A month later, the long-awaited tea and wine tasting conferences were officially held in the wine city.

Tea lovers and wine lovers gathered in the wine city, and a large number of people who did not like to drink tea and wine also went to join in the fun. For a time, the city was overcrowded.

After Long Xuan, Shui Lao and Shui Juanyun squeezed into the wine city, they went straight to the venue of the conference.

The reason why there were more Shui Juanyun in the team was that he and Shui Lao were from the same clan, both from the big family Shui.

The two clansmen hit it off after meeting each other, and naturally went together. Long Xuan could not find any reason to refuse.

After the three entered the city, they went straight to the center of the city.

In the center of the city, there is a Boluo River that runs across the wine city. The Boluo River is extremely wide and turbulent, dividing the entire wine city into two, with large and small bridges connecting the two sides.

The tea tasting conference venue is on the east bank of the river, and the wine tasting conference venue is on the west bank of the river.

The two conferences were held and ended at the same time. Long Xuan didn't want to miss either the tea tasting conference or the wine tasting conference, so he decided to attend the tea tasting conference in person, while Yan's clone went to the wine tasting conference and carried a wisp of his soul with him.

Whether it was the tea tasting conference or the wine tasting conference, it was obvious that not everyone could enter.

First of all, one must be at the level of Linghai period or above, and secondly, one must hand in a pot of good quality wine and tea as an admission ticket. Although it was impossible to stop the wealthy Gu cultivators, it was no problem to stop most of the Gu cultivators outside.

None of the three went to the wine tasting conference, but came to the east bank of the river together and chose to attend the tea tasting conference. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the venue, Shui Lao smiled cheekily:

"My friend, you also know that my storage ring was broken in that battle, and I can't take out tea of ​​very good quality."

"Can you give me some? When I recover to the peak level of Gu King, I will return it to you with interest."

Long Xuan looked at him helplessly. He had heard similar words countless times.

"Let me do it!" Shui Juanyun smiled and said: Shui family is good at playing with water-related power, and is best at refining wine and tea. They have no shortage of good wine and tea. This time, I will treat you.

As he said that, Shui Juanyun walked to the two guards generously and handed over three bags of tea leaves. The two Linghai peak Gu cultivators guarding the door took the three bags of tea leaves in their hands. They just sniffed them lightly and knew that they were good teas, so they let them go.

Walking into the wine tasting conference venue, Long Xuan looked around curiously.

The tea tasting conference was very lively, with crowds of people on the streets and countless good teas.

Especially the number of Gu Kings participating in this tea tasting conference was so many that Long Xuan was amazed.

With so many Gu Kings, can this He Shen Shen Realm still be entered?

On both sides of the street, there were tables filled with various types of tea, which were tasted by passers-by. People who like tea stayed at each tea stall, tasted a mouthful, and commented on the tea on the tea stall.

At one time, the fragrance of various kinds of tea filled the air, and the aroma of tea was everywhere. It was like a world of tea.

Long Xuan took a rough look at the tea stalls and found that the tea in this world was the same as in the ancient times of his previous life. There was not only tea leaves in the tea, but also many miscellaneous things, such as honey, dates, osmanthus... As long as it could be used for brewing, anything could be put in.

This also led to different people brewing tea with different tastes. Everyone mastered a unique set of tea brewing skills, and there were hundreds of schools of thought, and the taste was different.

But Long Xuan was different. He liked to pursue the most natural taste of tea, without any modification, and put nothing except tea leaves.

His tea ceremony was heretical in this world and was incompatible with this world.

After the three of them walked into the tea tasting venue and walked around for a while, Shui Juanyun turned around and looked at the two of them and smiled:

"You only need to hand in some mid-quality tea leaves for the tea tasting ticket. Mid-quality tea leaves are not particularly difficult to obtain. I still have a lot of them."

"But if you want to qualify to enter the He Shen God Realm, you must bring out top-quality tea. You can't just hand in tea leaves at this time. It must be tea that has just been brewed."

"At this level, it's not enough to just have good tea leaves. You must also have good tea brewing skills."

"You must know that the same kind of tea leaves will be different when handed over to different people. Different people brew tea, and the taste is completely different. Tea is a very profound subject. "

"I can't help you two with this. Even I don't have much top-quality tea."

Shui Lao nodded and smiled, "Don't worry about the top-quality tea. The difficult part is how to get in here. After getting in, how difficult is it to get some good tea?"

Long Xuan turned his head to look at him with a strange look. Obviously, what he meant by this sentence was that he was going to steal. Maybe he took out a top-quality tea from his storage bag and claimed that he had stolen it.

Ignoring Long Xuan's gaze, Shui Lao stroked his beard and smiled, "Now it's the tea tasting session."

"The tea tasting session is very interesting. Everyone has to brew a pot of their own specialty tea and place tea cups on the table for passers-by to taste."

"But good tea is hard to come by, so it can't be drunk for free by passers-by. Passers-by can only take out their own specialty tea and trade it with the stall owner."

"But the rules of the game are that you can only trade with tea, and you can't trade tea with treasures other than tea."

"This is the most interesting part of the tea tasting conference. You have to know that it's hard to satisfy everyone. Everyone has different tastes for tea, and the pricing of different teas in different people's minds also has slight differences."

"When the value of the tea on both sides is about the same, some people can tolerate choosing to trade at a 10% loss."

"What's more, with his sharp tongue, he can take advantage every time he trades tea for tea."

"It doesn't matter if you take advantage once or twice, but you can take advantage of every transaction. The quality of the tea in your hand is constantly improving, so you can exchange a pot of low-quality tea for the best tea sooner or later."

“At every tea tasting conference, someone holds a pot of low-quality tea. After walking around and trading with countless tea stall owners, the low-quality tea in their hands turns into top-quality tea.”

Shui Juanyun interjected: "Yes, there are examples like this in every tea tasting conference. This is the charm of tea tasting conferences."

"Many people enjoy this. In order to prove their ability, they deliberately bring out a pot of the lowest quality tea even though they are rich, and trade with others in an attempt to create miracles. They enjoy it endlessly."

"The tea tasting conference will last a whole day. Time is very tight, so I won't chat with you two. Let's see how I can trade the best spiritual tea with a pot of inferior spiritual tea."

Shui Juanyun looked very interested. After taking out a pot of tea from the storage ring, he walked towards the surrounding tea stalls.

Shui Lao also looked very interested. After asking Long Xuan for a pack of low-grade tea leaves, he parted ways with him and walked elsewhere.

At this time, only Long Xuan was left in the trio.

Long Xuan was not that bored. He looked around, then walked to one of the open spaces and took out a table and placed it on the ground.

Refining tea Gu requires collecting a large amount of top-quality tea, and this opportunity is rare. In order to collect the top-quality tea that appeared at the conference, he can only trade with rare good tea, and he also has to use tea-frying techniques to show off.

In order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, he has been pretending to be in the middle stage of the Gu King since he entered the tea tasting conference, so that his realm would not be too high to attract others' attention, nor would his realm be too low to cause others to bully him.

As expected, when he placed the tea brewed using the roasted tea technique on the table, the extremely rich aroma of the tea immediately made the people around him take a sniff, and then their eyes lit up and they gathered around.

"Huh? What kind of tea is so fragrant!"

"What the hell! What kind of tea is this! Why does it smell so fragrant!"

"Good tea! Good tea! There is a peerless good tea here, go quickly!"

The tea brewed by Long Xuan using the tea-frying technique caused chaos in the street. In the blink of an eye, his stall was already full of people.

"Little friend! How did you brew this tea? How can it be so fragrant?"

Chashan brought one of the brewed tea cups to his mouth with a serious look, and took a gentle sniff. His eyes were suddenly shocked and showed disbelief.

As a member of the Tea family and as the deputy city lord of the wine city, he loves tea like his life and has tasted countless teas. He prides himself on having tasted all the best teas in the world.

But the taste of this tea was something he had never tasted before, which made him curious and couldn't wait to taste the taste of the tea.

Long Xuan naturally saw that he was a Gu King, but he did not know his identity as the deputy city lord of Liquor City.

How could he have imagined that such a big shot would be attracted to him as soon as he set up the tea stall.

"The art of making tea is everyone's secret, so how can we share it with others?" Long Xuan said without restraint.

"Haha, I'm being rude. This is the first time I've seen such a mellow tea fragrance. I can't help but feel a little rude and break the rules."

"Then what kind of tea do you plan to exchange this tea for?" Chashan asked with a smile.

"I have already made it clear that I will not change the tea water, but only the tea leaves, tea trees and tea seeds. All three belong to tea. I think changing these things is still in line with the rules of the tea tasting conference."

Long Xuan pointed to a wooden sign standing on the table.

In addition to this wooden sign on the table, there are many other types of tea. Among them, the highest quality tea is Bingxin tea, which is also the cup that Cha Shan is holding.

This old man has such a sharp eye that he can spot the highest quality tea at the tea stall at a glance.

In order to switch to the best type of tea, Long Xuan had long planned to use the ice heart tea as a killer. After the ice heart tea was fried with fried tea technology, the quality was further improved, and it could be replaced with almost any kind of tea in the world.

"Haha, it seems that my little friend is planning to plant a tea garden. Tea of ​​this quality is definitely not something you can try. How about I just exchange the ground-grade elixir fairy tea seeds for ten cups of tea for you?"

Chashan looked at the young stall owner with a smile. He couldn't grow the seeds of the local elixir anyway. In his opinion, if he could exchange it for ten cups of divine tea, it would be a great deal.

It turned out to be a type of elixir. Long Xuan was delighted, but he didn't show it on his face. He said calmly: "Yes!"

With that said, he picked up the teapot containing iced tea and poured ten cups of tea for Chashan in public.

The tea is crystal clear, as cold as hot, without any impurities... (End of this chapter)

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