The Talented Doctor

Chapter 3547: Shenlong Continent: Best Friend (1)

As soon as the little red bird spoke, the gazes of the elder and Yan promise could not help but looked over, with shocked faces.

"You...Where are you evildoer? Why can you spit out dragon words?"

The little red bird chuckled and landed on Koike’s shoulder, and said with confidence, “I’m spitting out people’s words, okay? Where is the spitting dragon words? And, you chose the male dragon for the black dragon king, but our family’s Koike fundamentally The dragon is immortal!"

"Isn't it a dragon?" The expressions of the Great Elder and Yan promise were even more shocked.

Xiaochi smiled slightly and said: "I'm sorry, the elder, promise, I lied to you. I am not a black dragon, nor any dragon clan, I am a human being."

"What?!!!" The Great Elder and Yan Nuo exclaimed together, "How is this possible? Since the barrier formation appeared at the end of the heaven and the earth, the humans on the Shenlong Continent have gradually become extinct, and now there is no human being at all. !"

Koike hasn't answered yet, the Black Dragon King has already said solemnly: "He is from the other end of the heaven and the earth."

The elder opened his mouth wide, unable to close it for a long time.

Suddenly, he looked at the Black Dragon King and then at Koike, as if thinking of something.

The voice trembled slightly: "Wang, could it be said that he is the human that you know in the world at the end of heaven and earth?"

That human being that Wang has been obsessed with for more than ten years, has never been able to let go, and has always been lonely thinking about?

The Black Dragon King nodded without a doubt, "His name is Yunchi, and he is my only friend. In the Black Dragon Kingdom, he has the same status as me. Anyone must respect him as much as I do!"

Yan Nuo also looked at Koike in shock, and then shook his head again, "No, if Koike is really a human, how could he have such a pure dragon breath, and that breath is somewhat similar to that of a king."

Koike guessed that it should be because Xiao Hei's Dragon Ball was in his body.

He was about to say it, but he heard the Black Dragon King solemnly say: "Because I signed a dragon contract with him. Koike is equivalent to my master and partner, and he will naturally have my aura."

"What, the contract of the dragon?!" When the elder heard this, he almost didn't faint, "King, you are the king of the black dragon clan, how can you sign a contract of dragons with mere humans?"

The Black Dragon King leaned over coldly, "What? Do you have an opinion?"

In an instant, the coercion of the Dragon King was released, causing the dragon all present to tremble.

The Great Elder and Yan promise shrunk their necks, never daring to say more.

But for the human being Koike, they had been shocked and prepared from the beginning, and now the only thought is that they must protect him.

You must know that if the owner of the dragon contract holds the dragon as the contract attachment body, it will be severely backlashed.

How can they allow their king to be backlashed?

The Black Dragon King looked at them with sincerity and fear, and then slowly said: "When I was alone at the end of the world, Koike saved me and regarded me as a friend. I wanted to repay him for his life-saving grace, so I went with him. Is it wrong to conclude the dragon contract?"

"No, that's right!" When the elder heard this, his expression on Xiaochi immediately became grateful, and he bowed deeply, "It turns out that you are the king's savior, then you are the savior of our black dragon clan. . I was really offended just now."

"No, I didn't actually save..."

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