Not long after the two left, a group of people appeared here.

Looking at the vast medicinal garden in front of them, none of the elixirs in the medicinal garden were lower than the fourth grade. Everyone looked surprised and breathed quickly.

"How is it possible? In the previous openings of the He Mysterious Realm, such a medicine garden has never appeared. How did this medicine garden appear?"

Looking at this medicinal garden that was not recorded in the book, Jiu Kang exclaimed with a very solemn expression.

"Haha, this is nothing to be shocked about. Unknown things appeared in the first level of He Mysterious Realm. Naturally, some unknown things will also appear in this second level. This is all expected."

"It seems that someone really poured Dionysian tea into the river, so that there were more treasures in the mysterious realm of the river, which also increased the difficulty."

He Jiong looked at the medicine garden in front of him with burning eyes, his expression extremely greedy.

The number of treasures in He Mysterious Realm has not only increased, but their quality has also improved. So many elixirs that surpassed the fourth grade gathered together, it was almost blinding to him.

You must know that elixirs beyond the fourth level have long been extinct in the Gu world. Any elixir taken out in this medicine garden is an extinct elixir from the outside world, and it can be sold for a sky-high price.

"Everyone, be careful. Where there are treasures, there will inevitably be dangers. The quality of the treasures here is terrifying, and the presence of treasure protectors must be extremely dangerous. There is a high probability that we will not be able to handle it."

Compared to everyone who was about to lose their minds, Zhuge Yuan was much calmer. He frowned and looked at the medicine garden with fear in his eyes.

After hearing this, all the Gu kings finally calmed down, and no one rushed into the medicine garden rashly.

One of the Gu kings was still greedy and said unwillingly: "Although there are dangers wherever there are treasures, nothing is absolute."

"Have you seen it? This medicine garden has obviously been looted just now. The small holes left by the elixirs that were taken away are all new traces. The person who stole the elixirs must have left not long ago."

"There are no traces of fighting in the medicine garden. The person who stole the medicine obviously left calmly without encountering any danger."

"I see that there are no dangers in this medicine garden as imagined. Some dangers can disappear with the passage of time."

Hearing this, all the Gu kings looked carefully at the place where the elixir was taken away, and saw that the traces were indeed fresh. They couldn't help but frown secretly. This medicine garden had indeed been looted just now, and those people had just left. how long.

At this moment, everyone was confused. Is there really no danger in such a precious place? How can this be.

"Hmph! What's so hard about knowing whether this medicine garden is dangerous? You'll know if you try it, right?"

Soon, a Gu King grabbed a group of zombies from the body bag and threw them on the ground. He moved his mouth and the zombies immediately ran towards the medicine garden under his control.

Everyone looked nervously at the group of zombies rushing into the medicine garden.

After the group of zombies rushed into the medicine garden, they divided into various directions, frantically looted the elixirs in the medicine garden, and even ran to the middle to keep testing.

However, this group of zombies walked around every corner of the medicine garden without encountering any danger, and everyone became uneasy.

Seeing that these zombies were looting more and more elixirs, many Gu kings turned red and couldn't bear it any longer, rushing into the medicine garden crazily.

Facts have proved that there is no danger in the medicine garden, and which Gu King can resist the temptation of high-level elixirs everywhere? In the blink of an eye, the crowd had cleared away, leaving only Zhuge Yuan alone.

Zhuge Yuan frowned deeply and did not move for a long time.

"Isn't it possible? How can such a treasured place not be dangerous at all? This is absolutely not normal. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. This place must not be entered!"

Zhuge Yuan suppressed the greed in his heart, glanced at the medicine garden reluctantly, gritted his teeth, and quickly ran away.

He didn't know that not long after he stepped forward, a humanoid monster came here out of thin air.

This monster is in the form of a human, with human limbs, but its body is charred and black, as if it has been baptized by countless thunder and lightning. It exudes a burning smell, and its breath is intermittent. It is obviously seriously injured. It is the time when it is in urgent need of self-cultivation. .

But when he saw that his medicine garden was bald in the east and west, as if it had been gnawed by dogs, and a group of greedy humans were frantically looting his medicine garden, his eyes were split open and he was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

As if thinking of something, Ginseng ignored the humans who poured into the medicine garden for the first time. His eyes quickly swept around the medicine garden, as if he was looking for something.

After searching for a long time to no avail, his eyes suddenly turned red with a bloodthirsty gaze.

"Where's my baby! Where's my baby?"

"You damn humans, hand over my baby! I'll kill you!"

Ginseng roared like crazy and rushed towards the humans in the medicine garden.

"What is this? It's so dark!"

"It seems to be a magic elixir that can turn you into a spirit. Now we are rich."

"It's not good……"

Soon the sound of fierce fighting and piercing screams could be heard in the medicine garden...

Meanwhile on the other side.

It was obvious that a fierce battle had just occurred here. The ground was riddled with holes, and there were water stains and mud on the ground, as if a terrible flood had just occurred.

In the center of the battlefield, there was a person standing. There was a corpse at the person's feet. The corpse was already mutilated.

"Hmph! If my strongest Gu insects weren't all killed or injured in that battle, why would I bother to deal with you so hard!"

"Shui Wuqing, you never thought I would come back, right? This is the consequence of not killing me completely. You finally fell into my hands, hahahaha...hahaha..."

After his revenge, Shui Lao laughed wildly on the spot, laughing like a madman.

He had waited for a hundred years in the lonely place like Lei Swamp, and hated for a hundred years. No one could understand the pleasure of killing his enemy at this time.

Shui Lao laughed for an unknown period of time, and his tears were about to come out. Finally, he squatted down and took away the storage ring of the corpse. A ball of water like fire also flew out of the corpse under his control.

Looking at this ball of water, Shui Lao breathed rapidly, and his eyes released a scorching light.

"Is this the binary heavy water? It's really beautiful, and much stronger than the mono-heavy water."

"That is, the binary heavy water has gone wrong in his body, making him unable to control the power of the heavenly water."

"Otherwise, once Shui Wuqing uses the power of the heavenly water, I may not be his opponent."

"This is God's will, God wants him to die!"

"When I successfully subdue the binary heavy water, my combat power will surpass my previous peak, and then I will be the strongest in the Western Regions!"

Shui Lao clenched his fists, and his eyes released an ambitious look. (End of this chapter)

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