The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 120 True Blood Shadow Divine Walk

Li Fan closed his eyes between his eyebrows, took a deep breath and rubbed his swollen temples.

This eye consumes more spiritual consciousness than Qiongqi's Dao body. He feels dizzy and dizzy after using it one after another, and it is a bit unbearable.

And now looking at the effect, it is specifically for the 'non-object' Dao Ancestor. Lambs, lambs and other things can be directly seen to collapse, but for 'objects', ferocious beasts, Dao bodies and the like, the effect is only to immobilize the body, and a little bit for the human form. There is no effect.

However, he is going to be robbed again?

To be honest, he has no bottlenecks in cultivating immortality, but he still keeps sending tribulations from the sky to increase his upper limit. Could this be the so-called destiny? He is really lucky...

Li Fan also felt numb due to the robbery, shrugged his shoulders, and looked at the demon in his hand, feeling a little distressed.

The fight against ghosts just now was all tough, and the edge of the sword was indeed slightly worn. But Bitian is still hiding in the sword box, there is no movement at all, and he can't come out even if he is called. It is obvious that he was just illuminated by the light in Lu Jackal's eyes. How can he be so seriously injured...

But fortunately, Li Fan still has a bunch of trump cards hidden, and the golden dragon and white star double swords are still the ultimate killer, but now he has indeed experienced a fierce battle, and he is tired and out of breath, and his true energy is not flowing smoothly. I guess Can't control it.

Ahem, ahem, that's a bit too pretentious.

Well, Li Fan's fatigue was mainly mental, and there was nothing serious about his body. It looked a little oozing after the skin was peeled off, but the injury was not serious. The main reason is that the human skin Taoist robe is so powerful that it can be replaced directly. Even if it is hit by an ax and is hit into the wall, it will not hurt.

But when it comes to human skin Taoist clothing, there is good news and bad news.

The good news is that he has not used up all his Taoist robes. The bad news is that the unused ones refer to the three bodies that were shed together during the previous peeling. Well, it's stained with shit...

Of course, Li Fan doesn't care about the smell. Saving his life is more important than the taste. But from this point of view, Luo Jiao's human skin Taoist clothing can block the effects of various spells and physical explosions, but it can't attack mood-degrading attacks. The soul or spiritual influence caused by "objects" cannot have any direct reaction, otherwise it should have been consumed during the battle against the lamb cub.

But now is not the time to think about this. We must hurry up and kill the Blood Lord before the followers of the Divine Cult arrive. By the way, boil the mutton to restore the status.

After wrapping the human skin Taoist robe around his body and putting it on, he put away his broken mace, and quickly cleaned the battlefield, Li Fan walked towards the altar with the ghost-killing sword in hand.

The magic of the Divine Cult is really powerful. He and Lu Jackal went to war and bombed and exploded for a long time. The altar was not affected at all, and the fallen flags did not move at all. Li Fan turned around twice and immediately understood that with his level of point formation, this large formation could not be opened at all!

Looking up at the stalactite, the blood network that covered the stalactite like an ivy was slowly squirming and still slowly spreading towards the rock wall. This look was different from the lambs I had seen before. It is probably a demon fetus that has been cultivated for a long time and is close to being formed.

And under the stalactite, the boy whose chest and abdomen was cut through by the stone pillar was crushed in the center of the huge altar. His breath was wandering, his eyes were lifeless, and he looked haggard. He was chewing the Tai Sui meat thrown next to his face, and he was almost no longer human. .

I don't know whether it's because the magic circle is so powerful that the people inside have no idea what's going on outside, or because the young man is so autistic that he can no longer react to the roaring and explosions from the outside world.

So the boy with no skin on his face stood outside the magic circle, looking at the skinny boy not far away.

At this time, the two of them were neither human nor ghosts, but there were indeed some similarities between their brows.

This person is Li You, who is probably at the age when he has just been crowned. It is very miserable for a spoiled and pampered legitimate son of the clan to look like this.

Looking at him, Li Fan seemed to see another future and destiny for himself.

There was a trace of pity and a trace of fear in his heart, but more of it was a kind of understanding.

In this world, power, birth, wealth, and destiny are all in vain.

Only strength is fundamental!

With a sword in your hand, you can speak loudly and do whatever you want!

If you don't have the power to protect yourself, then even the royal relatives, princes and grandsons, no matter how noble their status is, are just lambs to be slaughtered!

Li Fan closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, in his shining black and white pupils, the last trace of hesitation and greed for wealth in the world disappeared.

At this moment, he strengthened his Taoism. He took out the purple ribbon fairy clothes from the bubble on the back of his head and put it on his body. With a flick of his Qiankun sleeves, he threw out Huoshan Molian who was tied with the fairy rope.

He wasn't worried that the saint could fight back. When he was kidnapped, it was confirmed that Huoshan Molian was indeed only capable of Qi training. He could at most know some martial arts, and he had not even built a foundation yet. Moreover, he was tied into a cicada chrysalis with the rope that bound the Golden Immortal. No matter how much he turned over, there was nothing he could say.

"Don't pretend to be asleep, Your Majesty, your heart is beating like a rabbit. I won't kill you. What if you wake up? On the contrary, if you help me, I will let you go."

Li Fan carefully checked the incantation on the flag of the formation, and tried to step on it twice, but the formation's feet did not move at all. So he continued to persuade,

"You still have a long life, and your life is not over yet. In fact, you don't want to awaken into another person now, right? Besides, if you are so fused with this blood lord, you are more likely to be swallowed and die. In this case, why not We work together."

Li Fan said complacently, "You come and open the altar, and I'll kill this demon. If someone from the cult asks you about it, you can just say that you were attacked and knocked unconscious at the beginning of the ceremony. You can make up whatever you want." , there is nothing you can do anyway, right?

I just hope you have a clear mind. Life is not easy. Even if you are really a saint of the divine religion, why do you have to risk your life for the ambition you had a few lives ago? No one owes anyone anything. "

Li Fan heard that the other party's heartbeat had returned to normal, so he stretched out his hand and put the immortal rope back into his sleeve.

Huo Shan Molian got up and looked fearfully at the demon king in front of him who had no human skin. Then he looked at the scene around him that was obviously after a battle. The whereabouts of Altar Master Lu was also unknown, and he immediately knelt down without hesitation.

"The immortals and magical powers are unparalleled! The magic power is overwhelming! Huo Hongmian sincerely admires the Taoism! Please accept this junior as a disciple!"

Hello! Second time for you!

Li Fan felt powerless to complain for a moment, so he could only say in a deep voice, "How dare you threaten me?"

Huoshan Molian said anxiously, "My little girl doesn't dare! To break the Blood Lord's seal, all you need to do is use your little girl's blood to draw the talisman, and the god can pull out the flag and break the formation!"

Hong Mian sincerely seeks Taoism and hopes to attain the righteous Dharma before joining the religious sect! But the divine religion insists that I am the reincarnation of some kind of saint! I have mastered all the magical skills from the Heavenly Book, but whenever I think of them, I still refuse to teach them any of them!

If I could figure it out on my own, why would I still be in this religion? Not only do I have no future at all, but I am also being hunted everywhere, and they constantly ask me to die. It is really unreasonable!

Please ask the gods to take you in! "

Uh...that makes sense...

Li Fan flicked his fingers, and the sword energy cut Huo Shan Mo Lian's arm, bringing up a string of blood beads and splashing on the banner. Huo Shan Mo Lian was a little brave and refused to avoid it, but the banner clearly burned, and the whole altar shook. The mountain shook, and the blood master on the stalactite began to churn like a living creature!

Li Fan narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm still young and not qualified to accept a disciple. You don't need to say more. I'm going to get rid of the demon later. Don't stand in the way. If you die accidentally, you may trick others. Get out of here." Get lost and get as far away from Changsi City as possible!"

I saw her biting her lip and looking aggrieved.

Li Fan also scratched his head, threw a storage jade pendant, and gave her a curtain hat, "If you really want to break away from the divine religion. Wear this 'faceless' and use this invisibility charm, and you can naturally avoid the monks' pursuit. There is Mozhu Mountain in the southwest of the country. It seems that Lou Guandao does not accept female disciples, but there are still many casual cultivators in the cave.

If you really have great perseverance and great opportunities, you will definitely be able to enter the Immortal Sect.

If no one accepts you, it only means that you have no connection with the Tao. "

This is a serious path to Taoism. Anyway, everyone can come to Mozhu Mountain to try. If your qualifications are so great, there will naturally be immortals who will accept the destined people. Although no matter what the qualifications of the saints of the divine sect, probably no one would dare to accept such a hot potato...

Huoshan Molian was overjoyed, "Thank you God for the advice! The red cotton will definitely pass your test!"

Finally, after getting rid of this plot NPC who might have a nuclear explosion if he died, causing the mission to fail, Li Fan also breathed a sigh of relief, grabbed a handful of Nine Turns Purple Golden Pill and poured it into his mouth to replenish his energy.

He rested for a while, and when the saintly girl had probably escaped far enough, he also regained some energy. He felt that his Taoist breath was full again, and he had more than 600 points of mood base. Without any further delay, he slapped away the shaky girl. Flag!

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’


The moment the magic circle failed, the blood net that had been covered by the ivy on the stone pillar soared into the air! Like a fishing net spread out, a living creature swooped towards Li Fan's head!

The system starts counting down!

And Li You screamed loudly! The blood master was obviously in some kind of parasitic relationship with Li You. As he flew forward, a large number of blood vessels connected to the meridians and bone marrow were pulled out from the cavity in Li You's chest!

Li Fan took a deep breath and stared!

The blood net illuminated by the head suddenly disintegrated into a bloody mist! A large amount of blood was splashed on the floor! It collapsed almost as soon as he opened his eyes!

Why is it so weak?

Li Fan subconsciously felt something was wrong.

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’

really! The system is still counting down the seconds!

So Li Fan continued to stare at Li You who was lying on the ground screaming with his eyes wide open, and he soon noticed it.

From his body cavity, there were still many blood vessels as large as the large intestine, coiled behind the stone pillars like wires. The blood network that collapsed in the first moment was all body tissue on one side of the stone pillar, but the other side of the stone pillar was clearly still intact. Something was playing with him. King Qin walked around the pillar!

Li Fan sprinted on tiptoe, trying to go around to the other side and glare at the opponent, but the Blood Lord escaped faster! It was as elegant as a ghost. Li Fan only had time to see a human-shaped blood-red cloak, but he chased him left and right for two or three times, but he couldn't catch him!

The blood vessels on Li Fan's temples throbbed, and blood and tears gradually oozed from his eyes.

Damn it! This thing has been gestating for too long, and I'm afraid it already has some sanity. He really can't hold on any longer!

At this time, Li You's screams suddenly stopped!

Li Fan jumped back violently, holding his sword in front of his chest on guard, and looked at the young man on the ground warily.

I saw the veins on his neck bursting out, as if the blood vessels under the skin had condensed into hands and were about to strangle him to death, making a strange suffocating gurgling sound, and then the boy's throat suddenly opened with a gash, from the inside of his chest and lungs. Making strange noises like asthma.

"People...let me go..."

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’

Damn, this guy can actually talk...

"Okay, come out and let me take a look, and I'll let you go immediately."

Li Fan rushed forward and chased around the pillar two or three times, but he still couldn't catch up with him despite trying his best.

On the other side of the stalactite column, there was clearly a blood shadow, as if a man in a red cloak was hiding, but Li Fan couldn't catch it in front of it.

"People...let me't kill me..."

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’

Do you want to kill Li You with one sword?

Will killing Li You cut off the blood lord's supplies, or cut off the encumbrance of this part of the body, so the blood lord doesn't have to circle the pillars and can escape...

"Oh? Let you go, right? Kill him? I'll do it for you!"

Li Fan waved his hand and threw his sword towards Li You's head!

Li You raised his head fiercely, stuck out his tongue and knocked the ghost away!

"Not allowed to kill? Then he must be killed!" Li Fan flew up, held the demon in his hand and shouted, "Li You will be punished! Up and down!"

The Blood Lord immediately threw out a bunch of roots and blood vessels to block Li You's body!

At the same time, the ghost-killing sword light shines! One sword and two swords! Cut off the stalactite pillars!

Li Fan glared, and the Blood Lord hiding behind the pillar trembled violently and suddenly swung his body! The blood vessels in Li You's body cavity suddenly burst! The blood mist that filled the sky blocked Li Fan's vision again!

This blood lord has indeed opened his mind! At this moment, he actually abandoned most of the Tao body demon fetus! Only a small part of the body was left, and the bloody figure escaped! With a whoosh, he swung past the altar and rushed straight across the altar to escape from the tunnel!

Depend on! Could this be serious truth? Blood Shadow God Walk! It’s over! Going to overturn!

As soon as Li Fan gritted his teeth, he was about to peel off another layer of skin and catch up with the demon remover!

Just at this moment!

A crane screamed and the sky was startled! A white shadow rushed out from the altar aisle! He pounced on the bloody figure who was about to escape!

Two shadows, one white and one red, collided instantly! A dazzling light shines on!

Li Fan looked at the flashing light in person and felt it was so dazzling that he couldn't look straight at it! I couldn't help but close all three eyes to block it, but the light seemed to penetrate directly into the human dome!

A moment of white light! In an instant, black light flashed again! Alternate black and white! Day and night!

Li Fan only felt that in his consciousness, the sky was shattering! Thunder and lightning! The black and white flashing in front of my eyes kept churning!

Unable to hold on any longer, he lay on the ground, ‘Wow! ’ I vomited loudly!

After vomiting all over the floor, Li Fan felt a little more relaxed. He raised his head and came to his senses. The flashing of black and white light had stopped. Even the system's reporting stopped.

It only took a while to play around the pillar with the Blood Lord. After about three to five minutes, Li Fan's mood dropped to 400 points.

But fortunately, the Blood Lord has been killed.

Li Fan turned his head and looked around. The blood vessels had turned into carbon color like charcoal, and at the exit of the tunnel, a layer of human-shaped black ash could be vaguely seen, just like graphite sprinkled on the ground.

Damn it...

What was that just now? Some kind of spell? Was it the viewer who took action?

Li Fan didn't understand for a moment, so he supported Fugui to stand up. By this time, he was really exhausted both physically and mentally, and felt dizzy. He just wanted to fall asleep.

It's a bit troublesome. UU Reading I originally wanted to eat some mutton that was a great supplement, but in the end I didn't get any benefit and almost caused trouble for the sheep! Alas, it seems that I am still winning by leapfrogging monsters one after another. I am too arrogant, too greedy, and too crazy... If I can survive this calamity, I have to meditate with a pure heart and stick to the Taoist heart...

Thinking that he is still in the midst of a murderous calamity and that his life may be in danger at any time, this is not the time to relax his vigilance. Although he was in a bad state, Li Fan could only grit his teeth and cheer up.

At this time, another moan came from behind.

Li Fan frowned and turned around to look, he was simply shocked.

Can you believe it! Li You is not dead yet!

Although there was a hole in his chest, his throat was torn in two, and the blood lord had drained many of the organs and blood vessels in his body, but he was! yes! without! die!

Well, I am indeed blessed with a bit of destiny. Five years is a little less, but it is still the destiny of a serious emperor. This destiny is really tough...

Li Fan stepped forward to check and found that the young man was biting a piece of Tai Sui in his mouth and looking at him with despair.

Is it because of this Tai Sui that one can survive?

Li Fan looked at him, "Do you know someone named Li Yi?"

Li You still looked at him, wondering if he could still understand his question. His eyes were full of despair and emptiness, but it was clear that there was still a little persistence left.

He doesn't want to die.

"...Okay, I'll use the first aid elixir in exchange for a little Tai Sui to refresh you, and I'll take you out. The rest depends on everyone's luck."

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