The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 267 Crossing the Door

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 267 Crossing the Door

"...No, these are all inexplicable tasks! Can we go back to the age of fish farming? I promise to feed your carp big and fat, okay?"

Despite his objections, Li Fan still came to help out that night. After all, there is no need to distrust the system if it is a rail gun. Li Fan simply wants to see it on the market.

When he opened his eyes this time, Li Fan found himself standing on the surface of the spacecraft again. But it’s not the same ship. The last one was full of sci-fi style and shiny silver. This one looks a little bit behind. The shell is made of alloy similar to legion armor, and it’s square like a container. It’s that kind of atomic punk and cyberspace. Punk difference.

But seriously, can't you arrange a seat for him? Why do you lie outside the spaceship every time? Do temporary workers have no human rights?

"The detection ship supporting you is the latest drone, but it does not have a pilot's position designed."

"This is a civilian ship transferred from nearby. The public security system will check the video inside the ship when it passes through. Let's just let it go."

Before Li Fan could ask in detail, the hatch of the hull in front of him opened, and a thin-legged spider drone popped up. The spider's eyes flickered, playing a holographic image and constructing a three-dimensional star map.

The relative positions of the rocky planet and the spacecraft are marked in the stellar coordinate system. Then the mark scanned out a mine pit on the surface of the rocky planet. In the parallel orbit of the mine pit, there was an artificial celestial body like a satellite.

Then the lens zooms in, and you can see the scanning analysis of the artificial satellite. The core is a circular sphere. The periphery of the sphere is marked with multiple circular metal orbits. These orbits are interlaced and wrapped around the sphere like a mesh. In addition, there are The flash marked six nodes on the track, which were probably the forts. The estimated range was painted red, almost completely covering a large area of ​​space near the mine. It seemed that there were no blind spots for defense.

"This is that, what, ods cannon? It looks like a ball..."

"It's not an ODS cannon, it's a low-Earth orbit turret with an ODS orbital defense system. Strictly speaking, it's an ETG, an improved magnetic rail electric heating cannon. The core inside is artificial plasma, which is the reactor, and the outer coil is the binding magnetic field, the node. The location is the plasma acceleration track, which is the turret.”

"The reactor can charge the turret, and the ionized plasma on the surface can be used as projectiles, so the energy and ammunition of this turret can be regarded as endless."

"In addition to being used as a plasma turret for defense, it can also be used to blow up mine pits, or adjust the power to remotely charge the collection equipment in the mine. This should be the main use."

"And it comes with its own independently running ODS system. Although it is a piece of garbage that has been eliminated from the previous generation, it is a military product after all. In the past, it was generally used to protect space colonies and orbital factories."

"These independent systems that are not online cannot be hacked from the Internet, and they can resist remote ECM interference to a certain extent. As long as a target enters the enemy detection range, it will be locked on immediately and identify meteorites, spaceships, and mines. The attack trajectory of the artillery shells will automatically shoot down all incoming threats."

While listening, Li Fan looked at the star map and couldn't help but ask,

“But your equipment should be a little more advanced than the garbage of the previous generation, right?

The reconnaissance was so clear from all distances, and even where the fort and the track were were marked. Can't we get a laser cannon or something and just snipe him? "

"So, ours is a registered merchant ship, civilian grade six. Although it has nuclear warheads and ECM weapons obtained on the black market, it only has civilian grade warhead launch vehicles."

"We call this a drone mine. You can also understand it as a torpedo missile used in space warfare."

"The sublight engine signal of civilian mines is too large, the recognition is too high, and the range and acceleration are also limited. For military systems, it is like a baseball thrown by a child. It can be intercepted in half a second."

"And the red space area marked does not refer to the effective range of the weapon, but the theoretical enemy locking range of the previous generation ODS system in the database. In fact, it is only for reference. In case the legion installs a hidden radar station nearby, only borrow ODS Systematic enemy tracking and ballistic analysis can significantly increase the railgun's attack range."

"We don't know how effective the Legion's radar is, and whether it can resist stealth, but in short, no matter how invisible it is, the greater the speed, the farther the distance, and the worse the stealth effect, the greater the chance of exposure. So the worst case scenario is that we launch the first A batch of missiles were discovered and intercepted, and then our launch platform was also back-calculated by the fire control radar. If it was fast, it would only take a few dozen seconds in total, and it would be gg."

Li Fan was speechless, "Oh...that's, what's the point of calling me here after everything is like this? Do you think I can take a few more shots than the cruiser or something?"

"Yes. Theoretically you can survive nine shots."

Fuck, Li Fan wants to go back.

"Don't worry, don't worry, we've got a plan."

The spider drone's eyes flashed, and a bunch of lines appeared on the star map.

Li Fan looked at the highlighted part on the star map and enlarged it, "Meteorite?"

"Yes, the main function of the railgun is to clean up the surrounding celestial bodies and prevent the mining equipment from being damaged by meteorites. But even if the ammunition is unlimited, it is impossible to break the meteorite into pieces too much. It is usually confirmed that the orbit of the meteorite has deviated, or the quality of the fragments will not cause damage. , will stop shooting."

At this time, the front hull opened the hatch cover, revealing four vertical launch ports.

"We will use the drone mine to push the meteorite as a camouflage, enter the range, and pass near the rail gun. During this period, we will blast it regularly to pretend that the meteorite is splitting and change the trajectory of some meteorites. You have to blend in with this batch of meteorites and land suddenly. Get to the orbital turret.”

"Although there is a certain danger, the Thousand-faced Real Person Dao Body you are using now is only the size of a human body, and can only detect carbon elements. It will be ignored as star dust and will be burned when it falls into the atmosphere. The ODS system will not It's going to fire directly at you. Just be careful not to be hurt by the surrounding meteorite fragments."

By the way, the Thousand-Faced Immortal...

Li Fan also realized at this time that he was still the black carbon human-shaped Taoist body of the Thousand-faced Immortal. His Taisu Taoist body had many lives, and the rail gun would not attack him directly. There was indeed a chance of winning, but …

"What's the use even if I suddenly descend on the fort? Do you want me to dismantle the fort with my hands?"

This time the system was silent for a moment, as if the two people discussed it and finally spoke out.

"Li Fan, there are living people on that fort."

Damn it?

At this time, the spider also marked a red dot on the orbital turret.

"There was an omnic crisis in the last generation, so in order to prevent artificial intelligence from rebelling again, intelligent assistance like the system was developed."

"The underlying code of the military-grade system is even more hard-coded and must be given final instructions by the human brain. Therefore, remote unmanned equipment can only support civilian use at most."

"That is to say, the host of the ODS system must be a living person. It may be an apostle of the Legion, or it may be an illegal clone. It may even be a brainwashed citizen."

"In short, as long as you clear out all the living creatures on the facility and confirm that the host is brain-dead, then the orbital turret will naturally be useless."

"Don't worry, they're probably some engineers, and there are a few mercenaries who can survive. Even if there are really Martian mms, you won't have any difficulty in handling them."

That being said, it is really a small problem...

"Isn't that right? Hurry up and ride on the mine. It's about to be launched."

"Your recharge draw is full again, right? Once you get this batch of goods, we'll give you some exciting guys to play with."

These two guys were trying to understand and lure them to their advantage, so Li Fan hesitantly walked to the vertical launch hatch and took a look at the mine.

It looks like a smaller spaceship, survival module, shuttle or something like that. It's bigger than a truck, with just one engine and a warhead.

"...No, just ride up like this? Won't you get thrown off when you launch?"

"Don't worry about it. We have studied this. The Taoist body of Thousand Faced Immortal is a bit strange. It can be regarded as a carbon-based nanorobot. Did you see that one of the warheads is black? It is a specially replaced graphite material. , aren’t you capable of earth escape? You can try to ‘escape’ into the warhead.”

Hey, don’t tell me, it’s really good!

...Gan, these tasks I have done, if you go out and brag to yourself, you will feel outrageous...

So Li Fan escaped and hid in the warhead, was carried by the mine, and launched through the ejection system of the spacecraft.

These mines are also drones. According to the opportunity, they are first ejected with electromagnetic ejection, then carefully accelerate, take a maneuvering curve to hide the direction of the spacecraft, go around behind the nearby meteorite, and then automatically pull and install it on the meteorite, pushing the meteorite as a camouflage. orbit, carrying Li Fan to assault the orbital fort.

These remote operations are all done by the system, and Li Fan squats in the warhead and waits.

But fortunately, they were lucky and did not encounter the worst situation, that is, they were discovered as soon as they came up and were dropped within a second.

"There is no hidden radar station, no reaction at all, and we basically win."

...Is this a win?

Li Fan was able to detect the mine before catching the meteorite, and began to disassemble the engine with the help of the drone.

After talking a lot, it turned out to be just a small problem? By the way, can't you also get some drones, robots, etc., to carry out this mission of sudden descent and beheading?

"Killing drones can be regarded as semi-military technology. They have to go through the door to transport the ore later, and they must be connected to the public network. Once it is detected that the drone has a record of erasing life signals, the mechanism will be triggered and a report will be made. Give the public safety system a review.”

"If there are pirates carrying bounties among the legions, the security company's fleet might just jump over. That's not asking for death..."

"Yes, yes, we are law-abiding and peace-loving businessmen, how can we do things like killing? Besides, if you offend the legion, you will be retaliated against!"

Fuck...after all, the ones doing the dirty work and taking the blame are all temporary workers...

However, this task is indeed not difficult. Li Fan even gradually mastered the characteristics of this Thousand-faced Immortal Taoist body while waiting.

If he used only a layer of 'skin' before, now it is skin, bones, flesh and blood, all made up of something like black and gray ink and carbon. This Taoist body, which Li Fan spent 1,200 points to redeem, has never changed in the Tai Chi world. And to be honest, he didn't understand the composition of this body at all, and he didn't know how to change it. It was all automatically converted after being pulled to the system spacecraft. Maybe it's some kind of agreement between the Thousand-Faced Immortal and the system?

When using this body, Li Fan's feeling was very subtle. He seemed to be in a state of escape the whole time, which is the cognition of time and space. The body of the same person is very different. He couldn't feel speed or acceleration at all, as if he was walking in a different dimension, using some kind of third-person vision to control his dark humanoid like a puppet.

And the longer the time goes by, the weaker the sense of time becomes. It seems that I am alienated from the whole world and the whole universe, and my thoughts gradually change, as if I am drunkenly listening to people talking, and the information is spread like a layer of mist. It is an unprecedented feeling. novel perception...

"Ready! Coming!"

The sound of the system seemed to come through the noisy water curtain.

Although there was deep dark space in the distance, Li Fan could also 'see' that there was a ripple-like wave in the distant universe. Then in the deep sky, a blue star suddenly flashed.

The light only flickered for a moment, and the next moment, the meteorite block exploded silently, exploded into pieces, and shot at random speeds.

Li Fan walked out of the warhead and walked to the fragments of the meteorite where he was.

The fragments were spinning rapidly. A normal person would be so dizzy that he would vomit. But Li Fan only felt very calm. Although nebulae and starlight were spiraling in front of his eyes, he did not feel dizzy at all. Instead, he felt that nothing had changed.

The order of the universe is stable, and the Tao is the Tao. Mines, rail guns, plasma, and meteorites can only change the instantaneous shape of matter, but they do not affect the rules of space or the order of time at all. There will be no impact.

But he can influence.

So Li Fan stopped waiting and stepped forward, taking half a step.

The next moment, 'Li Fan' disappeared from the meteorite.

The next moment, the 'Thousand-Faced Immortal' appeared inside the rail gun platform.

This is the core room of the equipment covered with lines. Pipes and wires are inserted into the core alloy cabin. There is a cylindrical tank in the cabin. In the green tissue fluid, the brain and nervous tissue filled with pipelines are soaked. .

So the 'Thousand-Faced Immortal' stretched out his hand, seemingly ignoring the alloy hatch covers, glass containers and pipelines, and took out the brain. After looking at it carefully, he suddenly grinned and turned to smile at Li Fan.

Li Fan opened his eyes suddenly and broke into a cold sweat.

But then he realized he wasn't dreaming.

In this daze, in one step, he crossed an unknown number of kilometers and stood in what was roughly the core control room of the orbital turret. His hands were still wet, and he maintained the lifting posture, but there was nothing in his palms, and the container in front of him was also empty.

The brain in the vat was taken away by the Thousand-Faced Immortal.

"Li Fan! What happened just now!"

"Mood! Your mood is at its lowest point! Think of something happy!"

What, your mood?

Only then did Li Fan come back to his senses. He remembered that he had been eating octopus and practicing cultivation before, and his mood had already reached 6k, but now it has fallen directly to the bottom, and it has dropped to '0.1k/6k'! seemed like he was possessed by the Thousand-Faced Immortal just now...and his brain was taken away by him.

"I guess that's it! Damn! This guy can actually bring a living person through the door!!"

"That's outrageous... at least ODS is offline. We're here. Li Fan, be careful. There are others in the space station who will come and restart the system."

At this time, Li Fan also noticed that the space station started to sound the alarm. Apparently the legion's system also beeped for a moment. What about the brain you said you kept in the tank? Where is the brain? Where is the brain? ?

However, Li Fan had just watched the moves of the Thousand-Faced Immortal and had some thoughts in his heart. He tried to recall that feeling while the feeling was still there.

Although he only glanced at it the moment he passed the door, he never forgot it. When he saw it, he understood it.

So Li Fan took a step forward.

The moment he took this step, it seemed like countless doors opened in front of Li Fan. Most of them he couldn't see clearly, and UU Readingwww.uukanshu.nett couldn't cross them, but there were fourteen doors that were relatively clear, so he stepped through them. It's over.

Then Li Fan was confused and found that his field of vision was divided into fourteen, just like the extra clones when he was beaten to the second state.

"...I'm so fucked, come and see this..."

"... Niu beep... my whole body is cracked."

What's the meaning?

Li Fan turned his head and knew what the system meant.

Just literally.

There were fourteen people in the orbital space station, probably apostles of the legion. Some were wearing space suits, some were wearing military uniforms, and some were wearing engineering suits, but without exception, their whole bodies were torn apart. There were no bones left of them, and all their flesh and blood were turned into ink, like falling black wind sand, slowly gathering around Li Fan.

There was only a pile of blood-stained clothes torn from the midline behind. Since the orbital space station stopped and lost weight, it did not fall to the ground. Instead, it was like a transparent humanoid, standing upright and swinging slowly, as if it still maintained the movements of these people in life.

It was as if Li Fan had opened doors directly from their bodies and stepped out.

Li Fan looked at the bright red color on the screen, feeling frightened and having a headache.

The next moment, he opened his eyes again and woke up. Above his head was the empty moon, and his whole body was wet with sweat and blood.

This blood is his own blood, because after swimming from the weak water formation, his skin and flesh have not yet grown.

But this is not a dream within a dream, it is another universe, something that really happened.

All the legion apostles on the orbital turret were probably dead because he took a step...

Not only did Li Fan's mood fall to the bottom, his Tao body was destroyed, and even the accumulated Guixu true energy was consumed. Exhausted.

But he learned.

The way to cross the other side of the 'door'.

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