Walking into the Demon Suppression Tower, Long Xuan immediately felt the spiritual power coming towards him.

The density of spiritual power here is much higher than that of the outside world. The density of spiritual power on the first floor alone is five times that of the outside world. Long Xuan couldn't help but smack his lips. How could the speed of cultivation not be fast in such a treasure land of cultivation?

Long Xuan closed his eyes and felt the spiritual power in the air, and tried to absorb some. Soon he found that the spiritual power here was extremely special. Not only was the quality extremely high, but it was also omnipotent spiritual power. It had no attributes and could be absorbed by anyone.

Absorbing and refining the spiritual power here can transform any attribute of spiritual power, and the spiritual power here does not contain impurities. Absorbing the spiritual power here has endless benefits.

Long Xuan's eyes lit up. As soon as he entered here, he had completely fallen in love with this place.

Long Xuan looked around again and soon found a circle of rooms around him. There was a number written on the black door of each room. The numbers were from one to fifty, arranged in order, which meant that there were a total of fifty rooms on the first floor of the Demon Suppression Tower.

At this time, there were signs with the words "occupied" hanging on the doors of the fifty rooms. It was not difficult to see that the fifty rooms were already full.

Fifty rooms were naturally far from meeting the needs of the students of the Holy Gu Academy. Those who did not grab a room could only sit cross-legged on the ground to practice.

At this time, the first floor was already full of people.

Long Xuan did not have the habit of sitting outside to practice, and he did not like the practice environment on the first floor, so he continued to walk upstairs.

When he came to the second floor, Long Xuan glanced and found that the fifty rooms on the second floor were also full, and the ground was also full of people, but there were fewer people sitting here than on the first floor.

Long Xuan found that there was no difference between the second floor and the first floor except that the spiritual power density was greater, so he did not waste time and went straight to the top floor, the ninth floor.

Along the way, as he expected, the number of people he saw on each floor was less than that on the next floor, and it decreased layer by layer. When he walked to the ninth floor at the fastest speed, there were no more people on this floor.

However, even so, there are more than fifty geniuses who are qualified to practice on the ninth floor, and quite a few of them can only practice on the ground.

Because the density of spiritual power on this floor is the highest, equivalent to more than a hundred times that of the outside world, and the violent degree of spiritual power is far better than the first floor, so these geniuses who practice on the ground have ferocious faces and grit their teeth, as if they are in great pain.

Seeing someone coming up, some people opened their eyes and looked at the person.

"Hey! It's a strange face, kid, it's your first time here, you dare to practice on the ninth floor for the first time, you really don't know how to live or die."

A big bearded man opened his eyes, looked at Long Xuan who came up, and sneered disdainfully.

Which genius who is qualified to practice here doesn't start from the first floor, gradually adapt to the spiritual power here, and then climb up one floor at a time.

Daring to run directly to the ninth floor to practice for the first time, in his opinion, is simply courting death.

Long Xuan ignored this person. He was not a reckless person. After climbing each floor, he tried to absorb the spiritual power of that floor into his body. He would continue to climb up after confirming that there was no problem.

He climbed all the way to the ninth floor, and found that the spiritual power here still had no effect on him, so he decided to practice in seclusion on the ninth floor.

The reason why Long Xuan could ignore the violent spiritual power on the ninth floor was entirely because the quality of the five major variant spiritual powers in his body, namely, spiritual power, spiritual power, spiritual power, Yi spiritual power, and spiritual power, was so high that it could steadily suppress the violent spiritual power here.

Therefore, as soon as the violent spiritual power here entered his body, it was suppressed by the five major variant spiritual powers in his body, and there was no chance of rebellion.

Long Xuan's previous statement that he could practice here all the time was completely nonsense. He never thought that he could do it. Unexpectedly, after entering here, he actually found that he could really practice here all the time.

In this case, he was ready to find a Feng Shui treasure land and practice in seclusion for a long time.

It was impossible to practice sitting on the ground. First, he felt insecure, and second, it would expose too much of his privacy. Long Xuan looked at the fifty rooms and soon found an empty room with the word "No. 1" written on the door.

He frowned slightly. There was a room here, but no one sitting on the ground went in. It was not difficult to guess that there must be a secret in this room and it was not allowed to enter.

Before he figured out the situation, Long Xuan did not walk over rashly. He turned his head and looked at the big bearded Gu cultivator who had just spoken to him and asked:

"The ground is cold, why don't you go in and practice?" Long Xuan pointed to room No. 1.

As soon as he said this, everyone in the audience looked at him with a strange look on their faces.

"Don't worry, there is no danger in there, you can practice in there." The big bearded Gu cultivator smiled maliciously.

Of course, Long Xuan would not believe what the big bearded man said. There was definitely something wrong with this room. If he believed it, he would be stupid.

Just as he was about to continue asking others, a young girl kindly reminded him: "Don't listen to that bearded man's nonsense, he has bad intentions."

"The reason why Room 1 on the ninth floor cannot be entered is because this room is the source of the spiritual power in this tower."

"The spiritual power in the entire nine-story Demon Suppression Tower is released from this room. The ninth floor is closest to the source, so the spiritual power density on the ninth floor is the largest. The lower it goes, the lower the spiritual power density."

"The first floor is the spiritual power left after being filtered by the Gu cultivators on the first eight floors. Not only is there less spiritual power, but the spiritual power violent degree is also low, and it is the easiest to absorb."

"But even the spiritual power density on the ninth floor is far less than that of Room 1."

"This room is the source of spiritual power. The spiritual power is the most violent. No one can bear it. Even if a Gu King enters here, he will be blown up by the violent spiritual power."

"So no one dares to enter this room so far."

"I remind you, don't run into Room No. 1 to practice out of curiosity. Those who have this curiosity will die."

Hearing this, Long Xuan finally realized.

If this is the case, then it's easy to say.

He is afraid that this room is the exclusive room of a genius, and whoever enters will anger this genius and be beaten.

If this is the case, it will be difficult for him, an outsider who does not belong to the Holy Gu Academy.

Since this room is an unowned place, what else is there for him to be afraid of? He decided to practice in seclusion in Room No. 1.

Long Xuan raised the corner of his mouth and walked towards Room No. 1.

"I'll go in and take a look. I promise not to practice in it."

Long Xuan smiled, opened the door of Room No. 1 in the shocked eyes of everyone, and then walked in.


The door was slammed shut again, and the sign on the door flipped over, showing someone already inside... (End of this chapter)

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