Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 365 Offer

According to the established procedure, the shuttle began to use the location where the advance team's last signal disappeared as the coordinates, bombarded the surface with high-energy rays, and bombarded the glacier sand and stone into atoms. In fact, it can be understood as a pile driver hitting the ground, but the frequency of the laser beam is too high to be seen by the naked eye. When it rose up, there was a bright red light, which seemed to burn the surface of the earth.

This step went quite smoothly, it didn't take much time, and there were no 'wild animals' around to disturb me. However, due to the collapse of the previous nuclear explosion, all the signal amplification equipment set by the advance team was damaged, and Li Fan was not sure of the specific situation underneath.

Who knows whether a single nuclear bomb can take down that meat dumpling, so just to be on the safe side, Li Fan called back the drone group, turned on the strong searchlight and used optical detection, and they poured into the tunnel densely.

They took a straight line shortcut by punching all the way through the surface, and the drone swarm quickly sent back the footage.

One bit of good news, lots of bad news.

The good news is that the big white meatball has been killed by the nuclear explosion.

The bad news is that there are actually a lot of little white meatballs left.

Probably because the complex underground terrain absorbed the high temperature and shock wave caused by the nuclear explosion, the surrounding small meatballs were not completely evaporated. The drone swarm captured many milky white colloids that were burned into pools. Look. It looks like fluid rotten meat permeated with tissue fluid, and it is still slowly squirming and coming together. It seems that it will soon gather into a new big meat dumpling.

Moreover, the nuclear explosion and laser bombardment just now did not seem to have completely destroyed the 'target'. Although the drone could not get close due to the strong radiation, the thermal imaging lens could still take pictures directly below the previous location of the big meat ball. There is an unknown area with abnormal temperature.

The surrounding areas that have been bombarded and radiated have been burned into magma flows at high temperatures, but the radiation in that area is far lower than the environment. It is not known whether there are any defensive measures or the materials themselves have special resistance. In short, the The probability is that the 'target' has been found.

"'Target' signal detected, start recovery process..."

Damn it? It actually started to operate automatically?

Li Fan tried it and found that the high-energy ray used for digging had been automatically locked by the system. The shuttle is descending through the passage and using small lasers to clear the obstacles around the 'target'. The ship seems to have been specially equipped with some kind of anti-gravity traction system that can absorb the 'target' directly into the cabin.

Gee, how can we let the company complete the recycling?

Li Fan tried to operate it manually, trying to pull up the shuttle or overload the engine and crash the shuttle, but he failed. It seemed that the system had preset operating procedures after discovering the 'target', and the surrounding virtual screens flashed with ' Confidential' warning, even the optical signals have been modified, and the clone's operating authority has been completely bypassed.

Well, it can only be knocked down physically.

So Li Fan rushed out of the ventilation system the same way he came, revealed his true form as a half-human tiger in the outer shell of the shuttle, showed his minions, and started tearing apart various metal shells, devices, and pipes in a wild dance. In addition to destroying the engine and weapon systems, especially the communication system and data system must also be completely destroyed. Fortunately, the crew on the ship has engineers responsible for repairing these key equipment, so Li Fan also knows the locations of various black boxes and data boxes. The shuttle was quickly dismantled, spinning and falling to the ground.

Li Fan estimated that even if it is military equipment, it is not very difficult to dismantle the ship with bare hands. After all, these shuttles and cruisers are not designed for close combat. Considering the cost, they cannot be armed without flaws. , as long as they can get close to the hull, Nascent Soul-level body-refining monks should be able to destroy it.

Drones are not a big problem either. Li Fan is raging in the strong wind, flying and jumping to blow up these machines without any difficulty. It seems that the civilization on the other side of the system is too strict with artificial intelligence. Without the command of the main cabin and the permission of the soldiers, these drones will completely lose their functions and will not be able to launch autonomous attacks at all.

On the contrary, those cloned biochemical soldiers can be used as consumables to replace human beings in various aspects. After receiving the order, even if the body and mind are in a state of near-death collapse, they can execute the order without any hesitation. What's more terrible is that This price-performance ratio is simply incredible. If you put on armor, you will be a god of war. If you clone a lot of them and come close to them, they will explode like a nuclear bomb. Which one can afford it? I don’t know how to deal with it...

Now Li Fan has no clue. He can only solve the things in front of him one by one. He first disposes of the equipment of the surrounding companies, then fishes out the meat paste that has not been aggregated into balls and eats it up, and finally flies to the bottom of the mineral vein. , confirm the true identity of the 'target' with your own eyes.

The 'target' is quite easy to find. After all, it can attract immaterial demons and can withstand nuclear bombs. It's the kind of thing that you can tell at a glance, 'Ah, this is it.'

But the problem is, Li Fan really can't tell what this is at first glance...

How to describe it...a semi-circular arc cover looks like a pot...

Well, it’s like a stir-fry, a black iron pot...

What the hell? Why are you grabbing this thing? Stir-fry?

Li Fan fell to the pot and stood for a while to make sure he didn't feel anything strange, then he tried to touch it.


It's so cold, can you believe it...

The pot wasn't heavy at all, so he picked it up in no time. He thought it was some kind of large equipment that required such a huge effort to transport using a shuttle...

I knocked twice and tried to activate it with evil spirit, but the black pot didn't react at all. Of course, storage jade cannot be stored.

Nuclear bombs have been used. Are you really looking for such a thing? But surprisingly it's quite simple...

Li Fan thought for a long time and couldn't think of a reason, but seeing that the sky was getting brighter, he set the Qingxu Yuanshen to control the clone, flew out of the mine with the pot on his back, rushed back and activated the Sun Sword Formation, and he immediately went out Qiao, I plan to contact the main body and ask the origin of this pot.

So Li Fan closed his eyes and opened them.

Found himself sitting in the main cabin of the shuttle.


Li Fan looked at his hands, which were not the eagle claws of Taisu's clone, but the hands of Qingxu Yuanshen, and he suddenly realized.

Qiongqi Nascent Soul worships the moon and falls into a dream! He also wears the disguise of Qingxu’s second soul!

No, it is not accurate to say that he is worshiping the moon. There is a system that pulls him into the communication channel of the virtual network. Of course, this desktop skin is definitely not his mood system...


The communicator suddenly rang, and the red light flashed. According to what Li Fan had learned from the cloned communicator before, this was someone calling for contact.

I was directly approached by the company...

Li Fan narrowed his eyes, erased the appearance of Qiongqi Nascent Soul hidden under the Qingxu mask, then walked to the communicator and connected the microphone. The message tone stopped.



No one spoke for a while.

Li Fan stretched out his fingertips and scraped against the metal operating table in front of the communication panel.

"Stop! Are you a child!"

The woman's furious scream came from the microphone, and of course, it had the exact same voice as the clone.

"Make a price!"

Is the woman opposite the company's apostle...

Li Fan squinted his eyes and stared at the microphone, but he suddenly realized that he was looking at the wrong place, so he twisted his neck, stretched his head wearing a mask of innocence to the ceiling, and stared at the blinking surveillance cameras.


The other party did not speak, but his breathing was heavy and his heartbeat was rapid. It sounded like... his physical condition was very poor. He had never practiced physical training. At most, he was at the level of a fake Yuanying. He could stab him to death with one finger...

"...You, do you understand! Do you understand! Are you intelligent? You! This damn monster!"

...Your intelligence is not that high, but you actually think he is a monster... Oh, a monster...

Li Fan thought of a look that had caused him great psychological damage, so he decided to tease her. He stared at the camera, turned his stretched neck in a few spirals, and opened his throat full of fangs. He gave the camera a wide-mouthed smile and said in the same voice as the other person.

"Do you understand? Do you understand? Are you intelligent? You are intelligent!"

There was a rapid breathing sound coming from the microphone, as if the back teeth were shaking... No, you have a cruiser in your hand, are you still afraid of aliens?

Suddenly there was a "ding" sound, and the pot was projected on the operating table.

The woman opposite suddenly took a deep breath, her heartbeat stabilized, and her voice became calmer.

"Huh...listen to you disgusting thing, hand over my things, or I will destroy you."

Have you regained your rationality after taking drugs...

Li Fan pulled his neck back to his body and said in a clone voice, "Make a price."

"Ha! Okay! Is that enough to let you live?"

Li Fan tilted his head, "Not enough?"

"Are you looking for death! You beast..."

Before the woman could explode, there was a knock on the door of the cabin.

The microphone suddenly shut down, and the projection on the console was instantly extinguished, but the camera still flashed and did not leave.

Li Fan thought for a while, clicked twice on the console and opened the hatch.

On the other side of the door, stood an octopus.

Yes, one, he has the body of a human, wearing a black dress similar to a suit, white gloves and black leather shoes. It looks like he has been swallowed whole by an octopus from the neck up. He has a brown-red octopus head, moving tentacles and curly hair. It looks like a curved beard.

Although this appearance seemed quite strange at first glance, Li Fan could smell it from the fluctuation of the soul. This was just the appearance of the virtual world, and the real body should be just a weak human being, not some great existence.

"This is our first meeting. Dear Demon Lord, I am the sergeant from the Outer Territory Legion. Please allow me to join this bidding."

Li Fan smiled at him and asked the octopus-headed sergeant to come in.

"Make a price."

"Hey——! You filthy cockroaches! You bastard thieves! Are you looking for death in my territory? Appear in front of me! Are you looking for death! Ah——!"

A woman's scream came from the microphone.

Of course, no one paid attention to her. Li Fan raised his hand and transformed into a pot.

Octopus nodded his head and said politely, "Exactly this thing. Dear Demon Lord, I have some cooperation with the Shijue Divine Sect in this world. Many Dharma Kings are my friends. His Highness the Demon Lord is the transformed god. Is a breakthrough imminent? If you want to find a safe place to practice, our divine sect is willing to help! If the demon king intends to join the divine sect, then the position of the protector elder is vacant! As soon as the sacrifice is offered, you can speak without hesitation! "

Li Fan smiled and leaned close to the octopus head, sniffing his nose, "Are you... a fortune teller?"

Octopus put his right hand on his heart and bowed sideways, "Don't you dare, I'm just a beginner in arithmetic, a humble mortal hiding in my shell."

Li Fan smiled and nodded.

Are you a mortal who doesn't change his face in the face of monsters and companies... With a seed...

But did this guy just say "in the shell"... It should be a hacker who used Axiba's ghostshell electronic warfare equipment to invade the communication channel, right? Maybe it's also a clone...

The woman on the other end of the microphone screamed,

"Hey...hey! Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Do you just want this! Prosperity and wealth? Do you really want to make a price like this? Okay, okay! I also have cooperation with Immortal Palace! What kind of protector do you want to be? Should I make you an official? Lieutenant? No, no! Shangzhu Kingdom! Duke of the State! How about the Duke of the State! You can choose the three Dukes and Nine Ministers!

You need allies don't you! You need protection, right? I'll give it to you! Have you seen my strength? I am the strong one here! Their army! They're just cockroaches in the garbage! "

He actually exposed his family’s background directly... What on earth is this pot...

The octopus head was keenly aware of Li Fan's hesitation and chuckled, "Dear Demon Lord, the lady in the company is right, we are indeed cockroaches, but at least we are a group of free cockroaches.

But that lady, haha, I heard that she got into a lot of trouble and will soon be subject to a performance review from above. In the worst case scenario, I'm afraid, she will even be fired..."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Ah!"

Li Fan was really shocked by the woman on the other side of the microphone who suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs.

Damn it? It doesn’t seem like he was acting? Why...is being fired such a scary thing? Although it is indeed scary, it is not to this point...

The octopus head actually said with a little pity, "Dear Demon Lord, you have to choose your camp carefully when entering the human world. You have also seen that there is a lot of pressure on their side and the competition is very fierce. You are probably Can't adapt.

It's better to join our legion, leave that big trouble to me, and become a free demon. Wouldn't it be fun to do whatever you want? "

The other end of the microphone yelled crazily, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "No——! No no no no! Wait a minute, wait a minute! Legion of legions! Let's discuss it! Give me this monster! Damn it! Me! I haven’t killed you all for so many years, right? Just give me a price for whatever exchange you want! Do you want weapons? Do you want skills? Do you want money? Tell me the number!”

The octopus head turned around and looked at the cabin, "I don't like such old civilian equipment. You did your own private work and secretly produced it here, right?"

Haha, come to fight for the monster, you can't even transfer the company's assets. It seems that most of your permissions have been blocked by the system. They must be quite dissatisfied with your performance...

However, it seems that you came prepared without telling the system? Or, madam, you originally wanted to keep this monster a secret? Why, now you want to give him a bribe to save his life? Haha, do you think the cadres sent by the company will let you go so easily? You know the company's style better than me, right? "

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Help, help me...wuwuwuwu...save me..."

It's true... I actually cried... Could it be that this guy in the company is just a clerk or something?

The octopus head shook its tentacles as if it was not strange, "Oh, dear Demon Lord, please don't be offended. The monster I am talking about does not refer to you."

Li Fan pointed to the pot in his hand suspiciously, "Monster?"

The octopus head explained leisurely, "Yes, it's a pretty straightforward name. Monsters can be taken directly through the 'door' and brought back to our world, they are all 'monsters'."

Li Fan was curious, "Is it worth it?"

The octopus head nodded, "With us, it's priceless."

The one who was brought directly through the door...'monster'...

Then doesn’t he have a lot? ?

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