The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 240 Good Luck Comes

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 240: Good Luck

Amao was confused for a while and rubbed his eyes, "I, did I bump into someone just now? Weren't there two beauties just now..."

He was knocked to the ground. When he got up, it only took him a moment to see that there was nothing in the corridor.

Li Fan smiled so much that he put his arm around Amao's shoulders and led him out of the corridor and into the hall. "Where did the beauty come from just now? She's thinking about food and clothing, right? She's all men, and you've been holding it in for a long time. I understand. , do you have any that you like? If you do, pick two."

"Ah, I, the island owner, I..." Amao was so moved that he wanted to cry. Looking at the beauties on the dance floor, his whole body was shaking with excitement.

Li Fan smiled, snapped his fingers, summoned the servants who were waiting at the side, and took out a basket of Xun gold cakes from the previous Mu Ling mission from his sleeves, and soon exchanged them for a hundred golden flowers, using a flower basket. It was filled and stuffed into Amao's hand.

The eyes of the surrounding Jinqings all lit up when they saw it, and a group of warblers gathered around the two gold masters.

Amao was so excited that his calves were shaking.

"My little brother is here for the first time. If you serve him well today, you will be rewarded heavily!"

"Yes, officer!"

So the attendants laughed from ear to ear and opened a large box for them. Amao was surrounded by the ministers and was soon thrown onto the bed to fight. Li Fan arranged a phantom formation of Yan Ruyu to confuse the Jin Qings. He stuffed the two corpses under the bed and hid them. He put on his mask and used the invisibility trick to escape from the box.

System, have you finished analyzing it?

‘The genetic information has been collected, the environmental information search is in progress, the odor molecule matching is completed, and the scene construction is completed’

‘Turn left and go upstairs to the fourth room on the right’

'Be careful, that protective suit has an anti-radar coating, and it should be invisible according to the spiritual scanning frequency of the practitioner. There may be other people nearby. ’

Maybe there's more than just this one...

Li Fan used his gaze to check the box marked by the system, but he really didn't feel anything.

But they have already killed people. The system on the other side must have notified others, right?

‘Not necessarily. I didn’t monitor the communication between the apostle and the system just now. I don’t know if he was on a mission or if he turned off the system himself. ’

Oh...what? No, can the system be turned off at will?

‘Okay, the standard procedure for encountering the same kind is to shut down and lurk. Lifeforms with enlightenment level will automatically shut down when they enter the scanning range. Or if you want to do something private and don’t want to be recorded, you can also take the initiative to turn it off, such as seizing the time to have a sex or something. ’

...Wow, I couldn't have told you earlier!

'Don't worry, this person is a cultivator and is a large source of interference. It is extremely normal for apostles to have MIA. In fact, they are not communicating most of the time. And the general rule is to mark the area where the apostles' signals are lost. The deviation value is abnormal, and the alert level is continuously raised based on the time of loss of contact. Only when the time of loss of contact and the deviation value exceed the threshold, the apostle will be notified to take action. ’

'Of course, in a place like Mozhu Mountain, just inform everyone not to enter again. After all, it is not easy to throw an apostle over. It would be a pity to die. Everyone is a valuable asset. ’

Then you will throw me into the mountains? ?

‘Uh...oh, the equipment analysis is completed! Well, in addition to conventional exoskeletons, biosustainment systems, composite insulation materials, and light stab-resistant inserts, the modified civilian spacesuits are also equipped with a charged electromagnetic deflection force field and a layer of non-Newtonian fluid resistance. The impact filling layer should be modified with the AGSS anti-gravity sol system. I estimate that it has an excellent protective effect against the electrothermal kinetic energy strike damage caused by Jindan level monks. In short, just attack the areas not covered by protective clothing. ’

'The weapons are a bit troublesome. The modified Gauss launcher looks like it was made by myself, but with the added overload, the kinetic energy of the muzzle can reach the military standard and penetrate the military alloy. It is really the style of the Martian guy, and it is enough to cause a certain damage to the Yuanying Taoist body. Threatened. If you be more decisive later, kill all the people. Don't leave anyone alive for the counterattack. Prioritize equipment recovery. ’

No, you really have confidence in his fighting ability! Didn't they say they were spies and not soldiers? Aren’t we a valuable asset? And a Gauss gun? Is it really possible to have anal sex from the front? Don't you need to arrange an escape route for him first?

‘Okay, even if there is someone else, it’s not you who should run away now. ’

Li Fan didn't understand the meaning of the system at first.

But when Li Fan walked to the door of 'Turn left and go upstairs to the fourth room on the right', he came to his senses.

Jinlin Palace is engaged in this kind of business, and the guest room private rooms have some sound insulation effect, illusion magic circle and so on. But that kind of blinding magic circle has no effect on Li Fan's blindness. If he really looks carefully, he can see how many people are in each room up and down, what level of cultivation they have, and what postures they are using. . But in the fourth room on the right, nothing could be seen.

Although he can't see it, Li Fan's Nascent Soul realm and the perception of the skills are not fake. Although there is interference inside, he can still 'hear' people talking, walking and breathing on the other side of the wall.

Three people, one was eating in the living room, one was taking a bath in the tub in the side hall, and the other was sleeping in the bedroom.

But what's outrageous is that these three people don't even have a golden elixir, and only have a meager sense of Qi. Judging from their breathing, they are all in the foundation building stage. They have simply practiced some basic kung fu, and they will learn some hegemonic skills when they are exhausted. .

So Li Fan stretched out his right index finger, calculated the other person's position, and clicked "bang", "bang" and "bang" three times in the air at the three people separated by a wall, and then he couldn't hear the sound inside.

Li Fan aimed the hit at the head. He could tell from the sound that he was dead, but for some reason, the system did not confirm the killing of the enemy apostle, and of course he was not in the mood to reward him.

So without any hesitation, Li Fan pushed open the door and went in. Almost without moving, he quickly passed by the box and quickly inspected the scene, preparing to make a last-ditch attack.

There were many equipment boxes in the room that had not yet been unpacked. The man sitting at the dining table eating fried noodles fell headlong into the dinner plate. There was a big hole in his head, and his brains were blown out. The man in the bedroom died in his sleep, with the upper half of his head blown off. The half of his body in the bath floated on the water, dyeing the water scarlet.

Except for the person taking a shower, the other two people were all wearing protective clothing and camouflage clothes. No one was wearing a helmet, but it was of no use if they were. With Li Fan's finger strength, Nascent Soul level They were all stabbed to death, let alone the three of them who built the foundation. but……

Really weak. Could it be a scam?

Li Fan picked up the fried noodle man's head from the fried noodle plate and took a look. These people were not very old, at most seventeen or eighteen years old. They were all young people. The bathing man looked like a foreign mixed-race, and the other two heads were blown off and couldn't be seen clearly, but they were probably from the territory of the divine sect. There are strange facial tattoos on his body and face. Could he be a servant or something?

‘A standard four-man tactical team. It must have been the one I encountered last night. ’

Were they really the ones who knocked on the door last night? That's it? How could they worship the moon with this strength? It's not normal...

‘Li Fan, don’t you understand yet? You are the abnormal one! We usually kill people by shooting. Who sticks with their fingers as much as you do! And Xu Yuan didn’t go there physically, he relied on equipment! ’

Well, Li Fan was speechless.

'Civilization systems are different. There is nothing to compare with. Even if there is system assistance, cultivation must rely on the apostles themselves. Even if they are literate, they may not be able to cultivate to the Nascent Soul, but they have come and cannot go back easily, so there is Some apostles still have to rely mainly on technological equipment. ’

...Wait a minute, so what kind of legion system in the Divine Religion can already create such advanced technological equipment to arm the apostles? You guys don't even let him use glass gunpowder? How about a slap in the face? ?

‘The only thing that can be done is to make it. Just these things to wear, it would take at least the production line of an orbital factory to make them. It must have been dug up from a previous construction ship and modified with the found stock. ’

‘Besides, what’s the point of getting some gunpowder for this kind of equipment? Don't be stunned and open the treasure chest. The anti-detection coating used in these outsourcing packages must be equipment and won't kill you. ’

Well, there were a lot of salutes in the box, and judging from the clothes they were wearing, these three people all played the role of handymen. They also picked three carrying poles and six large bags. Probably all kinds of black technology equipment.

So Li Fan also opened the bags one by one to take a look, and explained each system.

The first bag contained armor. It was a very thick metal plate that was very hard and strong. Even the helmet was a set of full-body armor. It looked like science fiction at first glance. Li Fan picked up a piece of deck and broke it off. It was indeed a bit hard. He couldn't break it without using all his strength. Generally, the fake Nascent Soul in the Immortal Palace wouldn't be able to break it with some rubbish weapons.

'SBS, the external plug-in board of the space combat armor, mercenary-grade stuff, military alloy, just a set of empty shells. Before the war, you can replace the light plug-in board, but it should be barely wearable during the foundation building period, and you need to turn on the exoskeleton motor. Get moving. The fracture was cut with a plasma machine. It should have been used by the original SBS to cut off the armor layer without system permissions. ’

The second bag contains some wrapped lenses, disassembled plug-in slots, and a fire ax...

‘The components of the industrial monomolecule cutting ax and Gauss rifle look like 3D printing. Oh, this optical eyepiece also has a sniper. ’

The third package contained a helmet with thick goggles. It looked like a bulky device like an octopus. The huge metal helmet flashed with many red lights. There were eighteen tentacle pipelines on the back of the head, which were connected to a metal box the size of a desktop computer. .

‘Phew—ghostshell ghost shell! Damn, this is an antique! A reassuring antique! ’

‘It seems that there are a lot of things found there. The military-grade anti-interference quantum communication helmet was obviously removed from the communication station of the electronic reconnaissance ship. You can maintain communication with the mothership through the internal quantum network. The apostle must have used it to interfere with our communication last night. I was shocked and thought I was being monitored. Electronic warfare equipment like Ghost Shell can indeed invade our channel. ’

'Wow, but there are still people who can use this kind of equipment these days. I didn't expect that the legion would also send a professional electronic ghost. Oh, it's just a hacker. I don't know where the real body is hiding, just like on the Internet. Like an electronic ghost! What good luck. There aren't many people like this anymore. Not only did they kill you, but they also gave you a set of fresh communication equipment. Good news! It smells really good! ’

The fourth one contained a metal box. After opening it, you saw that it was filled with sponge pads and contained eight glass tubes with metal heads on both ends. The middle tube was filled with some kind of asphalt-like viscous colloid.

'Sure enough, it is agss sol, which was originally designed to resist acceleration for former astronauts. This is a synthetic non-Newtonian fluid. Due to strong shear thickening behavior, its resistance to bullet impact or sharp knife stabbing is drastically reduced. Increase, in other words, body armor material.

You can try to feel it with a punch. It can effectively slow down the impact and protect human tissue... Damn, one punch will destroy it! Ahem, in short, when it loses its effectiveness, the sol will lose its physical properties and flow out. At this time, insert the glass tube into the round opening on the protective suit and replenish it. They are all equipment used in the wars in the solar system of the previous generation. It is a shame that the people of the Legion can modify them, but they are still quite practical. ’

The fifth bag contains a mechanical spider, which is full of technology and is about the size of a pug, a bit like a sweeping robot. There is also a handheld-like handle, which is obviously a controller.

'The multi-legged industrial drone has added optical camouflage and anti-radar coating, and its tool legs have been replaced with molecular knives and Gauss guns. It should be used for reconnaissance and surveillance. According to standard procedures, one should be placed outside for scouting. I'm on the alert, probably not turning it on to save power. ’

There were a lot of bits and pieces in the sixth bag, including small black strips like chewing gum.

‘High-energy batteries for protective clothing and gauss rifles’

There are also pencil-thick, hexagonal metal strips.

‘Gauss Rifle Electro-Projection Projectile. ’

A silver box, about the size of Du Xia's body.

‘Don’t open it, it’s explosion-proof, anti-collision and anti-electromagnetic. There may be explosives inside. It might be a prepared metal nitrogen detonator. ’

A red box, which looks one size smaller than Du Xia's, just as big as a drawer.

‘Fuck, have these lunatics synthesized weapons-grade biological weapons? ’

'Unlike, there is no biological and chemical epidemic prevention system in their protective suits, and a commando, a support shooter, an electronic ghost hacker, and a drone helmsman are a standard tactical action team, and they should be secretly performing missions. It's not like poisoning, it's probably a first aid kit. ’

So Li Fan opened the red box and found three needleless syringes inside.

‘Doping? First aid medicine? This requires professional equipment analysis to know the composition. ’

By the way, there is also a desk lamp, which should have been placed in the sixth bag, and is now being lit on the table. The blue-white light is quite dazzling.

‘That’s not a desk lamp, it’s an ECM device used to shield system monitoring and consciousness detection. It can emit coherence waves and hide the signal source of specific devices. These devices will not be detected, which is equivalent to radar invisibility. Didn't you also draw one? ’

I have it too? Oh, yes, there is a light. Do it, it turns out it’s to prevent surveillance, you clearly said it’s okay, why do you do so many fancy skin treatments...

This was all the apparent possessions of a hostile system team that Li Fan accidentally bumped into and then wiped out.

Li Fan took out the Xiba from his sleeves and threw it on the floor. The four people lined up neatly in a row, surrounded by a pile of equipment. From the Xiba belt, he found three red storage jade pendants engraved with the ghost faces of the gods. , of course they were all locked up, and I couldn’t figure it out for a while, so I couldn’t help but play with it and fell into deep thought for a while. should I put it, I still find it a bit baffling that so much equipment is placed directly outside? Why don't you put it in storage jade? Why is only one person counted as an apostle and the other three are not given points? Could it be that the other three are all indigenous?

’ It’s possible. Except for operating the electronic ghost in the ghost shell, which requires professional skills, the other equipment here is for civilian use and can only be trained and trained. There is no technical content. ’

’ And your emotional reward is not because that stick is an apostle, but because he meets the definition of a life form of the same level. In other words, his soul is at least at the level of a demon. ’

What? So Xiba is so powerful? Digging up a bunch of equipment, directly training the natives to form a tactical team, and also practicing some kind of spiritual method? But this body really only has foundation building, so it’s so easy to kneel down right away? What kind of inexplicable skill is this? Alas, it would be great if Xuantian was here. Beichen Sword Sect knows the details of the divine religion best... Oh, by the way...

So Li Fan turned his hand, took out the sword box and released the rabbit.

Yue Po came out and circled around, and the first thing he said to Li Fan was, "Why don't you go into seclusion to recuperate, and you're just picking up rags here?"

Rags... No, why does Beichen Sword Sect keep talking... Oh, well, it's true that these things don't have any Qi at all. No wonder people look down on them. They are so arrogant that no one even grabs them when they carry them on their shoulders. Yes, maybe they are all received as scraps...

"...These seem to be members of the Divine Cult. Yue Po, you can tell that they follow their footsteps."

"Hey, Medicine Master, you have started to hunt the sons of the God's Cult. UU Reading is pretty good, very like my Sword Sect...

Um, eh? Hey! This guy is quite powerful, he has three pieces of God Lord Jade! "

sharp? Is this just a matter of foundation building and cultivation?

"You can quickly become evil. Some people in the divine sect specialize in cultivating the soul and don't care about the cultivation of the physical body. Anyway, as long as the cultivation of the soul is reached, they can directly take away other people's Tao bodies and bodies at any time. You have seen it before. Look. , the curse marks on these three corpses are the secret refining blood puppets commonly found in the Blood Book.

This is to use a secret method to devour a person's two souls and six souls, strengthen the soul, and leave the body of one soul and one soul, which can be used as a guardian blood puppet, which can be used as a clone. After having to use the Blood Shadow Divine Walk to escape, he could transfer directly into the Blood Puppet's body without losing too much of his cultivation. When one's own blood shadow is refined, these puppet clones can also be refined into blood shadows respectively, and finally merge into one to achieve the Blood God Son Dafa. ", this guy is practicing the Blood God Son Dafa? ?

"It shouldn't be wrong. Look, he has three pieces of God Lord Jade. This is not fake. This is a reward that can only be obtained by performing great achievements recognized by the Ten Supreme God Lords. It is a supreme honor for the followers of the religion. ah!

Usually there are guys like the direct disciples of the God Lord, just the guardian elders and so on. This foundation builder died without even taking off his scalp. It seems that he is not skilled in the blood shadow magic. It is quite rare to be able to achieve three great achievements and be rewarded with divine jade! If he had the cultivation level of the golden elixir realm, he could activate the Divine Master Jade and brand you with the ‘Blood Punishment Seal’ that the Divine Religion must kill! Be good! I'm afraid that three consecutive seals will alert the Dharma King to kill you, right? Hahaha!

Yes, pharmacist! What good luck! From now on, you can brag about how you were almost branded with a Blood Mark on Yuntai Peak! By the way, how did you get rid of him? "

...just... bumped into it.

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