The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3545: Shenlong Dalu: Abnormal Dragon King? ! (One)

"Dragon Ball may have fallen silent because it passed through the barrier of space barriers." Hearing Koike's question, the Black Dragon King rarely showed an annoyed expression. "It's also because I'm too weak and haven't broken through to become a sacred flying dragon. Otherwise, even if there is a space barrier, I can sense the existence of you and Dragon Ball."

"You are already very strong now, better than me!" Koike smiled and said with envy, "I am already a god, but I can't see your cultivation level at all. Just now I and Xiaohong can't fight together. Dragon guard, you knocked them into the air with a single move, so that's not terrible! Oops, what a damn..."

As if suddenly remembering something, Koike exclaimed: "Where are the four dragon guards? Why are they missing? They are not looking for dragons to surround us? No, we have to take the baby and run away!"

"I'm sorry, Xiaohei, I hurt you just as soon as I saw you." Xiaochi said in a particularly ashamed manner. "The dragon found out that you beat the dragon guard and helped me steal the baby here. You are afraid that you will not be able to stay in the black dragon clan. Now! But it’s okay, just so you can go back to God’s Domain with me, hehe!"

The Black Dragon King's expression was unspeakably gentle, and he nodded without hesitation when he heard the words, "What baby did you say? I'll find it for you?"

"Are you familiar with this place? Are you the guard of this treasure pavilion? But you don't need to find it, because I have already found everything. When I get the baby, we will go to the Symphony Forest together. Don't worry, those dragons The guard didn't dare to chase in, but it was my place."

The Black Dragon King remembered the closeness of those Mozhi to the two brothers and sisters of Koike when he was in Siam, and the blood slaughter in the palace.

The smile on his face became more gentle, and a pair of dark eyes stared at the boy in front of him deeply, and the blue light flashed through the eyes as transparent as the sea.

Koike smiled and took the red box placed on the stone platform and opened it.

He thought he would see the Dragon King Lin inside, but when he opened it, he was dumbfounded when he saw what was inside.

I saw that there was no Dragon King Lin in this tightly protected box.

But there are some messy things on display.

There are elixir, elixirs, magic weapons, and even roasted black meat.

These elixir and magic weapon, Koike can see without testing, they are only low-level.

In God's Domain, such pill and magic weapon were not seen at all.

As for that piece of meat, not to mention it, it's just ordinary Tier 10 monster meat, and the spiritual power in it has long been lost.

These things don’t look like darlings.

Why is it kept in such a hidden place?

Even use the formation to guard it.

Moreover, why do these things seem familiar to him?

"Why are these?" Koike murmured, his expression frustrated.

He thinks he can't guess wrong!

At this moment, Xiao Hei's low voice sounded in his ears, "Koike, what baby are you looking for?"

"Lin of the Dragon King!" Xiaochi said depressed. "My sister wants to refine the Celestial Pill. There are four main medicines in it. They are the Dragon King Lin of the four dragons of black, red and white. , I have never heard of it. Only after I got here did I know that it turned out to be the scales that had fallen off during the Tribulation of the Dragon King. I thought the box was so tightly hidden that the Dragon King Lin must be inside!"

"The Dragon King Lin is not here." The tone was very affirmative.

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