koike in the quilt all over his body flushed with fever, and every inch of skin on his body was feverish.

There was a dense red rash on his face and hands.

"This, what's going on?" The Great Elder was startled.

Yan promise also hurriedly came to see, his face was full of anxiety.

However, after the great elder checked the aura in Xiaochi, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's just poisoned by [Lotus Chiguo]. It will be well after a few days of raising it. There will be no worry about life, and neither will it. What hinders his future cultivation."

Yan promised but frowned, "But today we are going to take him to see the king, what should we do now?"

The elder sighed and said: "Oh, this child is also a blessing... But I told Wang yesterday that I want to introduce a young and talented dragon, hoping to get his guidance, so I must bring one today. ..."

As he was talking, he saw a white figure flashing by outside of Xiaochi and Hai Rongkun.

The great elder's eyes lit up and immediately called: "Wait a minute!"

When the white figure heard the call, he immediately returned, and it turned out to be Yin Se.

Yin Se saw the great elder and immediately saluted and smiled: "See the great elder!"

"Since Xiaochi can't go to see the king, then you!" The elder said directly, "You immediately put on appropriate clothes and let me see the king!"

"How can this be!" Hai Rongkun said loudly, "This is obviously Yunchi's little stupid dragon's opportunity!"

"What's the solution!" The elder sighed, "Who made him get sick at this time? You can't let Wang Kong wait, right?"

After speaking, he took Yin Se and left directly.

Yan promised worried and helplessly glanced at the bewildered Koike on the bed before leaving with a sigh.

When the door was closed, Hai Rongkun almost exploded in place.

He grabbed Xiaochi who was sleeping on the bed and said angrily: "You said, did you eat the thing that Yin Se gave you yesterday? Didn't I tell you, don't you eat it and don't touch it? "

Koike opened his eyes and glanced at him weakly, showing a pale and gentle smile.

But Hai Rongkun became even more angry, and roared in the house: "I knew it, I knew that he suddenly came to you yesterday. He must have been unkind. Sure enough, this sinister, despicable guy was so easily snatched away. Your chance. No, I can't let him live so well. I will destroy his chance to seduce the king with the past!"

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