The scene at the Holy Gu Academy was just the tip of the iceberg. At this time, the whole world was in complete chaos due to the appearance of "Dapin Tianxian Jue".

In the streets and alleys of various cities in the Gu world, pedestrians had even fought for the books scattered on the streets, and bloodshed occurred. With the appearance of the Heaven-level skills, everyone went crazy.

I don't know how many people picked up a copy of "Journey to the West" and brought about their own deaths. Long Xuan greatly underestimated the temptation of the Heaven-level skills to the world's Gu cultivators. When the Heaven-level Gu recipe came out, the whole Gu world ushered in a chaos, and the movement caused was by no means small.

On this day, there were not a few genius Gu cultivators who decided to change their skills. Even a large number of Gu Kings abandoned their main skills and chose to practice "Dapin Tianxian Jue" in "Journey to the West".

At the same time, Taoism, which appeared in the book, had begun to rise in some parts of the world. As more and more people picked up "Journey to the West", the number of people joining Taoism also expanded like a snowball.

The reason why the influence of "Journey to the West" spread so quickly is all because of Long Xuan.

The Laigu he created has been spread all over the world after the painstaking management of the Long family for so many years.

The express delivery business of the Long family can already do it. As long as the money is in place, the transported things can appear anywhere in the world within a few days.

Of course, it is limited to inanimate objects. For the current Long family, there are still certain technical difficulties in transmitting living things.

Long Xuan is rich and powerful. After finding the express delivery industry of the Long family, he spent hundreds of millions of dollars, which made "Journey to the West" appear in every corner of the world in a very short time.

When people all over the world heard that there was a heavenly-level skill in this novel, they went crazy.

As the group watching "Journey to the West" began to expand rapidly, a huge amount of spiritual food was generated, and the book Gu was completely full, and the level jumped twice a day.

Two consecutive jumps a day is far from its limit. After people all over the world became fans of "Journey to the West", the spiritual food generated was not only enough to make the book gul jump two levels in a row, it was possible to jump eight levels in a row.

The reason why the Book Gu was upgraded twice in a row was not because its limit was two levels, but because it could only upgrade two levels at most.

The realm of the Gu worm cannot be higher than that of the master, so it certainly cannot surpass Long Xuan and continue to upgrade. It can only be forcibly suppressed. Long Xuan has restricted its development and seriously hindered it.

On this day, just as Long Xuan was still imagining how powerful this Book Gu born from "Journey to the West" would be after people all over the world had watched "Journey to the West", the Book Gu suddenly fainted under his eyes.

Long Xuan was stunned on the spot, and hurried over to hold the Book Gu in his palm, anxiously checking its body.

The sudden change of the Book Gu was beyond his expectation. The Book Gu was fine just now, and fainted without any warning. He was also confused at this time and didn't know what happened.

Thinking of all the unexpected changes that occurred every time he used elements from his previous life to create a Gu recipe, the wine Gu, the evil poison Gu, and the tea Gu all had similar situations. He had to suspect that the book Gu might also have an unknown change due to his innovation.

After holding the book Gu in his palm and checking it for a long time, Long Xuan's frown slowly relaxed, and his face showed a strange look.

After the investigation just now, he found that this book Gu seemed to be bloated and died because it ate too much.

Could it be that there are too many people watching "Journey to the West" and the book Gu also ate too much? Long Xuan's face became more and more weird.

He didn't know what to do when the book Gu had such a situation. The book Gu ate spiritual food, which was an illusory thing, invisible and colorless, and no one could see it.

This thing is very mysterious and difficult to understand. It is not a substance. Normal vomiting is definitely useless for the book Gu.

After thinking for a long time, Long Xuan was almost anxious to turn gray, and he couldn't find a way to cure the book Gu. In the end, he had no choice but to let it die on its own.

"Damn! I took a big step and messed up my balls. If I had known earlier, I would have promoted Journey to the West one region at a time."

"If Journey to the West is promoted to the whole world in an instant, it would be strange if the Book Gu doesn't get too full. Alas! I'm careless and I don't know if I will be fed to death."

Long Xuan was frowning. Just when he didn't know what to do, a mysterious message suddenly came into his mind and he was stunned.

It turned out that the Book Gu ate too much spiritual food and grew very fast. It has already comprehended the second ability in Journey to the West.

This second ability turned out to be the Seventy-two Transformations, but due to the low level, it only comprehended the weakened version of the Seventy-two Transformations.

Although the weakened version of the Seventy-two Transformations can change everything, it does not change the entity, but the opponent's vision.

That is to say, if he turns into a stone, it is not that his body has turned into stone, but that others see him as a stone, and his body has not changed at all.

It is worth mentioning that this is definitely not an illusion effect, and even an illusion master cannot find a loophole.

The biggest feature of the 72 transformations is that it is almost impossible for others to see the flaws. There are exceptions, but there are not many in this world.

Long Xuan nodded with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with this ability. Although the ability to transform everything cannot increase the attack power, it is very practical and can be applied to any scene.

How about turning yourself into a powerful beast? Will it scare away the Gu King who is chasing you?

How about turning yourself into a heaven-defying treasure? Will it attract the greed of the opponent? As long as the opponent gets close, you can easily complete a sneak attack.

What if he turns himself into the opponent's teammate or father? Can he easily kill him by sneak attack through his trust in his father?

The face-changing Gu has a fatal drawback, that is, it can only change the face, not the clothes, so before this, he could not complete this kind of operation at all.

But now with the ability of seventy-two changes, he can deceive people by pretending to be different Gu cultivators, which is much more convenient.

It is no exaggeration to say that the concealment of the seventy-two changes is even higher than that of the face-changing Gu. With the ability of seventy-two changes, the face-changing Gu can basically be eliminated.

Thinking of all the ways to cheat people with seventy-two changes, Long Xuan showed a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, and he wanted to find someone to experiment with it now.

The upper limit of the seventy-two changes is far more than this. This is just a weakened version of the seventy-two changes. In the future, if the Gu cultivators in the spirit world and the Gu cultivators in the god world all become fans of "Journey to the West", then can the book Gu remove the three words "weak version"?

The seventy-two changes without the three words "weak version" may become everything in the world, and it is a physical change.

Once he turns into a certain divine beast, his body will be the shape of the divine beast. Perhaps he can also possess the ability of the divine beast after the transformation, which is even more terrifying.

If the 72 transformations he imagined can really be realized, he dare not imagine how terrifying such 72 transformations will be. It is simply seriously beyond the standard...


The accident of the book Gu is just a small episode. Long Xuan's life remains unchanged. He sells coffee Gu crazily every day. In his spare time, he will play chess with various geniuses.

In order to seduce the top geniuses to play chess with him, Long Xuan has spent a lot of money. The things sold in the coffee shop are no longer limited to coffee Gu.

The powerful insect armor, various elixirs, spirit wines, spirit teas he created, and the puppet spirit tools that are not bad are all in his sales range.

Gradually, the top 30 geniuses on the Tianjiao list of the Holy Gu Academy have played chess with him. Thirty of his 361 chess pieces have glowed.

The talents of these thirty geniuses, as long as they can find the resources to break through the realm, the probability of becoming the Gu King is more than 80%, which can be judged by Long Xuan's vision.

Refining the realm-breaking pill is a simple thing for him. In this way, the probability of these thirty geniuses breaking through the Gu King will be absolutely 100%, and there will be no accidents.

Of course, their breakthrough to the Gu King can be judged by their talents, but how far they can go in the end and whether they will die prematurely, no one can judge, Long Xuan can only open a blind box and try his luck.

How can these thirty geniuses not die in the future? If they encounter people like the Burning Heaven Ancestor and the Qi Tian Ancestor, who can predict whether they will die or not, and what will happen in the future.

There are unexpected changes in the sky, and people are subject to misfortunes at any time.

In order to increase the survival rate of this group of geniuses, Long Xuan can only give each of them a straw raincoat Gu hut.

Although they cannot escape in wartime using the straw raincoat Gu hut, once they are trapped in a dangerous place or being chased by someone, this kind of dangerous situation that will not kill people immediately, the straw raincoat Gu hut will save their lives.

In this case, the survival rate of these thirty geniuses will be greatly improved.

After playing chess with the top thirty people on the Tianjiao list of the Holy Gu Academy, Long Xuan has completely stopped.

He is very picky and does not accept all geniuses. Geniuses ranked below the top thirty on the Tianjiao list are not in his eyes at all.

You should know that the Holy Gu Academy accepts disciples from all over the world, regardless of surnames, without any restrictions, and the overall quality of the geniuses in the academy is so high.

However, Long Xuan only took the top thirty, which shows his standard for geniuses.

There are probably not many people in the entire Gu world who can catch his eye, and it is highly likely that he will not be able to light up 361 chess pieces in the Gu world.

After catching all the geniuses of the Holy Gu Academy, Long Xuan began to think about which geniuses to find to play chess with next, and where to find geniuses.

Speaking of which, he knew quite a few super geniuses, and they completely satisfied his appetite, such as Long Dan, Long Yuyao, Di Xin, Qian Jinjin... These people were considered to be outstanding super geniuses in the entire Gu world, and they might even be better than the geniuses of the Saint Gu Academy.

Moreover, these people had a history with him, and it was effortless to play chess with them. He must get the chess pieces of their destiny.

As for Long Ziyan, Xiao Yaotong, Zhu Jiuge... These geniuses, it was a pity that they jumped too fast and had already become Gu Kings. The ability of chess Gu was ineffective against Gu Kings.

These people were the eternal pain in his heart, and he could only give up helplessly.

Long Xuan's eyes turned, thinking for a long time, and finally decided to start with Long Dan. I don't know if this great demon who also possessed the innate spiritual Gu has died after so many years.

Logically speaking, the limit Gu on Long Dan is completely on the same level as the doom Gu. As long as he is alive, his future achievements will never be bad.

Long Xuan took out the communication talisman that he had exchanged with Long Dan. The reason why he didn't use the straw raincoat was because his straw raincoat only established diplomatic relations with Long Ziyan's straw raincoat. Without consent, his straw raincoat couldn't instantly enter the straw raincoat huts of other people.

Moreover, the straw raincoat of the unlucky Long Dan had already been blown to death by the genius surnamed Bai in the Mortal Kingdom.

Although the straw raincoat can be refined again, finding the straw raincoat newly refined by Long Dan in the vast virtual world is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Long Xuan wrote directly on the communication talisman: Are you there? Did you survive the battle with the Black Wind Country? I miss you so much after not seeing you for a long time. Where are you now? I want to go over and catch up with you and have a drink with you.

After leaving a few lines of words on the communication talisman, the communication talisman turned into a stream of light in his hand, flew into the distance and disappeared.

At the same time, in the palace of the Longteng Empire, Long Dan, who was in seclusion in a secret room, frowned slightly, slowly opened his eyes, took out a communication talisman from the storage ring, and was shocked when he saw the words on it.

"It's you? You are not dead! What does this pervert suddenly want to see me for?"

Long Dan's eyes showed deep fear, and his emotions were extremely uneasy at this time.

After a long pause, he finally took out a new communication talisman and wrote on the paper: Thanks to you, I was lucky enough to save my life by breaking the city barrier in that battle. I was lucky enough to return to the Western Land after escaping many pursuits.

I will never forget your life-saving grace. If you want to see me, you can come to me at any time. If you need any help, just ask.

To be honest, because I have the innate spiritual Gu limit Gu, I was recruited into the palace by the Longteng Empire and entrusted with an important task. At present, I am the chief genius of the Longteng Empire and am about to be sent to the Xuanyuan Empire to participate in a Western Region Genius League.

This Western Region Genius Competition will gather all the geniuses in the Western Region. Do you plan to participate? If you want to participate, I am afraid that I can only give up the championship position.

In a month, I will go to the Western Region Genius Competition with a group of geniuses from the Longteng Empire. You can wait for me at the competition venue.

After the pen fell, the communication talisman written by Long Dan turned into a stream of light and flew out.

Looking at the light flying away, Long Dan stood up, his eyes showing a deep solemnity.

Long Xuan is the only genius he is afraid of so far, no one else.

Not to mention how Long Xuan has grown over the years, if he uses that forbidden technique again in the competition, he will never be able to resist it, and the champion will be him.

"Will Long Xuan participate in this Western Region Genius Competition?" Long Dan took a deep breath and felt a deep pressure.

At the same time, Long Xuan felt his storage ring move, and he was immediately happy.

Sure enough, this Long Dan is still alive, he is lucky, since he is still alive, let's count him as one.

Long Xuan took out the communication talisman from the storage ring, and frowned slightly when he saw so many words on it.

"He actually wrote so much, is he a chatterbox?" (End of this chapter)

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