Xuanyuan Zhi got up from the ground in embarrassment, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the Gu cultivators from various major families who kept running into the robbery cave with a gloomy look, almost going crazy with anger.

At this time, he looked extremely embarrassed, his clothes were torn and stained with blood, and he was obviously seriously injured in the explosion just now.

After closing his eyes and feeling the condition of his body, his heart soon sank.

The injury was so severe that he had to sit down and heal immediately. It was definitely not wise to continue fighting. He could only watch one Gu cultivator after another jump into the robbery hole and escape.

"Damn it! Where did this monster come from? It has the ability to fuse sky fire and sky water, and it can create attacks that can threaten even the Gu King. I didn't expect that a small spiritual sea stage Gu cultivator would become a variable!"

Xuanyuan Zhi's fist hit the ground hard, his face looking as ugly as possible.

"Your Majesty! What should we do next? Should we continue to pursue him?" An old man exuding the aura of the Gu King peaked over and asked with a frown.

Xuanyuan Zhi glanced around, and after counting the number of his own dead as quickly as possible, he clenched his fists and his face became even more ugly.

Most of the more than 10,000 experts brought by the Xuanyuan royal family died in this explosion. Less than 2,000 people survived, which was a heavy loss.

Moreover, those who survived were all injured, and some even had missing arms and legs, and were lying on the ground wailing. Half of the people here were no longer capable of fighting.

At this time, everyone was scared out of their wits, their eyes were horrified, their expressions were dull, and they looked like they had been blown up, and they had no will to fight.

The losses were so heavy that he felt as if his eyes were going dark and he was about to faint.

In order to annihilate everyone in the eight major families with maximum certainty, leaving no fish to slip through the net, the Xuanyuan royal family deployed its most elite forces. Most of these forces were destroyed here, which was considered to have injured the Xuanyuan royal family's muscles and bones. They would not be able to recover in a short time. He I really don’t know how to explain it when I go back.

He took a deep breath, raged for a long time, and finally said: "Stop chasing. Our people are so injured that they have lost their will to fight. If we continue to chase, we will only suffer more losses."

"We don't have many manpower left, and we can't afford the trouble any more." Xuanyuan Zhi's face looked much older for a moment, and soon he looked sharply again and said coldly:

"Hmph! There are many dangers inside the Cangyue Emperor's Mausoleum, but there is no way to survive. Most of the people who enter will die inside without us taking action."

"We just need to stay here and wait. I don't believe they will never come out."

"We have been guarding here. We will kill every one of them when they come out. This group of people broke into the Cangyue Emperor's mausoleum. There are wolves in front of them and tigers in the back. They are destined to die." Xuanyuan Zhi sneered.

"Now all the wounded are recuperating in place. Those who are not seriously injured will be guarded by me in various places to steal holes and prepare ambushes. Don't release any of them for me..."

Long Xuan, who had already run into the thief's cave, suddenly spit out blood. After stopping to check his injuries, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

His injuries at this time were not only serious, he was almost half disabled, and all the organs in his body were severely damaged, which could not be easily repaired in a short time.

If it were anyone else, he would have died from such injuries a hundred times.

That is to say, he was forced to hang his life just because he had water bear voodoo.

The power of the Twisted Jade move is indeed powerful, but there are advantages and disadvantages. The power generated after the twisting power explodes is too great, and will affect the caster instead.

Because the attack range is too wide, there is no place to run. This is a move that can damage the enemy by one thousand and damage itself by eight hundred. It should not be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary.

Now he is reaping the consequences. Because his injuries are so serious, it is difficult for him to cope with the various dangers in the ancient tomb.

He raised his head and noticed that the progress above had not moved. After knowing that no one from the Xuanyuan Royal Family came down, he breathed a long sigh of relief. It was good news for him that the Xuanyuan Royal Family did not continue to pursue them.

However, the Xuanyuan royal family did not come down, but the Gu cultivators from other major families came down, including a large number of Gu kings, who were behind him.

Long Xuan felt dizzy because he accidentally injured them all. He didn't know if these Gu kings would hold grudges.

Now that he was extremely weak, Long Xuan did not dare to be caught up by these Gu kings. He used the earth escape ability of the book Gu to immediately dive into the earth and disappear.

If before, the Cangyue Emperor's mausoleum was protected by formations, it would never be easy to travel under the soil.

But now that the tomb protection formation of the Cangyue Emperor's Mausoleum has been broken by Emperor Xin, there will no longer be any restrictions on the earth escape ability here.

Once a tomb robber can use the earth escape ability, it will be very convenient to find any treasures.

Not long after Long Xuan disappeared, a beautiful figure chased him here and stood at the place where he just disappeared, frowning slightly.

"Where is the person? Why did he disappear out of thin air! This person has all kinds of mysterious trump cards."

Qin Mingyue looked confused. When she heard the footsteps getting closer and closer behind her, her expression changed and she could only put aside her doubts and continue running forward.

There were many Gu kings coming behind her, and she did not dare to meet the strange Gu kings easily.

Long Xuan used his earth escape ability to cheat and shuttled unscrupulously under the earth, avoiding the tomb passages with many traps, avoiding the secret rooms hiding unknown dangers, skipping many dangers, and heading straight to the location showing infinite progress.

He has the ability to ignore obstacles and find the target accurately. He is the bug in the ancient tomb. All kinds of dangerous designs in the ancient tomb are like nothing to him.

In the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum, there is more than one place showing infinite progress. Thinking of what Emperor Xin said that the Tianling Tree is not the treasure of the tomb in the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum, Long Xuan went to the nearest infinite progress.

Soon, he broke the green stone brick with a punch and ran into a wide underground space. Soon, a towering green ancient tree appeared in his sight.

The ancient tree is lush and leafy, with vines hanging down from the branches, full of ancient breath.

In the middle of the dense leaves, you can faintly see huge blue fruits. The fruits emit a faint blue light, which is particularly eye-catching in the dark underground space.

Seeing these blue fruits, Long Xuan suddenly widened his eyes, releasing a scorching light, and his breathing quickly became rapid.

"The Heavenly Spirit Tree! This is the Heavenly Spirit Tree! There is indeed the legendary Heavenly Spirit Tree in the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum! Hahahaha... It's worth my risk to find this Heavenly Spirit Tree, even if I get hurt badly."

"As long as I use the Heavenly Spirit Fruit as the main material to create a more powerful Heavenly Spirit Pill recipe, and use the power of the pill to break through the Gu King, then I will become the Gu King and soar to the sky. I can go anywhere in the world. How can those Xuanyuan Royal Gu cultivators outside stop me?"

Seeing this Heavenly Spirit Tree, Long Xuan was ecstatic, and his worries were swept away.

As long as the Heavenly Spirit Fruit was in hand, he could solve all his troubles and easily get through this crisis.

Long Xuan clenched his fists, but although he was extremely excited, he was not overwhelmed by joy.

He looked around with a vigilant look and did not act rashly.

This is the imperial mausoleum, the most dangerous place. All the designs in the mausoleum are to kill the tomb robbers to the greatest extent, leaving no way out. In such a dangerous place, how could he not be careful?

Needless to say, with the incomparable value of the Heavenly Spirit Tree, there must be dangerous mechanisms around to protect the treasure. If he rushed up rashly at this time, he would die without knowing how he died.

Long Xuan carefully scanned the surroundings and carefully explored the dangers around. When he saw that there was progress after progress in the dark river that nourished the Heavenly Spirit Tree, he understood it in his heart.

He did not see any other progress in this secret room, which meant that there were no formations and mechanisms here, so the danger here must come from the river.

Long Xuan poured a huge amount of mental power into the Eye of Heaven, opened the perspective ability to the maximum, and vaguely saw the shape of the unknown creatures in the river.

"Crocodile? These unknown creatures in the river are actually crocodiles?" Long Xuan murmured softly, and couldn't help but frowned slightly.

Crocodiles are spiritual beasts that crawl slowly and don't go ashore easily. They have super strong combat power in the water.

If you encounter crocodiles in the river, you will almost certainly die.

But this dark river protects the Heavenly Spirit Tree tightly. If you want to get to the Heavenly Spirit Tree, you must cross the river. As long as you cross the river, you will definitely attract crocodiles in the river and be attacked by countless crocodiles.

Many of these crocodiles are fourth-level spirit beasts with strong combat power, equivalent to human Gu Kings. Their combat power in the river is far stronger than that of human Gu Kings. If you cross the river rashly, you will definitely be torn to pieces by these crocodiles.

It is no exaggeration to say that this river is enough to easily stop dozens of powerful Gu Kings. If you force an attack here, I am afraid that many Gu Kings will fall before you can take away this Heavenly Spirit Tree.

Long Xuan was immediately in trouble. It was so difficult for a Gu King to take away the Heavenly Spirit Tree, let alone him, a small Gu cultivator in the Spiritual Sea Stage.

You can jump over the dark river and shuttle directly from the ground, but the roots of the Heavenly Spirit Tree feed on the water of the dark river, and it is too close to the river.

At such a close distance, once it emerges from the ground, it will definitely attract the attention of these crocodiles.

Fortunately, he cheated and skipped all the dangers to get here. The rest of the people were blocked by various dangers in the tomb and could not get to this place in a short time. He had enough time to think.

After thinking for a while, Long Xuan finally came up with a method that he was not very sure of.

His bad idea was to use the 72 transformations to turn himself into a crocodile exactly like the one in the river, then walk over openly and pick the Tianling fruit on the tree openly.

Although the 72 transformations are not a physical change, but only a visual deception, the characteristic is that it is difficult for people to see the flaws, so it is definitely not a problem to deceive the crocodiles in the river.

The only thing that worries him is whether the IQ of the crocodiles in the river is high. If it were a human, seeing a fellow inexplicably coming from a distance, even if there is no flaw, he would be suspicious.

If the IQ of the crocodiles in the river is comparable to that of humans, then his plan would be difficult to succeed. At this time, he is betting that the IQ of the crocodiles in the river is not high.

Because this plan has a very high failure rate and is too dangerous, Long Xuan finally decided to let Yan's clone, the resentful species, carry out this plan, and he himself would stay close to the place with soil, and immediately use earth escape to escape as long as the situation is not right.

He did not believe that these crocodiles could also use earth escape. As long as they could not use earth escape, even if they were fourth-level spirit beasts, they would not be able to catch up with him.

This is why earth escape can become a natural ability. As long as it is not in a place with a formation, the earth escape ability is enough to avoid most of the dangers in this world. It's really shameless.

Soon, a huge black crocodile crawled towards the dark river.

Looking at this crocodile crawling forward little by little, Long Xuan hid in a hidden corner, his eyes full of tension.

"Does your trick really work?"

The sudden sound in his ear really scared him. Long Xuan shuddered violently, turned his head and glared at the person next to him.

He didn't need to look, just by listening to the voice, he knew who the person next to him was. Who else could it be but Di Xin who had come in a long time ago?

She could come to the location of the Tianling Tree so quickly, which really exceeded his expectations.

Although Di Xin came down early to break the tomb protection formation of the Cangyue Imperial Mausoleum, the formation was broken just now. The time when the two arrived at the location of the Tianling Tree was almost the same, just one before and one after.

Long Xuan was very curious about how she came so quickly.

Could she have a map of this place? Long Xuan couldn't help thinking.

"Do you know that scaring people is to scare them to death! Can't you give me a hint before you speak?" Long Xuan glanced at her unhappily.

Di Xin did not answer him, staring at the crocodile crawling towards the dark river with a very solemn expression.

Someone could actually turn into a crocodile. This was simply incredible to her. This was the first time she had seen such a strange ability in her life. Even though she was well-informed, she couldn't help but show shock at this moment.

Emperor Xin's eyes flickered slightly. It had to be said that turning into a crocodile to steal fruit was really a good strategy. The success rate of this strategy was very high when dealing with spiritual beasts with low IQ.

But wouldn't it be a bit of a clone to do this? Isn't it a bit too inhumane for this clone.

"The world is so big that there are all kinds of wonders. I didn't expect that this world actually has the ability to make people change everything at will, and almost no one can see the flaws."

"I have never seen this kind of Gu worm, and it has never appeared in history. Could this be another unique Gu worm you have researched? Can you trade it to me?"

Emperor Xin turned his head and looked at him with burning eyes.

With her eyesight, of course, she could see how practical this ability was and how much convenience it would bring her when stealing things, so she immediately wanted to trade this Gu worm.

Long Xuan immediately shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that I'm stingy, it's that this ability is acquired by reading novels, and there is no way to copy it."

"You can only refine one Gu from the same novel, and you can't refine the same Book Gu again."

"That's a pity!" Emperor Xin did not doubt what he said, and the disappointment on his face flashed away, and he looked at the crocodile that Long Xuan's clone had transformed into again.

At this time, the crocodile had crawled to the riverside, and with a "plop!" sound, it crawled into the river.

Long Xuan immediately showed a nervous look, clenched his fists, fearing that a group of crocodiles would swim from all directions and eat his poor clone.

Fortunately, his worries were unnecessary. When the black crocodile crawled into the water, the crocodiles in the river seemed to see their own kind, and there was no reaction, so they let the crocodile slowly swim towards the direction of the Tianling Tree.

Seeing this scene, Long Xuan loosened his fists and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the IQ of this group of crocodiles was very low, and his plan was successful. (End of this chapter)

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