At this time, the sound of a chaotic fight came from outside. Long Xuan's expression changed. He immediately put away all the elixirs and immediately placed the coir rain hut on the ground.

It has not been peaceful recently. From time to time, fierce fighting sounds can be heard outside, and several Gu kings mysteriously disappear from time to time in the city.

However, this time the sound of the fighting was closest to the inn, so Long Xuan immediately became vigilant and prepared to move away to the Dei Gu hut as soon as the situation went wrong.

Not long after, the sound of fighting outside disappeared. Long Xuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door and walked out.

"What's going on? What happened?"

As soon as he walked out of the inn, Long Xuan asked the people outside.

"What else could it be? Ancestor Fentian, the one who suffered a thousand blows, threw the magic pill formula everywhere. Now everyone has learned it. There are many people who killed the king and made the pill. I don't know how many people have mysteriously disappeared in the city. The King of Gu."

"In this fight, another Gu King was probably assassinated by a very vicious person."

Someone on the side shook his head and said solemnly: "It doesn't look like that. Several Feng clan Gu kings died over there, and the bodies were not taken away. It doesn't look like someone killed the king to make the pill."

"Perhaps the Feng family made some big move, but who did it? The killing speed was so fast, and a group of Gu kings were eliminated in a blink of an eye?"

"I don't know. There have been murders all over the city recently. Not only the Gu King has mysteriously disappeared, but also a large number of Spiritual Sea Stage Gu cultivators. Many people have begun to catch Spirit Sea Stage Gu cultivators to practice elixirs."

"The people in the Feng family are very busy dealing with these matters. Maybe they are here to investigate some case."

"Alas! In troubled times, King Gu's elixir prescriptions are overflowing, and there will be endless killings everywhere. The Western Region is about to change."

"Love! Ancestor Fentian is really a sinner!"

Long Xuan frowned when he heard the crowd talking.

The person who died turned out to be the Gu King of the Feng family, and he still appeared so close to him. What was their purpose of appearing here? Could it be...

Long Xuan's hair suddenly stood up, and he quickly walked back to the inn, got into the hut and disappeared...

At the same time, in a secret room.

A man in disheveled clothes pushed open the door and walked in. He looked at the old man in the room, lowered his head and said respectfully: "Sir, the operation failed. Five of the people we sent there died, and only five came back alive."

Feng Tiancheng's face slowly darkened, and finally he could no longer control the anger in his heart. He slammed the table and roared loudly: "A bunch of losers! Five of them were instantly killed as soon as they left! There will be more as soon as they leave and come back." quick!"

"After ten Long Gu kings were killed by Patriarch Fentian, there aren't many left. Are you all pigs? You can't even handle such a thing!"

Facing Feng Tiancheng's roar, the man didn't even dare to take a breath. After Feng Tiancheng vented his anger, the man finally said hesitantly in a low voice:

"It seems that the one who attacked us is not the Dragon Gu King. They should not have the fighting power."

"This person attacked us from a distance with flames. Although I didn't see this person, I seriously doubt that he is the ancestor of Fentian. The only person who can instantly kill the five Gu kings of my Feng family is Fentian. Only the ancestors can do it.”

The man raised his head and looked at Feng Tiancheng carefully.

Hearing this, Feng Tiancheng finally calmed down, frowned slightly, and after a moment of silence said, "Why did he do this?"

The man was silent for a moment, then hesitantly said: "Maybe he wants to defeat his opponent in a dignified manner on the field, right?"

Feng Tiancheng's expression instantly became extremely ferocious, and he angrily swept everything on the table to the ground, where there was a sound of broken porcelain.

"Damn it, you're so rebellious! This Fentian Ancestor is going to miss something important for our clan!"

At this time, in another secret room, after the fourth round of competition ended today, Qin Shang immediately dragged his tired body into this secret room and couldn't wait to take out a mirror from the storage ring.

Not long after, the figure of a heroic man appeared in the mirror. Before the man could speak, Qin Shang couldn't wait to ask:

"Emperor Qin! You must tell me whether that Qin Dan is the Patriarch of Qin Tian! Are you hiding anything from me?"

Qin Shang's voice was urgent and his expression was full of anxiety.

Hearing this, Emperor Qin was stunned for a moment.

"Qin Dan is the ancestor who deceives the sky? Where did you get this news?"

"I don't know Qin Dan. Qin Wei has been checking for a long time but has been unable to find out his details."

"I don't know Qin Dan's identity, but since there are rumors that he is the Ancestor of Qi Tian, ​​it must not be groundless." Emperor Qin slowly showed a solemn look, and the name of Ancestor Qi Tian had to make him solemn.

Seeing that Emperor Qin's puzzled expression didn't look like he was faking, Qin Shang was also stunned. Emperor Qin was completely unaware of this matter. If even Emperor Qin didn't know about it, then this matter should not have been arranged by the Qin royal family.

Wait, couldn't this be Qin Manyuan's own arrangement? After all, he participated in the mission to encircle and suppress the Ancestor of Qi Tian, ​​and only he had the opportunity to come into contact with the Ancestor of Qi Tian.

Could it be that the two of them had really made some kind of ulterior deal? Qin was shocked and his expression immediately changed.

"Damn it! This Qin Manyuan is playing with fire! What he does is very likely to drag the Yanting Empire into the endless abyss! He is simply crazy!"

Qin Shang's face turned livid, and he suddenly clenched his fists and shouted hurriedly: "Emperor Qin! Contact Qin Manyuan quickly. I suspect that he has really made his own initiative and colluded with Patriarch Qin Tian."

At this time, Emperor Qin frowned deeply, already realizing the seriousness of the problem.

No matter whether Qin Manyuan received his order or not, as long as Qin Manyuan's collusion with the Ancestor Deception is confirmed, the Yanting Empire will definitely be implicated and may be in danger of overthrowing.

"Alas! No need to ask. After he came back from participating in the mission to encircle and suppress Patriarch Qitian, his behavior was very abnormal, and he couldn't explain some aspects of the mission clearly. This matter is most likely true."

"But no matter what, since he has done this, there is no way to undo it. The arrow has to be fired when the arrow is on the string. We can only follow him all the way to the end and cover up this matter for him at all costs."

"You should understand the serious consequences it will bring to our clan once this matter is exposed."

Emperor Qin looked at him deeply and made a decision immediately without thinking for long.

Qin Shang frowned deeply for a long time, and finally sighed and said helplessly: "Forget it, the matter has come to this, and there is nothing we can do to remedy it. In any case, let Ancestor Qi Tian win this game first."

"Ancestor Qitian is a fourth-grade alchemist. With him here, the bet between our clan and the Huiyue Empire will be won." Qin Shang clenched his fists and his eyes became firm.

The next day, at dawn, the streets went from a few pedestrians to a few, and soon became overcrowded, and Tianfeng City became lively again.

Today is the final day of the Western Region Alchemy Competition, so there are a lot of pedestrians on the street.

Especially around the central square, the crowds were crowded early. The crowds were noisy, and at a glance, there were heads everywhere.

The venue for the finals is in the central square, where everyone can watch.

The final is undoubtedly the most thrilling and no one will miss it. Many people get up early without even having time to eat, just to grab a front seat.

Among the crowd, an old man with the word "Gamble" embroidered on his clothes stroked his beard and said with a smile: "There are so many people. The more people, the better. The more people, the more I earn."

He turned his head to look at an old man next to him who also had the word "Gamble" embroidered on his clothes, and asked with a smile: "How did you go about doing what I told you?"

The old man said respectfully: "Master God of Gamblers, according to your instructions, we will let out the news that Feng Jiu is the ancestor of Fentian and Qin Dan is the ancestor of Qietian."

"Sure enough, after hearing that two of the contestants were fourth-level alchemists, no one thought that Long Xuan, a third-level alchemist, could win. Almost everyone either overpowered Ancestor Fentian to win or Ancestor Qietian won."

"There are very few people who win against Longxuan!"

"There are almost ten chambers of commerce that open gambling markets. I also followed your instructions and placed all the spirit stones on Long Xuan. The bet amounted to about 500 billion. Once Long Xuan can really win, we will make a lot of money."

The old man frowned deeply. Even he felt that Long Xuan would definitely lose. The rule of the final was to see who could refine the elixir with the highest value. How could a third-grade elixir be worth more than a fourth-grade elixir.

It is true that Long Xuan is four points ahead, but as a third-grade alchemist, he can only refine third-grade elixirs. This four-point gap can easily be caught up by fourth-grade elixirs.

Unless Long Xuan can refine a fourth-grade elixir in the finals, he will definitely lose.

He really couldn't understand why the God of Gamblers would put all the spiritual stones on this person who had no suspense.

In the end, he couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart, and frowned and asked:

"Lord God of Gambling, Ancestor Fentian and Ancestor Qietian have unparalleled talent in alchemy. Once there are no restrictions on the rules of the competition, these two people will not rule out being able to refine elixirs that can cause thunder disasters."

"Long Xuan, a third-level alchemist, will lose no matter what he wins. Unless he is promoted to a fourth-level alchemy master, he has no hope of winning. Otherwise, he will definitely lose no matter what third-level elixir he refines."

"Would it be too risky for us to put so many spiritual stones on him alone?"

The God of Gamblers shook his head and said with a smile: "I am the God of Gamblers, the best at gambling. When have you ever seen the God of Gamblers lose a bet? Don't worry, I will win every time I bet."

"Now almost everyone is beating those two fourth-grade alchemists to win. I am the only one who beats Long Xuan. I will make the most money by beating the unpopular. By then, as long as Long Xuan can win, I will become rich overnight."

The God of Gamblers had a smile on his lips. Over the course of countless thousands of years, he had accumulated wealth that rivaled that of hundreds of nations. No matter how many spiritual stones he won, it would not make waves in his heart.

The reason why he wants to gamble is not to earn more spiritual stones, but to enjoy the pleasure brought by gambling.

Only then did the old man think of this God of Gamblers who would win every bet. He would never lose anything he bets on. His doubts were greatly reduced, but he still frowned deeply and said hesitantly:

"The God of Gamblers will win every time he bets. I still believe what the God of Gamblers says, but why is the God of Gamblers so confident in Long Xuan? Forgive me, I really can't see how he can win."

The God of Gamblers looked towards the square, his smile faded, and he sighed: "It's a bit exaggerated to win every time I gamble. I have been in the gambling world for countless years, and I still lost three times."

"Two of them were lost to the same person."

"Do you think a person who can win even with me, the God of Gamblers, will lose to others?"

The God of Gamblers' eyes became profound.

"Is that person..."

"Is this Long Xuan the one who defeated the God of Gamblers twice in a row?"

The old man suddenly looked shocked.

"Let's go. I'm looking forward to the next game more and more. The next game will definitely be exciting."

"To be honest, I also want to know what he won with."

The God of Gamblers smiled and stepped forward. (End of chapter)

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