The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 283 Betrothal

Dao Ancestor is Cthulhu Chapter 283: Betrothed

Liu Zhuo didn't lie. With the local blood-clothed female demon leading the way, and relying on his spiritual senses and Si Nan's search, Li Fan quickly found Heng Haijun's corpse refining formation.

Last time when they discussed the war in Kun Kingdom with Fatty Lan at Yuntai Peak, the fortune tellers wondered how the divine sect secretly gathered so many evil corpses. Now Li Fan also understands their doubts.

It is a joint army and a corpse refining formation. There is no possibility of hiding such a large-scale operation. Li Fan could feel the evil spirit surging from a distance, and his mood increased. He watched with his spiritual consciousness. It was like a black dragon rising from the sky, rushing straight into the sky, forcing all the spiritual energy of the world to disperse, leaving only dark clouds surging, filling the sky and the earth. The sky was filled with fierce energy, as if a storm was about to come.

"It's such a big fuss. Didn't you say that whenever a demon fetus appears in the world, the monks around him will come to eliminate the demon immediately..." Li Fan turned his head and glanced at Li Wugou, and couldn't help but be stunned. He was dumbfounded for a moment, "You, you What kind of dress is this!"

Li Wugu followed behind, and at some point he actually took off his clothes. Ahem, he didn't take off all his clothes, there was still a little bit left.

The white clothes before, the yellow robe given by Li Fan, and the ostentatious golden whisk were all taken away. Now she wore a bronze ghost face with green face and fangs, and disheveled hair, like a crazy witch praying for rain.

She was only wearing a scarlet dress, which looked like a battle-worn battle robe. It was in tatters and dyed dark ocher with blood, and was seriously damaged in the battle, with everything torn from the thighs down. It was so rotten that a pair of jade feet were exposed and torn in the middle, like a V shape that opened straight to the lower abdomen. Most of the shoulders and back were also naked. There were many runes drawn with cinnabar on the chest and back. I don’t know what they were. What kind of golden body protection spell is still to avoid being exposed?

Li Fan was completely confused.

However, Li Wugou was still a little embarrassed and turned sideways, covered his chest, and spoke in a loud voice through the mask, "...Didn't I tell you that the thunder tribulation we just passed through, the robes were all damaged..."

Anyway! It’s inevitable that we’ll have to take action later! I won't be able to change my methods for a while. Instead of being discovered by my enemies, it's better to use my previous appearance to avoid exposing my true colors. "

She turned to one side, and her body curves were quite good, and she had a delicate and well-shaped cough. In addition, she actually had a tattoo on her back. She had a clean and bright statue of Xuannv. She was in pure clothes and had a jade face, holding a golden knife. With the whisker in her eyes, we can imagine where the reference for her 'makeover' came from.

It's understandable to change your skin to play pvp, but...

"The statue of Xuannv on your back doesn't look like me. Doesn't this directly expose it?"

Li Wugou seemed a little surprised, "You can actually see the Xuannv statue all at once? This is the Emei inheritance I got by chance. What the world often sees is the evil Rakshasa ghost with red face and fangs. I am also Jing It took me a long time to cultivate my body and realize the true nature of Xuannv!

Li Erlang is worthy of being the authentic successor of Xuanmen, and his extraordinary qualifications are admirable. "

"Is there still such a thing?"

After Li Fan heard this, he couldn't help but leaned over to look at the tattooed Xuannv on her back. He could indeed see Xuannv herself, and when he looked at Xuannv, he seemed to really hear some kind of scripture recited by a female voice. It was very strange. Weird. Maybe it's because of his high level of understanding, or maybe it's because illusion can't be hidden from Gu Guanfa? But the hip line is quite curved! Ahem!

Seriously, is this really Emei’s authentic method? Qin Nanxin doesn't have one on his body. He won't have to get one tattooed when he reaches the realm of a real person, right? And if you look closely, it seems that it is not just a painting, but there are also scriptures with smaller handwriting in the painting...

"Hey! Don't get so close!" Li Wugou was blown by the heat wave from Li Fan's breath against his skin. His back trembled, and he ducked away from the distance. "My reputation is not good. As a disciple of this sect, you still have a bad reputation." Change your appearance to avoid spreading rumors that you are friends with evil heretics!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Li Fan himself was suddenly attacked by Tian Lei and was severely injured. He did understand that Witch Li was feeling a bit broken now.

But what she said was right. If Heng Haijun did such an outrageous thing, he would definitely attract the surrounding monks to investigate. When the time comes, there will be monks, corpses, warlords, and Huang Tiandao. There will definitely be a big battle. The red-haired ghost Li Datang, a disciple of Penglai, is too conspicuous, so it would be better to change his skin.

So Li Fan thought about it and simply shaved off his hair with Jianfeng...

The battle-damaged version of the blood-clothed female demon Li Wujia, "...that's it?"

Li Fanping spread his hands on the front page, "No one recognizes me anyway. Oh, are you cold? Do you want to wear one? I'll take one off for you..."

"It's not cold! No need!"

In fact, there is really no need for it. Li Wugou does not know what kind of "Emei" evil method he practices. When he screams and controls the energy, his whole body seems to be shrouded in ice mist. It is obvious that he has special true energy to protect the body. He will travel with a strange roar. Crossing the clouds, it was over in a flash, and there was no need for any armor or robes.

Li Fan also used Glacier Escape to keep up. The two of them flew into the air with great force, a sonic blast and ice marks all over the sky. They had no intention of hiding their heads and tail, and went straight towards the Heng Haijun Camp. Naturally, the boss It's so far away that people can spot it.

Then, six rays of brilliance flew from the vicinity of the sky-shaking evil formation, intercepting the two of them from a distance.

Those who dared to come forward were naturally real people in the Nascent Soul realm. Li Fan took a look and saw that two of them were obviously dressed as generals, and then there were two fairies in pink and green skirts, one a monk and the other. Moreover, these six people did not pretend to be fake. Judging from their strength, they were all serious Taoists. Li Fan really sighed. The Central Plains is indeed a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. There are countless celestial beings. Even these wild monsters all practice the righteous way. , the difficulty of the map suddenly increased...

But before they had time to exchange names, chat, and flirt with each other, the fairy in green skirt opposite pointed at her nose and cursed, "Blood-clothed Enchantress! You're not dead yet! Give my grandson his life!"

Then the fight started.

Just like Li Wugou said, she is indeed a local celebrity, and those who hang out with her must be evil heretics. The six monks on the opposite side decisively divided into two teams, separating Li Fan and Li Wugou. They gathered around and fought.'s really...simple enough. Suddenly all the nonsense of the cutscene is gone. I'm really a little uncomfortable...

Li Fan is accompanied by a monk and a general. The distribution of these three people is quite tacit, and it seems that they often cooperate.

The general took the lead and took the lead. Tan got close to restrain him. He was covered in treasure armor and had an iron rod in his hand. With a roar, he launched a soul attack, knocking off Li Fan's mood. At the same time, the strong wind roared on the iron rod, and he was shining with a powerful force. Come smash it.

The Taoist priest breathed thunderous Dao fire from time to time to provide long-range support. He also covered his sleeves and clasped his hands. He didn't know what kind of magic he was doing. There was a strong Dao breath spraying out from his mouth and nose, obviously preparing for a big move.

The monk was spinning his rosary beads and stood in the middle. He neither came up to assist the general in the flanking attack nor moved too far away from the Taoist priest. He just kept reciting the incantation, and he didn't know whether he was stacking the trap or casting the incantation.

Li Fan didn't dodge or make a fatal move immediately, so he faced the general and took the attack. He casually moved the iron rod and tried it twice. He could see that the opponent's stick technique was a little bit Doubu's, but also a little bit different. The meaning of the Overlord Body Kung Fu is that it is not a Martial God Body that uses martial arts to enter Taoism. Although it is practiced with the body-protecting energy of Xuanmen, it is obviously not yet mastered, that is, it is at the level of death if caught.

However, the armor on his body is somewhat interesting. Although it is just an ordinary armor, there are golden scriptures on the armor, and with the blessing of the monk's mind power, it has a strong damage reduction effect. Li Fan secretly poked it with the Great Compass Sky Finger. Both times, they were actually blocked by the armor. It seems that they are quite good at tank healing and output, which is quite a standard dungeon team.

However, the level of the three of them was average, far inferior to that of Shi Zai. Li Fan was not in a hurry, and just blocked it, distracted to see what kind of abilities Li Wugou had.

Li Wugou was besieged by two female cultivators in green and pink clothes, each holding a pair of swords, while the general held a divine bow and shot golden pills from behind for sniper support, which could be regarded as coordination from near and far.

These two female cultivators obviously came from the same sect. With two swordsmen and four swords, they immediately created a fierce and mysterious sword formation. Not only were their swordsmanship superb, but they also hid murderous intent and were interlocked. The sword light also carried true energy and Dao fire. There are many twists and turns coming towards you, and it is full of dangers when you get in. It is no wonder that others do not come to help.

Li Wugou's strange inheritance can catch up with Li Fan's light escape, and her movement skills are absolutely top-notch. However, because of the clever double fencing formation routine, she does not have Li Fan's ability to break the formation after just one look. She also had to worry about snipers from a distance. She was stopped by these two people for a while, and she was in danger several times. Her body was stabbed and slashed, and she was hit by seven or eight swords. She had to use her true energy to protect her body, so she was not hurt. The vital part, which was already unable to be covered by the bloody clothes, had been cut off a lot.

It can indeed be seen that since Li Wugou did not have a powerful magic weapon to rely on, he could only rely on his body-protecting energy and use body and palm skills to fight hard. It was indeed a bit reluctant to defeat his opponent.

And the iron stick generals here have fought several times, and they already know that Li Fan is very powerful. After all, close combat is just like this. How strong is the opponent? Everyone competes to see who is stronger and who is more skilled. Let’s compete. Out. The stick he had smashed out with all his strength was pushed away by Li Fan without even touching his torso. He knew something was wrong and couldn't resist, so he took advantage of Li Fan's distraction and sent out a signal. He roared like a monster, and the sonic power shook the wild people.

The monk behind him was also frightened. He didn't expect his teammates to be unable to withstand it anymore, so the Taoist priest launched a unique move!

I saw him waving his sleeves, and the Dao Qi gathered around him suddenly rolled up, and a huge god with the power of heaven and earth appeared in the clouds! Then the Taoist priest's eyes were filled with fire, he took out a jade seal from his sleeve and smashed it! The Dharma-Xiang Divine Lord also moved together, raised his right hand, and carried a green mountain in his hand! Hit Li Fan straight down!

Li Fan's hair stood up because of the fierceness, and he felt something in his heart, so he still stared at the general's moves with his right eye. He turned his left eye, not looking at the mountains coming towards him, but at the monk.

The monk was pointing his finger at him. The next moment, a huge white light flashed through, and a sword soared into the sky, heading straight for Li Fan's head!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise! Not only the sword light kills! The mountains also fell down at the same moment! The smoke and dust rising into the sky enveloped Li Fan and the general together!

Li Wugou was also alarmed by the roar. He realized that the other side had suddenly made a deadly move, and he let out a scream and rushed out of the encirclement.

Her movement skills are still extremely powerful. Although she cannot defeat two Nascent Soul cultivators at the same time, there is no problem in running away for her life, otherwise she would not be alive now.

Seeing that the other side was suddenly about to decide the outcome, Li Wugou immediately pulled away and escaped from the attack, wanting to see the situation and see if he needed support or to prepare to escape immediately.

But when she took a closer look, she was surprised.

Li Fan actually didn't hide.

Yes, Li Fan really didn't hide. He took the blow with force, raised his hand and smashed the mountaintop with a palm, and did not choose to escape.

Because he knew that the only threatening attack was the monk's Sword Qi, and the other party was cooperating and anticipating his position. If he dodged, he would be hit, and his defense might be broken, so he simply resisted.

"You! Who are you!" General Iron Rod hit Li Fan on his waist with an iron rod. It was clamped and he couldn't pull it back.

Li Fan looked at him and said, "Speaking of which...are we just going to fight like this? Don't you want to do a killing or something like that? If you kill like this casually, my income will be really low..."

Li Wugou laughed after hearing this, "That's right! Killing and calamity conceals the secret of heaven! As expected, you Xuanmen disciples are still smart! Stop it for me!"

As she spoke, she moved her hand, took the talisman flag from the storage jade and started to write.

"Eh? Are you still going to commit murder? That's right! I don't have cause and effect, but you do!"

Li Fan was also overjoyed, and he grabbed General Iron Bar, folded him into a high paraplegic with a click, and threw him to the ground to die. Then he escaped, stopped in front of Li Wugou, and struck out with the vast power of the Moon-Shielding Palm, forcing the two female immortals who came to chase Li Wugou to move away.

Li Wugou smiled and said, "I have been killed so many times, how could I not do it? It's just that I killed too many thieves, who can remember who his grandson is!"

Li Fan was ashamed. He had actually been trapped many times, but he really hadn't learned much about the formation.

But it was more important to start the killing, so Li Fan casually took the golden pill shot from the opposite side, threw it back to the female fairy and asked, "Hey, who is that! Who is your grandson?"

The fairy in green was so angry that she yelled, "Bah! Devil and witch! Adulterer and wife!"

Li Wugou couldn't bear to be so angry, so he scolded him back, "You are the adulterer! Your whole family is an adulterer! It's up to you whether you accept today's death or not!"

The fairy in green was extremely angry, "Ah! Blood-clothed Enchantress! The person who killed you today is Kongsangshan Yanqin!"

"Oh, Kongsangshan Yanqin, write it quickly, write it quickly." Li Fan smiled brightly, and suddenly stepped forward, hugged Li Wugu's waist, and in an instant, he dodged the swords and Taoist swords fired by the monks and Taoists over there. fire.

"Hey! Let go!" Li Wugou was so dissatisfied that he broke away from Li Fan's arms, "I'm going to kill you, what's your problem? I ask you, who are you to me, how can you get into this robbery? Woolen cloth!"

Hiss... This is a problem. You can't say that I can change into a Kun and jump in, right?

Li Fan also knew that the other party still wanted to become a disciple, but looking at Li Wugou's figure, he couldn't help but said, "Why don't we get married..."

Li Wugou sneered and was about to fall out.

Li Fan quickly stopped, "Sister-in-law! Become sworn-in! By the way! We both have the same surname: Li. Maybe we were the same family eight hundred years ago. How about we become sworn-in brothers?"

"Married to Jinlan?" Li Wugou was a little moved this time.

That Kongsangshan Yan Qin also assisted and said, "Adulterer x woman! Indiscriminate sex interbreeding! It's totally unconscionable!"

Li Wugou was furious, "I won't tear your mouth apart today! You are called the enchantress in blood clothes in vain!"

No, you never said before that you were called the Blood-dressed Enchantress, right? Do you quite like this nickname...

Li Wugou had already written the talisman flag in his hand and threw it, and it instantly turned into yellow silk covering the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and covering everyone under the huge curtain.

Li Fan was stunned. This method was somewhat different from the killing calamity he had seen, and he noticed that the edge of the yellow silk talisman array was being burned by Tao fire. Obviously, this killing calamity that concealed the secret of heaven had a time limit.

It was inevitable that the night would be long and the dreams would be many, and things would change again, so Li Fan no longer held back, he opened his mouth and spat out the moon soul, the silver light flashed, and with a roll of his sword, in the blink of an eye he beheaded the Taoist general and the pink-clothed fairy, and beheaded five heads. Leave Yan Qin in Nakong Sangshan to help Li Wugou understand his grudges.

Well... what else can I do? Flying swords cut off heads, swords fall and people die. It's just so invincible, boring and empty...

Fortunately, the system still recognized the killing and robbery, so Li Fan increased his mood by 5 points and increased the upper limit of 2,500 points. UU Readingwww. is now 19.8k...

But now that they have met the real God of Death, how can the remaining two fight?

Yan Qin was so frightened that she screamed, "Sword Immortal!" She turned around and ran away.

Li Wugou was also frightened by Yue Po's unparalleled sword light, which made her heart tremble for a while, but her mental quality was still good enough. When she saw Li Fan still waiting for her leisurely with his hands behind his back, his heart was agitated and he refused to give up. To lose face, he screamed, flew in front of Yan Qin, blocked her way, and grabbed her in the face!

Yan Qin also roared angrily, and slashed with both swords in his hands, trying to slice off Li Wugou's arm.

Her pair of swords were considered sharp weapons even though they were not magic weapons. Unexpectedly, they struck her fingers and were caught by Li Wugu's two fingers. The fingers suddenly stretched out, like two sharp awls, piercing her face. Qin’s eyes! Break out! Make a pair of bloody holes!

Yan Qin only had time to let out a scream before Li Wugou waved his hand, and his skull flew off with a bang!

"I'm going to cut the grass..." Li Fan covered his mouth, "It's so bloody..."

Li Wugu rolled his eyes at him and wiped the flesh and blood from his hands on his skirt. Then he looked around and saw several other headless corpses that had just fallen from the sky to the ground. He sighed with sincere envy.

"This is the authentic method of Xuanmen, it is really fascinating..."

In this moment, not even half of the yellow silk covering the sky was burned, and all the people in the disaster were dead.

Li Fan flew over and patted her shoulder, "Don't worry about it. In fact, most Xuanmen don't have this ability. I am the stronger one."

Li Wugou knocked away Li Fan's hand touching her shoulder, "Second brother, please respect yourself and abide by the etiquette of brother and sister."

Li Fan froze, "Actually, I should be younger than you... Oh, forget it, I will suffer a little loss and be the second brother. Speaking of third sister, can you use the method of killing and calamity that you just used? teach me?"

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