The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 279 Simple folk customs

Dao Ancestor is Cthulhu Chapter 279: Simple Folk Customs

In fact, as long as Li Fan declares his identity as 'Supreme and True Li Datang', he can travel around the world without any hindrance, ensuring that no one with a right mind will dare to offend Penglai Mountain. However, he didn’t want to reveal his whereabouts as soon as he arrived in Hebei, so he cupped his hands and said,

"Li Er, a mere casual cultivator in the mountains, passed by Guibao Land, stopped and left. He didn't want to cause trouble."

Li Fan was dressed with his head hidden and his tail exposed, so it was not surprising that he refused to reveal his identity, so the woman Shen Lianzi stopped asking questions.

Then the man came up and said, "In that case, please let us take away the person next to you. This person is the leader of the Henghai Navy and is a wanted criminal in every town."

Li Fan squinted at the man in yellow who was still lying there pretending to be dead, and didn't bother to care about him. He simply nodded, "When you go out to travel around the world, it's convenient for you. If it's not your own troubles, don't touch them. You can solve them yourself. I just don’t know what big thing this friend has done, and he needs to be arrested by the military commander of Jiezhen personally?”

"This has nothing to do with you," the man said a little impatiently, cupping his hands, "Please do so."

Li Fan looked at that guy who was still pretending, okay, let's go.

As a result, in order to cover up, Li Fan had just made a gesture and flew into the sky, when a man and a woman opposite him took action, and... they shot at him suddenly!

The woman pointed at the orchid, and the hydrangea beside her rumbled with a cloud of sparks and poison, and hit Li Fan head-on! At the same time, there was a burst of sweet screams, as if a demonic sound penetrated his ears, and the direct spiritual attack took away Li Fan's mood, and pink and purple poisonous clouds were sprayed from his mouth and nose! Three moves as soon as you get started! The methods are ruthless and swift!

And the man was no less generous! He kept his body short, followed the hydrangea, and rushed over. With a flick of his pocket, he cast a spell and turned it into a bag as big as covering the sky, falling from the sky and covering Li Fan head-on! At the same time, a handful of green poisonous needles came out of his mouth! Stab straight into Li Fan's eyes! Moreover, the short stick in his hand also burst out with blood, showing its fierce light, and hit Li Fan's calf directly!

Li Fan has really opened his eyes. I wonder, are all the casual cultivators in the Central Plains at this level...

You might say that their cultivation level is low. Their hard power is really not that good, but this insidious and harmful method is really quite neat and easy to use. If this were an ordinary person, being careless and unprepared, he would fly into the sky just as he made the seal, and before he could even take a breath, the two people facing him would have already been hit with six deadly moves! Those few are still alive!

Li Fan was also filled with emotion. He flicked the hydrangea and flew it. With one stroke of his finger, he pierced the big bag. He opened his mouth and spat out a piece of lanterns and swords, sweeping away the oncoming poisonous needles and poisonous mist. Then he grabbed it with his right hand. He raised his left hand and tore off the stick in the right arm of the man in white who had rushed towards him. He grabbed it at the waist and raised one hand in the air.

"I have no enmity with you two, why do you want to harm me!"

The man was caught in Li Fan's hand with one move. He didn't get angry or beg for mercy. He suddenly let out a scream, which was probably some kind of Yuanshen magic, which knocked Li Fan out of his mood. At the same time, he took out bottles and bottles of poisonous powder and poison from his arms to pour.

The woman saw that she had hit a hard point from a distance, so she turned over her hands and took out three talismans, stimulating thunder clouds, black wind, and fog, and then turned around and ran away without saying a word.

When Li Fan saw their reactions, he would do it if he had the chance, and leave if he couldn't win. He acted vigorously and resolutely, and secretly admired them, so he stopped whining. So he used one hand to crush the person in his hand, and at the same time swept away the sword energy with his hand, cutting the woman's waist in half, and she fell to the ground.

When Li Fan clapped his hands to sweep away the broken flesh and blood on his body, and then turned around to look, oh, in just a moment, the middle-aged man who had just pretended to be dead had already slipped away like a possum with his tail between his legs.

Awesome... It turns out that the loose cultivators in the Central Plains all live in such peace... I'll learn from this...

Li Fan was a little speechless after such a sudden visit. He wanted to give some information in a few polite words, but he didn't expect that the folk customs in Hebei were so simple and unpretentious that he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

That's all, maybe PVP is more popular in the wild, so let's just go to the city and ask.

So Li Fan swept his consciousness and looked for a large inhabited town in the distance. It might be the Henghai Dizhou mentioned just now, and flew there.

From a distance, Dizhou City looks like a fortress. The city is high and the pond is deep. There are many swords and guns, strong bows and crossbows, and murderous intent. But the local monks are not particularly strong. There are four or five fake Nascent Souls in the Immortal Palace, probably all of them are the generals guarding the Henghai Navy. But there are a lot of golden elixirs, and there are even more foundation builders. Almost most people have practiced some Qi, and most of them are people in the world. They are in groups of three or five, with swords at their sides. From time to time, they will go to the market. They draw their swords and kill people, and they become one with each other. If three or four people die casually, that's it. The soldiers don't care. They just wait until everyone is dead and a sweeper comes to collect the corpses.

If the commotion gets too big and turns into a fierce gang fight of hundreds of people, and there is a tendency of civil unrest, there will be a whistle and a bang from the watchtower tower, followed by a cavalry team of about 100 people in full armor, and they will step on their horses. When they came to drive away the rioters, the crowd quickly separated and hid in alleys and shops, leaving the mess on the ground and restoring order.

Repeatedly like this, the big ones and the small ones add up to seven or eight times in a day.

Li Fan hid his breath and sat on the Drum Tower to watch. While looking at his breath, he calculated in his mind that the population of Dizhou City was only a hundred thousand. Calculated according to the proportion of Changsi City, the population of one hundred thousand was only a few hundred people. Golden elixir monk, a young two-thousand-year-old monk. But in reality, Li Fan saw that most of the people in this city were practicing qi. There were at least tens of thousands of people building foundations, and there were at least four to five hundred golden elixir monks.

It seems that the situation in the Gen Kingdom is indeed different from that in the Li Kingdom. There are constant fighting and wars for many years. Although the overall population is small, the number of monks has not declined at all. After all, in this kind of weather, the basic foundation-building elixir-forming materials are really not available. No, it's ironic to say that the Gen Kingdom has more opportunities to trigger killings, which may be quite beneficial to practice...

Li Fan also noticed that the average military town in Gen State was of this level. As long as they had equipment and supplies, they could easily pull out tens of thousands of immortal soldiers, and there were many people who were involved in other local forces. After leaving, the actual level may be even stronger.

Li Fan had seen it all, so he picked a restaurant in the city and came in to inquire about the information. This place was called Quemeilou. There had been knife and gun attacks nearby, but there had been no commotion here. It seemed quite safe.

As a result, he had just taken off his hat and entered the door. Before he could inquire with the shopkeeper, he was stopped by three or five men carrying knives.

"Hey! Redhead! Which way are you running away from? What's the price? Shine the plate!"

Gee, Gonggong’s red hair is a bit too conspicuous...

Li Fan had no choice but to take off his face and put on his hat again, "If you are here to drink, please give way."

The leader of the swordsman glanced at Li Fan. Although he could not tell his cultivation level, he could still tell that his physique was for martial arts. He stared at Li Fan and twisted his mouth and said, "Should we stand side by side, please read short." ! Some Eagle Claw grandson is here!"

So all the people in the lobby stopped talking and stared at Li Fan with their sword handles exposed.

Li Fan has a headache. Is it so difficult for Mad to find someone who can speak to people...

Although he can defeat all these foundation-building ones with three punches and two kicks, he will probably have to kill a lot of people to get out of the city. To be honest, he is not a murderer, let alone the upper limit. If your mood doesn't rise, what's the need?

So Li Fan reached into his sleeves to find some money to pass on to these idiots.

But when they saw it from the other side, they suddenly shouted, "My grandson wants to let An Qingzi go!"

Then a group of people came up with noisy swords and slashed at him!

Li Fan almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, so he had to pull away and hide for three streets before getting rid of these crazy people...

Damn it, safety is such a waste... This place is simply not for humans...

Li Fan was also helpless. At this time, he saw a noodle shop next to him with no customers. There were only two or three beggars squatting at the door and drinking soup.

Li Fan looked carefully and saw that the beggars didn't come to question him, so he went in, took out a lot of money and put it on the table, "Shopkeeper, here's a bowl of beef noodles."

As soon as the noodle shop owner saw those golden Shen Gang coins, he immediately came up to greet them with a smile and served tea and water.

Li Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of tea first, and prepared to try to get along with his boss and ask for information...

‘Warning, the host is found to be poisoned, should you consume the effect of the Qiongqi Baigu Fan to detoxify’


Li Fan's expression changed and he ducked away. The boss behind him had already slashed at him with a boning knife, smashing the table into pieces!

"Fuck! What's wrong with you all!" Li Fan was grabbed by the boss and cursed angrily.

The boss screamed, "Help! You are robbing someone! You are killing people! You are so unconscionable!"

"I support you..."

Before Li Fan had time to get angry, there was a sound of wind behind his head, and he immediately ducked out, but it was the beggars who threw a pile of bricks and lime, and smashed the boss's head with blood on the spot, and he fell to death on the spot.

Li Fan was so frightened that he avoided it. The group of beggars had already rushed towards him, fighting for the money he had put on the table. They started fighting, piercing his eyes and biting his hands. The scene was extremely chaotic.

"What the hell..." Although Li Fan was mentally prepared for observing in secret just now, he really didn't expect these people to be so crazy...

"Hey! Are you looking for death? Why are you making such a fuss! Get out! Get out of here!"

At this time, two armor-clad infantrymen came over. One held a sword and the other held a halberd. They cursed for a while. When the beggars saw the officers and soldiers coming, they did not dare to stay. They picked up the copper coins on the ground and ran away. Even the shopkeeper's bones were removed. All the knives went away...

"Hey, are you dead? Hey! Damn, the ball is dead." The two feudal soldiers kicked the shopkeeper for a while. Seeing that he didn't respond, they went to the counter and rummaged around, took out a few copper coins and divided them up, then came out to see Li Fan. Still stunned outside, he came up and said.

"Hey! That guy from out of town! Wandering on the street without a knife, are you looking for death?"

"Look at how stupid you are. You throw things away all the time. Are you a businessman? If you have money, you can give it to your brothers."

Li Fan glanced at them silently, took two coins from his sleeve and gave them to them.

"Hey, this silly big guy is quite rich." "Hehe, hehehe!" The two feudal soldiers laughed happily.

Li Fan looked at them and said, "You two, I'm new here. Is there a place to stay temporarily in the city?"

The two feudal soldiers looked at him with big eyes and small eyes.

"A foreigner? Coming to Genzhou? Oh, I understand, a monk, right? No wonder."

"The immortal master has flown over from the sky. What are you doing in the city? Don't cause trouble for us."

"There is a Shen Family Fort on the outskirts of the south city. If you want to make offerings, go to them for a recommendation. Let's go."

The two ladies were too lazy to talk to Li Fan. After taking the money, they happily discussed whether to go drinking or have fun.

Li Fan also shook his head. He was careless. For people outside, the troubled times have just begun. For people in Genzhou, life is like a fly. Life and death have long been a part of life.

Looking at this situation, there is probably no one in the city to talk to, and it is even less likely that he will ask anything, so he still has to go directly to the cultivators on the path. Shen Jiabao sounds like a local cultivation family. Could Shen Lianzi be related?

Li Fan thought about it, and although it might be risky to kill the other person just now, he decided to try his luck.

The situation in Gen Country is too chaotic. No matter where he goes, you kill me and I kill you. It doesn't matter whether there is a real grudge or not, but he at least needs a map and needs to know roughly whose power is where. Territory? Even if he didn't care about the mess that Manifestation gave him, he at least had to find a place where he could hide and practice in peace to stabilize his cultivation.

In the current situation in Gen Country, hiding is definitely enough, but finding a place to stay would be difficult...

So Li Fan flew to the south of the city for a while, checking the air while using Sinan to confirm, and then determined that a village with thick smoke billowing out and burning in raging fire was probably Shenjiabao.

...Hey, he hasn't even arrived yet, so why did he trigger the plot of family destruction and death again...

Before Li Fan had time to sigh, he noticed from a distance that a group of monks were chasing someone and rushing toward him.

Oh, that's wrong, it's a certain person, chasing a group of people...

Li Fan took a look at it from a distance, and was not surprised, because there were only about a dozen golden elixirs who fled. They were probably asking for help in the direction of Dizhou City, but they were caught up halfway and were chased away like flies. The head pursuer was a Nascent Soul cultivator. He used his unparalleled and overbearing palm power to blast these people one by one from the air, killing them to pieces, just like the sky blooming with blood-red flowers one after another. It’s really a sight that can be seen everywhere…

"Fellow Taoist, help! There is a demon who is killing innocent people indiscriminately!!"

One of the monks seemed to be in a panic. When he saw Li Fan, a passerby, UU Reading immediately flew over to ask for help.

Li Fan looked at this person, although he also had a perfect golden elixir cultivation level, but he also had white hair and a childish face, was dressed in a brocade robe and a jade belt, and was very well-fed. He was probably an ancestor of the Shen family.

Li Fan was not in a hurry to talk. He cautiously observed the pursuer with his spiritual consciousness. Unexpectedly, the other party noticed it immediately and flew over to confront him. When he saw the figure opposite him, Li Fan's heart skipped a beat and he almost blurted out, Qin Nanxin!

Well, actually, if you look closely, they are not the same person.

This is also a female crown who is practicing with her hair, but she is indeed in the realm of Nascent Soul, and her hair color is obviously different from Qin Nanxin. A plate of black silk flows down to her waist like running water. She has no jewelry on her head, only a The white gauze was lightly pulled up, and a crescent-shaped bang fell in front of her left eyebrow.

In the crook of his left arm is a gold-plated copper ring sword, and in the crook of his right arm is a silver iron whisk. He is wearing a close-fitting white singlet and a pure-color Taoist robe. He is neatly dressed without any unnecessary decorations. The whole person also has bright eyes and white teeth, a white complexion, starry eyes, and frowning eyebrows. If it weren't for the fierceness hidden in the corners of her eyes, she would look particularly hard to get close to, but she is not pretty at all. A peerless beauty who is inferior to Qin Nanxin.

In fact, there are differences between the two in terms of appearance, makeup, and hair color. Li Fan almost admitted that she was wrong because she was very similar to the iceberg temperament she had when he first met Qin Nanxin. Moreover, they both seemed to be good at palm skills and had no intention of killing anyone. Be merciful and ruthless in style. For a moment, the two figures seemed to overlap in front of his eyes, and Li Fan was also a little dazed.

When the female crown saw her, she raised her sword eyebrows and opened her teeth lightly. The sound was like pearls hitting jade or silver bells hitting rain. It was clear and crisp.

"What are you looking at! I've never seen a beautiful woman! If you look again, I'll dig out your eyeballs!"

Li Fan, "..."

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